March 6, 2025

Princess Di, Madeleine McCann & the Jill Dando mysteries.

Christopher Spivey

Now, when I was writing my very in depth – yet totally fucking brilliant – article ‘Night Of The Living Dead‘, about the faked death of Princess Diana, I was forced to change track.

This was because; as well as her death in a car accident being faked (which, if you have read the above linked article properly you will know that I proved beyond all doubt), it became increasingly obvious to me that in all probability Diana never really existed at all.

Now, had I have known that Di never existed when I first started writing Night Of The Living Dead‘, then I would certainly have written it differently, but because I didn’t know – given the countless hours that I had already spent working on the article – I was forced to carry on… And as such, the article is probably a lot more long winded than it needs to be.

Nevertheless, you are all big boys & girls and as such, you are still capable of reading it for yourselves (I have even linked it for you twice) and as such, I am only going to recap on a tiny amount of the proof to my claim that is on offer in that article.

So let’s start with the death car. Now the car that Diana was fake killed in was a 1994 Mercedes yet the wreck that was in the tunnel was a model from 1995.

This first became obvious to me by the rear headlights:

And there is much more of that kind of thing in Night Of The Living Dead, including proof that the Merc was parked up adjacent to the tunnel wall and then photoshopped to look as if it was crashed… Not to mention the fact that the CCTV footage from the hotel is ALL faked.

However, what made me think that Diana never existed was the fact that she was played by so many people. For instance, Young Diana was in all probability played by Charlotte Goldsmith, youngest child of James Goldsmith and half sister to Zac Goldsmith and Jemima Khan.

Moreover – and to add credence to my claim – there were no childhood photos of Diana published until the early 1990’s.

PHOTO: Young Diana compared to Charlotte Goldsmith

And interestingly enough James Goldsmith was supposedly the real father of Diana Spencer.

More interestingly still is the fact that James Goldsmith was married to Annabelle Goldsmith nee Birley – both of whom were deeply involved with the Lord Lucan hoax, don’t cha know… You can go read my article ‘Lets Go Play At The Astors‘ for more proof of that fact.

Now, Annabelle – who is good friends with the Queen – is not the mother of Charlotte, although she was married to Goldsmith long before Charlotte was born.

However Annabelle is the mother of India Jane Birley, who I believe played Lady Diana Spencer, when she [fake] married Prick Charles of Big Ears:

Certainly, on the night that Diana died, she was played by Ondine De Rothschild (who coincidentally lived in PARIS at the time)… Well you didn’t really expect the Rothschild’s not to be involved in the hoax did you?

PHOTO: Diana & Ondine

Nevertheless, there was one huge problem involved for the conspirators with casting Ondine in the role and that was the fact that she was only 18 years old in 1997.

However, they got around that problem by getting Ondine to shield her face, which they then reported as Diana not wanting to be photographed.

I mean, why the fuck would Diana shield her face. After all, she was the most photographed woman in the world at that time along with the fact that there were not meant to be any photographers outside the rear entrance to the Ritz on the night that she died.

Moreover, it cannot be claimed that she hid her face because she did not want to be photographed with Dodi Fayed… After all, the press already had more photos of Diana and Dodi (all faked as I prove in NOTLD) than they needed.

And besides, Dodi came out of the hotel too late to even catch up with Diana, so the Shy-Di theory does not hold water… In fact nothing about the decoy exit makes any sense and once again I pull that to bits in my article NOTLD.

Course, Charlotte, India and Ondine were not the only ones to play Diana. Indeed, Jill Dando also did:

PHOTO: Jill Dando and Diana comparison.

And of course, all of these fraud events have to connect with each other in the Satanic world of the elites. So, with that in mind I can also tell you that it is my belief that Diana-paparazzi-photographer, Romuald Rat also played Dando shooter, Barry George.

Predictably, once Barry George had had his sentence quashed he linked up with convicted murderer, Sion Jenkins – who has a very Welsh name and like George; also had his murder conviction squashed.

Moreover, I believe that the role of Jenkins was played by Diana’s WELSH bodyguard, Trevor Rees Jones.

PHOTO: Sion Jenkins and Trevor Rees Jones which scores a 90% match on a facial recognition website.

Jenkins, was supposedly convicted of murdering his foster daughter, Billie-Jo Jenkins. Billie Jo is an actress whose image was also used to portray the supposedly murdered Suzi Lamplugh:

PHOTO: Billie Jo Jenkins and Suzi Lamplugh.

Are you getting the fucking idea yet?

No? Then I will carry on.

Sion Jenkins was supposedly married to Lois Jenkins who I believe was played by Cressida Dick… Dick by name, Dick by nature and she probably has one too:

PHOTO: Cressida Dick and Lois Jenkins – check out the nose & ear match

Dick was later rewarded for her part in the fraud with the job of Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service… Which is not uncommon. After all, Henri Paul (the fella who supposedly drove Diana to her death) was rewarded with the job as French Prime Mincer in 2016, under the name of Bernard Guy Georges Cazeneuve:

PHOTO: Comparisons of Henri Paul with Bernard French-Name

Want some more?

Of course you fucking do:

Now don’t forget that nearly all the photos of Bernard French-Name were taken nearly 20 years after Henri Paul’s fake death… Yet they are still blatantly one & the same!

And as a point of interest, Diana’s bodyguard, Trevor Rees-Jones could in fact be the American Billionaire TREVOR REES JONES – hiding in plain sight:

PHOTO: Billionaire Trevor Rees Jones pictured a couple of years ago.

Nevertheless, I do know pretty much for sure that our Trevor Rees Jones AKA Sion Jenkins also went on to play Father Hayes Hubbard who supposedly offered Kate & Gerry McCann solace in the months following Madeleine’s disappearance.

Course, the Madeleine McCann story is pure bollox and it is my firm belief that the little girl never existed, which would explain why she is a 100% face match for murdered child, Sarah Payne:

And whilst I do not want to go too far off track, it is worth noting that Madeleine’s fake cousin, Fiona McCann was played by the same child as was used to play the allegedly murdered WELSH girl, April Jones:

Now, chosen to bodge the Madeleine McCann investigation was DCI Andy Redwood.

And so what?” you may ask.

Well Andy Redwood was also the person chosen to fuck up the Jill Dando investigation:

PHOTO: Imbecile Andy Deadwood – looks intelligent doesn’t he?

And having monumentally cocked up the investigation of the [fake] Dando shooting, why the fuck would Andy Deadwood be rewarded with the high profile case of the [fake] Madeleine McCann disappearance?

Well the answer to that is in the question.

Moreover, Jerry McCann was reported to have been involved in the faking of Diana’s death.

And Doctor Jerry McCann may well be played by Doctor Alan Farthing – Gynecologist to Diana and the Queen:

Now pay attention here… You see, Farthing was supposedly engaged to Jill Dando at the time of her fake murder. And I also believe that his wife (pictured with him above) is the actress who played DOCTOR Fiona Payne of the infamous McCann, Tapas 7:

Indeed, it appears that the connections are never ending – which they aren’t.

Moreover, McCanns mother in law (seen in the above photo with Gerry) is played by PRINCESS DIANA’S sister, Lady Sarah McCorkingdale, whose name has now somehow become Lady ElizabethSarah Lavinia McCorquodale… Don’t ask me how because I ain’t got a Scoobie fucking Doo.

Nevertheless, you can find proof of this claim in my article “Where Does That Leave Madeleine?“.

And as for Kate McCann? Well she is most likely played by Diana’s son, Prick Little Willie’s ex girlfriend, Jessica Craig – amongst other actors:

PHOTO: Comparisons between Craig and McCann… Checkout the nose in the last photo

A young Kate McCann/Jessica Craig also appeared on TV as a commentator on Princess Diana’s death in the days following the “accident” adding more credibility to the claim that Gerry McCann/Alan Farthing were also involved in the conspiracy.

You might also want to read my article Bookends for more proof of the McCann fraud.

And talking of Prick William; his wife Kate Gold Digger Smith is also a made up persona played by various actors such as the French Cyclist, Pauline Ferrand-Prévot:

Yet how can a French Bird play a posh English bird you may ask?

Which is a bloody good question. However, the answer lies at the following link: Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment.

Face 2 Face Real Time allows other people to talk for someone else when they are appearing on live TV.

This brilliant piece of technology was used extensively in the interviews with those involved in the Diana death crash.

And I also believe that many of the actors who played Diana were voiced using this same technology.

In fact I am 100% certain that Diana’s voice was provided by her bestest ever friend Rosa Monkton, whenever Di was heard on TV.

And Rosa Monkton is a member of the famous Monkton spy family.

Moreover, I believe that Monkton often played the Diana role herself.

PHOTO: Monkton & Diana – look past the hairstyles & colour and notice how similar their features are.

Rosa Monkton also has a daughter with Down Syndrome… Could that be where the conspiracy theory that Diana had a secret Down Syndrome daughter originated from?

PHOTO: Monkton and her daughter… Again, notice how similar in looks she is to Diana.

Certainly, if you go on YouTube and find an interview with Monkton talking you will be convinced that she was the voice of Diana.

And just so as ya know, don’t cha know, the above photos of Di & Monkton are faked… Designed to throw investigators like myself off the scent.

Nevertheless, getting back to that fake car crash and other actors who were involved in the fraud were Former Met Commissioner (there is a pattern building here) Sir John Stevens who wrote the nonsensical Paget Report – The investigation into Diana’s death.

And coincidentally enough, The Paget Report relied heavily on the bollox testimony of Rosa Monkton… Just sayin’.

But I digress, because Sir John also played the part of Pap Photographer James Andanson:

PHOTO: Comparison of Stevens and Andanson – Notice the fake looking ears.

Andanson was supposedly found dead in his burnt out car a few years after the death crash – allegedly fake murdered because of the information that he had on Diana’s death.

But that old bollox was just invented to give credence to Diana’s future father-in-law, Muhammad Al Fayed’s, murder conspiracy.

Course, Al Fayed’s claim that Diana and his son Dodo were murdered was just invented in order to keep investigators from seeking out the real truth. You see, conspiracy theories like this are designed to split opinion i.e was Diana murdered or was it an accident.

And that way, investigators ignore the 3rd option, namely was there actually a car crash at all… Geddit?

Of course you fucking do.

Nevertheless, I truly believe that Muhammad Al Fayed is also a made up persona played by former arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi:

PHOTO: Comparison of Khashoggi and Al Fayed… For more proof read my article NOTLD

Khashoggi was at one time the richest man in the world and as coincidence would have it, Al Fayed’s brother in law.

And if further proof were needed, Al Fayed’s daughter, Camilla and Khashoggi’s daughter, Petronella are identical:

PHOTO: The bottom photo is a half and half face photo made up from the two photos above it so as you can see how well they match.

Furthermore we need to look at why the surgeon who supposedly rebuilt Trevor Rees Jones’ face from a photograph, also doubles up as Trevor’s Lawyer?

I mean, they are 100% identical:

And another actress who played Diana was her sister in law Sophie Rhys Jones (Trevor Rees Jones anyone?)

Indeed, there is only one photo that I can find of Sophie and Diana together and that is photoshopped:

But all that is old news to my longtime readers and the reason that I have dragged all these connections up again is because of a news story that appeared in the Chimp last week:

Meghan Markle may be one of the most well known faces in the world, but that didn’t stop her from coming over all starstruck when she sat down with activist Gloria Steinem for a conversation about women’s rights, representation, and the importance of voting… Source 

PHOTO: Meghan & Gloria

You see, Meghan Markle is also a made up character which I think I more than prove in my book: Meghan Markle Exposed and to a slightly lesser extent in my article: Who Is Meghan Markle.

And just like Rosa Monkton was used to give the Diana fraud credibility, I cottoned on to the fact back in 2017 that Gloria Steinem was being used to give credibility to the Meghan Markle fraud.

Steinem is best known for her Iconic 1970’s photo taken of her and fellow feminist Dorothy Pitman Hughes (seen below):

And I believe that photos of Dorothy Pitman-Hughes were used to portray Meghan’s fake mother Doria Ragland MK2.

Now I say MK2 because originally Doria was played by a different actor:

PHOTO: Meghan & her mum, Doria the 1st

Shall we compare Mk I & Mk 2?

Of course we fucking shall:

PNot even close.

And here is a young DORIA MK2 compared to the young DOROTHY Pitman Hughes:

And I am sure that you will agree that Doria also looks very much like the following photo of Dorothy doing her tub thumping back in the day:

Course, just like my claims about the Diana death crash, the Jill Dando fiasco & the Madeleine McCann bollox, there is much, much more proof to what I say about Meghan Markle being a created persona than is in this article … Indeed, you only need to follow all the links that I have posted along the way for me to convince you of that fact.

Just sayin’.

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