Christopher Spivey
Once again we find ourselves on the brink of WW3 – or at least we do if you read & believe the MSM… Which unfortunately just so happens to be the majority of people living in in any 1st world cuntry (no typo) these days.
Course, if you think about it logically – something most people are incapable of doing – the East and the West are never really going to fight it out; in what would inevitably lead to Armageddon. After all, whichever side was fairing badly would eventually be forced to release their nuclear arsenal, which in turn would then lead to the opposition retaliating with theirs – and that then would be the end of the world as we know it.
But relax, that is never going to happen because what the monster elite love even more than money is themselves. In other words, they are never ever going to give up their luxury life styles and power to live underground in a bunker (no matter how luxurious), for the rest of their lives.
Therefore it is a cast iron certainty that Russia will be allowed to rape the Ukraine for its natural resources (primarily Uranium) with the covert blessing of the UK & the USA – in the very same way that the latter were allowed to rape Afghanistan & Iran for their heroin and oil.

And of course, the puppet Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky who came to power in 2019 will also be in on the act. After all, in the Monster elite’s world of ‘You Couldn’t Make This Shit Up‘, the political novice, Zelensky was an ACTOR & COMEDIAN before deciding he wanted to become President. In fact the joker first rose to fame on TV by playing the Role of the Ukrainian President:
Mr Zelensky, a political novice, is best known for starring in a satirical television series Servant of the People, in which his character accidentally becomes Ukrainian president.. Source
Course, Zelensky will have to ACT out his part by opposing the invasion in the same way that Bojo & Biden are pretending to be outraged… Not that Old Joe knows what fucking day of the week it is half the time.

Indeed, what most people cannot get their mushy pea brain’s around is that the nonces, Putin & Biden along with Bojo and Zelensky all belong to the same evil club and are only carrying out the orders of those who really rule the world:
President Putin is a paedophile with links to the Russian mafia and Colombian drug barons, who rose to power on the back of a deliberate bomb attack that killed hundreds of civilians, according to Alexander Litvinenko.
The allegations made by the former Russian spy were listed by the inquiry into Litvinenko’s death as “powerful motives” for the Kremlin and the Russian president to have wanted him silenced. Another factor was a belief that he was working for MI6... Source

Litvineko further claims that there are video recording in existence of Putin raping children which I do not doubt since I cover this topic in my book: The Filthy Rich.
Nevertheless, the MSM’s perceived threat of WW3 is enough to instill panic into the brainwashed public’s tiny minds. Which of course is always the mindset that the Monsters need in order to keep the pliable population down at heel… Especially now that the Covid fraud has come to an end albeit temporary since HIV is going to be the next big thing once the robotic public come to realise that the end of the world is not nigh.
You see, there are now many claims that the Covid vaccine can lead to HIV although this is of course being denied by the Government:
A post on Facebook draws a link between high Covid-19 vaccination rates in the Netherlands and the discovery of a new, more virulent HIV variant in the country... Source
And trust me, that claim is not limited just to Facebook. Indeed, you have to ask yourself why a Leicester MP is now asking for mandatory HIV testing for those admitted to hospital:
City MP and former Shadow Health Secretary Jon Ashworth is calling for Leicester Royal Infirmary patients arriving at the A&E department to be tested for HIV to help find undetected cases of the virus.
Mr Ashworth, Labour MP for Leicester South, thinks patients going into hospital A&E departments should be tested routinely to make sure people with HIV know their status so that they can avoid passing it on to their sexual partners... Source

PHOTO: Jon Ashworth MP
Moreover, Prick Harry of Ginger Pubes is also getting in on the act:
Prince Harry has urged people to “know your status” and “go and get a test” for HIV.
See? “Know your status“, the exact same words as used by the cunt, Ashworth… Carry on:
And the Duke of Sussex said he wants to continue his mum’s “unfinished” work in removing the stigma around the virus.
His comments come as figures show that for the first time in 10 years, the number of new HIV diagnoses among heterosexuals is higher than for gay and bisexual men in England... Source
Mind you, I kinda hope that the threat of AIDS puts the fear of Dog into all those who were cunt enough to have taken the Covid jab; perhaps next time they will think twice before being so easily led… Although I very much doubt it.
Nevertheless, it has to be said that Harry is right to get himself tested if you buy into the myth that he is really married to Meghan Markle – an alleged former “Yacht Girl“… Yacht Girls are high class prostitutes who carry out all manner of depravity for billionaires on board their luxury ships.
However, if you are a bit more clued up and/or you have read my book: Meghan Markle Exposed, you will know that the Duchess of Sussex is nothing more than a succession of actresses playing the role. And as such, it shouldn’t come as any surprise to you that I have now uncovered even more naked footage of ‘Meghan’ – to go along with those compromising nude photos that I published in my aforementioned book.

Now before anyone claims that the above photos are fake, I should tell you that those stills are taken from a video.
And while I am on the subject of various actors playing the part of the [not so] Royal family, I betcha didn’t notice that the Queer of England – giving her Christmas day speech – was another impostor.
I mean, since when has Bizzy Lizzie had a broken bottom front tooth and such massive bosoms?

Course, if you think that broken tooth is just a glitch in the footage, all you need do is watch the video for yourself on Youtube… Just sayin’.
Nevertheless let us return to this phony “war”, which is anything but a war – despite the MSM’s attempt to convince us otherwise. And in order to do so the propaganda wing of the government have been applying their usual tactic of using stock photos of past events to convince us that all hell is breaking loose in the Ukraine:

Mind you, the silly cow cannot decide where she wants her dirty bandages:

Now why would they need to use fakery if the “war” is really as brutal as we are told?
However, more cringe-worthy still is the lengths that the shit-rags are going to in an effort to convince us that we need to be supportive of the “heroic” Ukrainian civilian population – who are apparently joining up in their droves to fight… Despite most of them being grandparents:

Although being old is not just the only advantage since it appears that being old and a multi-millionaire celebrity to boot will get you fast tracked to the front line without having to undergo the intense, arduous – often brutal – one day basic training.

Indeed, despite being scared to fucking death it is no wonder that Facebook users in their millions are now being brave enough to use the Ukrainian flag – to show solidarity – in their profile pictures… No doubt a great fucking comfort to those Ukrainians living in fear and in which, no way reeks of “Look at me“.
And let’s not forget the brave journalist risking their lives in order to bring us this fake news:

Now, just to protect myself, in order for the quick publication of this article, I have to tell you that I have taken the above “journalist” photo at face value and not looked into its authenticity… But the ones above it are definitely genuine.
Sadly, you may not be too surprised to learn that the psyop-invasion has also given the Q-tards an opportunity to come out of hiding… You see (and I am trying very hard not to giggle like a girl here), these totally brain-dead cretins are claiming that the gay, kiddie-fiddler Putin is a good guy and with the backing of the incestuous, kiddie-fiddling Donny Trump, he has invaded the Ukraine for the sole reason of taking down the “deep state”… Dog give me fucking strength!
This dangerous government sponsored sect, elaborate further by claiming that Putin’s real aim is to destroy US deep-state military instillation’s and put a stop to the Biden headed money laundering scam.

Course, I kinda doubt that old Joe even knows what money is these days, let alone launder it but the following is taken from the website: Media Matters for America:
“Supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory and other far-right figures cheered the Russian invasion of Ukraine, calling it a step toward destroying the so-called “cabal.”
On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation” in Ukraine and Russian troops invaded the country. In response, multiple QAnon figures thanked Putin and cheered the Russian attack, writing that the invasion was “a proper, and NECESSARY deep cleaning of Cabal operations and military assets” and meant that “the Cabal will be exposed in Ukraine and it will be one of the last pieces of the Plan.”
Ahhh, the ever changing “Plan” is back in action I see… Sorry, just ignore me and carry on the Media Matters for America:
QAnon supporters also claimed that Putin was simply invading a new world order “stronghold” and “destroying the money laundering operation” and Ukraine’s “deep state government,” thus “removing the [deep state] players.” They also claimed that the U.S. politicians criticizing the invasion are “deep state players… Source
And in order to add further credence to their insane claim, Q-tards everywhere are posting maps purporting to show where Putin’s bombs have landed which they further claim – as coincidence would have it – are the exact same locations of American bio-labs:

Course, the fact that America does not have any bio labs in the Ukraine appears to not matter whatsoever to these idiots.
Nevertheless, as I say this psyop “war” will certainly not escalate into WW3 (nuclear war) because it would not benefit the Monsters who rule the world. Moreover, the East & West are now so inextricably linked in business and joint enterprises worth billions upon billions that the very idea of Russia and/or China going to war with the UK and/or the USA is just ludicrous… Remember, it is all about the money.
And talking of which, this psyop is certainly going to make for a smashing pay day for many a crooked charity… In fact the Red Cross are very quickly off the mark:

Course, if we were really on the brink of WW3 all Putin need do to stop it is cut off the gas and oil supply to the West and we would be begging for peace within a month – despite what the MSM would have you believe… So stop being such scaredy- cats.
Which just leaves me to figure out why the Monkey-Kuntz at the Mail have stopped calling the Ukraine capital city; KIEV, in favour of now referring to it exclusively as KYIV.
I mean, by way of example you will see in the screenshots below that up until a few days ago the Monkey Boyz referred to the city as being Kiev, yet after the 24th the daft cunts continually call the place Kyiv:

Oh wait… I do know why the name change and trust me, you are going to fucking love this:

Who the fuck writes this shit? Certainly no one brave enough to put their name to the pathetic farticle that is for sure.
Mind you, I can just imagine an army of Karens marching into Tesco and demanding to see the manager… Comedy fucking gold.
Just sayin’.
Great article Chris and hoping you’re on the mend. To underscore your point, if Putin wasn’t in on it, why did he go along with the covid scam of allowing the russian ‘Sputnik’ vaccine to be developed and injected into his people, rather than calling out the fraud for what it is.
He; Mr Putin bit the hand that fed it…him. And by the way, Mr grotty green T shirt guy is a piss ant WEF puppet compromised certified shit heal.
Thank you, thank you, thank you : )
I do so hope you are feeling better. Seeing this article has made my day.
Great piece, good to see you back
Brilliant article!! Perfect logical thinking and dot connecting, informative and a cracking laugh in places as per norm as well!!
Ozzies who dared to talk at the beginning of the arm rape campaign were talking about the increase in HIV infection rates back then…and yep..still queued round the block ‘doin the right thing’ for more of the same HIV laced brain gunk. We know HIV is just one of the goodies that the wonder jabs have to offer each recipient insane enough to take it. Putin doing his pretendy kick off with that utter ball sack Zelensky – today’s new world hero no less – has blown in its entirety, the last 2 years of covid shite into oblivion without pressing the red button. Not a solitary mush brained, QR code jibby jabbed obsessive moron on the planet mentioning it anywhere. Fab article – what an absolute breath of fresh air – thank you Chris – off to eat my chicken Keeve.
great article, good to have you back, spot on with all the information.
Good to see you back, Chris. Whatever may be wrong with your body, your mind is still as sharp as ever.
Don’t push yourself. These things take time. It’s good to see something as good as this from time to time though.
An occasional progress report would be very welcome too, whenever you’re feeling up to it.
Nukes will not be a problem . . . they don’t exist!
The Nuclear Hoax
P Doe – what?
I think there are still videos on )ewtube about fake bombs and power stations. Also lots of info (serious stuff) at biglies org.
Chris hi, great to see your back. Excellent article as ever and refreshing to read. Missed you, so continue to write when you feel up to it. X
I knew the Queen was dead and replaced with a fake one when the new one gave Blair his Damehood in the new years honours so she could now be called ‘Dame Miranda’. The original Queen once said that Blair would get knighted over her ‘dead body’ as she disliked him so much
Good point, Eddy, plus I’ve noticed Bozo the Downing Street monkey sometimes looks “different”, indicating that he’s played by more than one buffoon (better not say person because he doesn’t qualify).
As for zog’s “war” in Ukraine, has anyone noticed the similarity to the fake war created by “the media” as a diversion when a politician is caught doing something he shouldn’t in the film “Wag the Dog”?
(sorry – not very well worded there)
Fake images, Video from earlier conflicts presented as new. Non-stop lies. Crisis actors. Is it real, or are (((they))) “wagging the dog”?
Any chance we really could end up with a hot war. As it becomes more and more obvious the apocalyptic damage the jibby jabs have done,they will have to have ww3 to divert from what these nwo pricks have done to their own populations. The coming cancer,strokes,dna damage,sterility must be hidden.
You’ve not lost your touch, Chris. Incisive and witty as ever. Thank you.
Here we go again! Whether we know it or not, we’re all watching the remake of “Wag the Dog”, but there was something missing. Where was the child-sized rubber dummy found washed up on a beach somewhere?
Does anyone remember that scene from a few years ago? It wasn’t in the original film, and I don’t even remember now which “war” the fake kid was supposedly trying to get away from, but here it is again.
I don’t particularly like Andrew Anglin, and it’s not always easy to tell when he’s being sarcastic, but he’s often among the first to come up with the latest stories. Presumably this fake photo will be all over the world’s propaganda outlets by morning – if it isn’t already.
Funny little article. And most of his readers won’t know that there is no sea at the border.
Thankyou Chris, excellent as ever. We need you to help keep our minds where they should be – all this blithering drivel from the msm can suck in the unwary! We knew there would have to be a new scare once covid had been rumbled – I wondered which way they were going to go – Brexit, terrists, even though most of the population suck up their lies without question; a big dose of fear porn still works most effectively and what is more fear-inducing than WW3? Perhaps a faked Alien Attack, but they’re saving this for a bit….
Peace & Love y’all
If there’s anyone here who doesn’t understand what’s going on in the world, or at least, what the msm is up to, (((they))) gave us the answer in 1997.
Just a few examples of zog’s current problems.
Bozo caught having parties when he’d made it “illegal” for us to do the same.
Biden’s dementia.
Trudeau’s over-reach in Canada.
Schwab boasting about having infiltrated governments.
That horse-faced creature calling himself “Jacinda” Ardern in NZ.
The raving lunatic Dan Andrews in Australia.
Macron threatening to cancel the citizenship of those who refuse the poison injection.
Austria fining people who refuse the poison.
They’re all out of control, and it’s all out in the open now, so what else could (((they))) do but have a war, whether it’s real or imaginary, like the non-existent “covid” plague?
Here’s a direct link to the film that explains everything. No need to register or anything. Just click “Play”.
Oops! Didn’t properly close a “bold” tag there. It as supposed to look like this
That horse-faced creature calling himself “Jacinda” Ardern …
and then back to normal.
I think we are meant to see that the governments are out of control. That’s why they do it so openly. Then we will demand change and the evil doers will have the next version ready to install for us – and we will approve. Problem – reaction – solution.
A large proportion of truthers firmly believe that Putin is the good guy fighting the Cabal and targeting dangerous US bio labs and protecting its borders from the presence of NATO in Ukraine, etc, etc….
Schwab has claimed Putin as one of their own who was schooled in the elitist WEF global agenda.
I’m holding the belief that Putin is just another actor playing his part in this theatre like all the rest of them.
Not saying that nothing is going on in Ukraine, i.e., no bombs, attacks etc. I know of someone there who has seen the fires and has had to evacuate her home.
It’s still a 100% false flag event in any case.
There are NO good guys. No one gets the top job NOW without being blackmailed and heavily promoted in return for being a puppet reading a script, deviate from the agenda and your arse is toast. Only president I ever took serious was the scruffy little fat guy José Mujica in Uruguay who lived in a falling down house and drove a rusty VW beetle giving 90% of his income to the poor…the cabal soon got rid of him
I know this hasn’t got anything to do with Ukraine, but a guy on here called Jimbo (was that his name?) said that Michael Barrymore, Greville Janner and Rolf Harris had abused boys. I was wondering if anybody else had heard or read anything about paedophilia that hasn’t been made public yet?
You could delve a little deeper into Epstein / Maxwell. Do you really think they only supplied 16-17 year old girls?
Cos, none of the elite are into little boys or anything are they?
Gnome sayin’
A commenter on a website called Zoompad said one of Jimmy Savile’s victims was a 7 year old boy, so I know about famous people abusing little boys.
This site (see the link) doesn’t seem to have been updated since 2019, but from memory, you should find plenty of evidence of perversion among the rich and famous.
Just was unfortunate enough to sit in a cafe where they had the news on about 1000’s of Ukrainian refugees being refused permission to leave when it suddenly hit me that something wasn’t quite right.
It was that not a single person was wearing old or dirty clothes, which you would expect of families leaving their homes in a hurry or even carrying lots of luggage. In fact, most of the clothes looked brand new!!
The funniest thing was the 1000’s only looked like 100’s from the aerial shot, the person they interviewed sounded like a Manc trying to put on a Ukrainian accent and the puzzled look of what I assumed were tourists or locals watching it in the distance.
It’s a re-run of “Wag the Dog”, so nothing is real.
Great article Chris , of course serious students of the conspiracy like us know that people like Putin Biden and all the world leaders are just the puppets , Henry Makow said once all the wars are bankers wars , and i think it was Thomas Jefferson who said ” bankers are more dangerous than standing armies” . Of course the bankers are the Rothschilds and the wars have a twofold purpose 1 to encourage arms dealing and governments to borrow off the Rothschild controlled central banks and 2 to offer the poor dead victims of these wars as sacrifices to their master Satan however in these last days i personally don”t think the roll out of The New World Order will run as easily as the bastards hope as there will be a big pushback against it , hopefully.
its all to stop Russian import of grain and fertilizers in order to deliberately create a famine in the west next year Ration cards will be chips in your hand, no chip no food
My guess is that this ‘war’ is going to become a very limited nuclear event, either real or pretend, to be used as a cover story for all of the “Vaccine” deaths that will be coming to fruition shortly. Remember, radiation sickness is quite similar to what the “Vaccine” damage presents as: fast growing cancers, blood cell damage, immune system breakdown.
This ‘war’ is just a furtherance of the ‘pandemic’, a push to implement a worldwide totalitarian socialist government AKA the NWO. We’re witnessing the official opening of WW3, but in order for the world’s masters to have the desired number of deaths worldwide without having to resort to the all-out use of nukes, which would ruin the planet for the them, they got the idiotic people to line up for their own annihilation beforehand, and now a very limited nuclear event will be used as a cover story for the upcoming wave of mass deaths.
The war will also be used to explain away the economic collapse and shortages of food and fuel.
Remember, the need for a cover story for the worldwide economic collapse was the whole reason that the ‘pandemic/war’ was conceived and instigated in the first place.
This “Wag the Dog” re-run in the film studio known as Ukraine is getting tedious. Perhaps that’s why there’s (almost) nobody here. We can’t have that though. We need to keep people coming back, keep people interested so they won’t drift away, resulting in there being nobody here when Chris gets his health back.
Perhaps this will get something going.
One of my own pet hates concerns the ever-increasing number of sites that obscure the page with a dirty great message saying “We value your privacy”, the lying bastards! If they valued our privacy, they wouldn’t be trying to steal it by planting millions of cookies on our hard drives specifically to spy on us.
I once counted the number of cookies a site wanted me to accept. I think this was the Brighton “Argus” propaganda publication, but whichever site it was, they wanted to plant over 800 pieces of spyware on my computer.
NO! NO! NO!. They can stick their cookies where the sun don’t shine!
What a load of … (men have two of them).
Apparently the bugger boys’ club (BBC) now has the answer to life, the universe and everything (and they say it’s not 42).
The explanation, apparently, is hairy black holes ffs!
So now they can resolve conflicts between nutter Einstein’s gibberish “theory” and nutter Hawking’s equally insane ramblings.
ht tps://
Wouldn’t it be easier to just dismiss these nutters as the nutters they clearly were and go back to actual science?
I thought Hawking was a robot.
He probably was.
Stephen Hawking died and has been replaced
Where is everyone? Perhaps people don’t find my comments interesting, but who else is there? We owe it to Chris to keep the comments section “alive” while he’s recovering or there won’t be anyone here when he gets back full-time.
The only way you’ll stop me pestering the few remaining visitors to this valuable site is for YOU (the readers) to get off your backsides and say something while we’ve still got somewhere to say it.
One more from me while I’m here, and if you don’t feel inclined to comment, post something yourselves. We can’t let the site go under for lack of support or we’ll all lose out.
A well-known chemi-burger chain is apparently refusing to shut it’s Russian outlets, but they’re not giving the real reason, which is that they can’t shut down while hostilities continue.
Because, with all the fighting, there’ll be dead bodies everywhere, and the burger chains will get the job of turning all those bodies into Soylent Green, the same as they do after the regular round-ups of homeless people in our own country.
Why else would Soylent need an outlet on practically every corner?
You are doing a brilliant job mate. Keep it up.
Chris. x
Thanks for that, Chris. It’s always nice to be appreciated. I do often feel I’m the only one here though.
I’m always checking the site for new articles & comments. Maybe you & Chris would like mag bitter truth channel on bitchute.
Are there really bodies everywhere? There are lots of videos showing how normal life is there, and the controlled opposition are keen to let us know about the fake images in the mainstream. It seems to me that they want us to know we’re being lied to.
The franchises in Russia are independent of Head Office which is why they couldn’t shut them down!
Wayne Couzens indecent exposure allegations yeah? Perhaps Wayne was just attempting to prove that he had no cannabis hidden discreatly on his person; stripping someone off is the Met’ go to method after all?
ht tps://
Gnome Sayin’
Not everyone trusts David Icke, and I understand the various reasons for this, but his latest video is pretty good imho, once you get past the (2) adverts.
ht tps://
He links the three current scams of climate hoax, “covid” hoax and “Wag the Dog” in Ukraine, and says (which I agree 100%) that we must never forgive and never forget (where have I heard that phrase before?) the mass-murderers behind it all.
There’s a download link for those who want to save it, but people need to be aware that you’ll have to give it a file name of your choosing, either at the download stage or afterwards, or it will save as “banned video”, potentially overwriting older videos with the same name.
I hope that makes sense. Busy weekend planned, so in a bit of a rush.
Today, Corbett does a good job clarifying the current deceptions…
Banned Video is of course out of the Info Wars stable. A whole family of controlled opposition sites.
That said , I do find David Kike very listenable. He is undeniably good at his job.
Well, well – I’ve had covid.
Not jabbed, never will be and haven’t believed in all this covid malarkey for an instant. At one time I collapsed, paramedics came after 14hrs (lol), and thankfully couldn’t find anything untoward.
I had a bunged up nose, ached and slept for about 16 hrs a day.
Two years ago, it would have been called ‘a touch of flu’.
On the plus side – I believe I will be able to travel again with a recovery certificate: )
You can find @LexLuthor on Twitter has been reporting back on a daily basis from Kiev and other Ukraine towns for a fortnight now showing what a lot of hokum is being reported. Also Patrick Lancaster is on Youtube still reporting from the zone where the Ukraine Azov army is killing other Ukrainians. On Youtube, search Patrick Lancaster Donetsk, it’s gorey..
Am I the only one who finds it quite eerie that free-range eggs are no more (in the UK)?
h ttps://
An omen to free-range humans, at the very least.
Hi Chris. Glad you are feeling better. Just want to point out that not all Karens are Karens. Xx
It seems like the Karen-meme has been spread to demonise women of the colour of the snow.
Once a whole category gets demonised, well…it can happen to any other category. That’s just one meme away.
Hi Chris. It’s good to know you’re still there. At least you haven’t got that Pfizer shit running round your veins.
I just want to talk about Putin for a moment. Judge the man by his actions. He’s gone into Ukraine with the intention of leaving the infrastructure as undamaged as possible. The trains, water, electricity, gas and the internet are all still running, and apparently the Russian tanks even stop at the traffic lights. Contrast that to the carnage the UK government helped to create in Bosnia, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. All Putin says he wants is a neutral Ukraine that’s not pointing weapons at him. To achieve that he needs to clear out the crazies that the yanks installed in 2014. The majority of the Ukrainian people support him, and Nathan Rothschild is moaning about him, so he must be on the right track. By the way, the bio-labs DO exist. Putin has the evidence, and Victoria Neuland admitted their existence in congress.
I just think it would be great if Putin, when he’s finished cleaning up Ukraine, could do the same job here in the UK.
In the meantime Chris, take care of yourself, and Best Wishes,
PS: thedurannews and Gonzalo Lira are doing a great job reporting events from Ukraine.
9 minutes to help understand what’s behind the Ukraine cobblers…
Very naive. Russia and USA (KGB & CIA) are controlled by the same group.
Here’s a clue – Nazi is short for Ashkenazi.
It goes much deeper than that and goes back to Chatham House London and beyond. Don’t get caught in the “jews” trap, it goes well beyond that. This was a comment on the Ukraine misdirection…Regards
A Polish contact informs me that “Ukraine” (u kraina) was once known as Khazaria, which would explain everything.
Never forgive (the Russians for driving them out), never forget a perceived insult, and hold a grudge forever. That’s the Khazarian way.
Perhaps we should adopt the same attitude to (((them))) until they’re all gone, back to their “g-d” (anti-God=the devil) in hell, from whence they came, and to which they’ll return, and that day can’t come soon enough for me.
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
“100-800 AD – an incredibly Evil Society Emerges in Khazaria:
Khazarians develop into a nation ruled by an evil king, who had ancient Babylonian black arts, occult oligarchs serving as his court. During this time, Khazarians became known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travelers they murdered as a normal occupational practice and way of life.
800 AD – The Ultimatum is delivered by Russia and other surrounding nations:
The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia, have had so many years of complaints by their citizens that, as a group, they deliver an ultimatum to the Khazarian king. They send a communique to the Khazarian king that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people, make it his official state religion and require all Khazarian citizens to practice it, and socialize all Khazarian children to practice that faith.
The Khazarian king was given a choice between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. The Khazarian king chose Judaism and promised to stay within the requirements laid out by the surrounding confederacy of nations led by the Russian czar. Despite his agreement and promise, the Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood, and eating their hearts.
The deep dark secret of the occult ceremonies was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl. In order to fool the confederacy of nations led by Russia that were watching Khazaria, the Khazarian king melded these Luciferian black-magick practices with Judaism and created a secret Satanic-hybrid religion, known as Babylonian Talmudism. This was made the national religion of Khazaria and nurtured the same evil that Khazaria was known for before.
Sadly, the Khazarians continued their evil ways, robbing and murdering those from surrounding countries who traveled through Khazaria. Khazarian robbers often attempted to assume their identities after they murdered these visitors, and became masters of disguises and false identities — a practice they have continued even to this very day, along with their child-sacrifice occult ceremonies, which are actually ancient Baal Worship.
1,200 AD – Russia and the surrounding nations have had enough and take action:
About 1,200 AD, the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria and invaded it, in order to stop the Khazarian crimes against their people, which included the kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies to Baal. The Khazarian king and his inner court of criminals and murderers came to be known as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) by neighboring countries.
The Khazarian leaders had a well-developed spy network through which they obtained prior warning and escaped from Khazaria to European nations to the west, taking their vast fortune with them in gold and silver. They laid low and regrouped while assuming new identities. In secret, they continued their Satanic child blood and sacrifice rituals and trusted Baal to give them the whole world and all its riches, as they claimed he had promised them, as long as they kept bleeding out and sacrificing children and infants for him.
The Khazarian king and his court Mafia plotted eternal revenge against the Russians and the surrounding nations that invaded Khazaria and drove them from power.
The Khazarian Mafia invades England after being expelled for hundreds of years:”
…as a farce.
The war is long over, friend. It is time for a peaceful, united, global biodigital convergence.
https : // vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/the-cornerstone-the-nature%E2%80%93like-technosphere-is-a-part-of-the-noosphere.10576/
Just found this among my old bookmarks and thought it deserved a bit of publicity.
There’s a village in France, about 60 miles from Paris, called “La-Mort-aux-Juifs”, which translates roughly as “Death to jews”.
ht tps://
Better not add any comments of my own or Chris could probably be shut down for “incitement” or something equally nonsensical. The story is dated August 2014.
Barney – the French commune name does not translate as death to Jews – I promise : )
Pity about that, Jacqueline.
One day though.
Put that text “La-Mort-aux-Juifs” into any internet French to English translation site and it certainly does say: “The-Death-to-the-Jews”
Gnome sayin’
Howard – do some research. . .
French: La-Mort-aux-Juifs
English: Death-to-the-Jews
Oh for Heaven’s sake – place names go back ages! Hasn’t reading Chris’ site taught you not to take things on ‘face value’?
How about Braintree, in Essex. Should a French person translate it, they would find ‘l’arbre de cerveau’ – would they think there was a tree of brains in the place? It came from the amount of walnut trees that grew there, which to those at the time, looked like brains. The French commune name dates back similarly, to do with old words meaning/sounding like pond, and also a pig farmer. The fact ‘La’ is the first word of the name, in French, denotes the rest of it doesn’t make sense.
In the Uk, we have ‘Piddle River’ – I do hope you don’t take that literally too.
Is Klaws the Schlob about to get a white cat and launch his/her/it’s “cyber polygon”?
Apparently tel-aviv-zion is disrupted in the “West Brighton” area this evening (according to the Brighton “Argus”).
ht tps://
When I went to the UK Column site a while ago, the first thing was a message from DuckDuckQuack (or something) telling me Fakebook was tracking me. I told it to continue anyway, but it didn’t, so I used TOR, where today’s podcast eventually started 17 minutes late, and was unwatchable because it kept buffering (something to do with Rumble), and then it went blank. I tried again using FireFox, the world’s worst browser, and it showed the video with no sound.
ht tp://
Probably unconnected, but Jim Stone hasn’t updated his site for a couple of days.
ht tp://
Also, Irish Savant only has two comments on his latest upload, suggesting people aren’t able to get through, or their comments are disappearing, as has been happening quite a bit recently. Some comments go through. Others disappear, never to be seen again, and re-posting doesn’t work either. Once a comment is censored, it’s gone for good. Savant is aware of the problem, but doesn’t know how or where the censorship is happening. It’s the comment rather than the person trying to post it though. People are still able to post something else, or to ask what happened, but if they try again to post the blocked comment, it still doesn’t appear.
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In case this is Darth Vader Bloefeld playing with the internet, I’d like to thank Chris for his valuable work over the years in opening my eyes to a lot of things I’d never have considered, and to the people here for having added still more enlightenment.
We have to hope it’s not the end of truth sites such as this one, but with the lunatics in control so completely round the twist, we can’t be sure of anything any more.
Thanks Tone. From that Wikipedia page,
the name was initially “la mare au juin″, which means “the liquid manure pond”
Same thing really. Liquid manure, crap, jews.
Hallelujah! Sense at last : ) thank you Tone – I ought to have done what you did, to show my point.
Something weird here. I wonder what Chris would make of it if he was fully recovered.
ht tps://
A 61-year-old eco-freak married to a 29-year-old female, probably also an eco-terrapin, employing a 53-year-old “baby-sitter” who murders them both after an argument over “who should take the blame” for a recent burglary.
Seem like nice people, don’t they?
Were they all involved in the burglary?
Were they all deranged eco-freaks?
What kind of whore would have a kid by someone more than twice her age? Was he even the father?
How old was the kid? No mention of him beyond the fact that he was in another room. Didn’t he wake up while his parents (or “parents”?) were being stabbed 60-something times in total?
Why didn’t the wife run out when it was obvious the ugly freak of a husband wasn’t going to survive the attack? I’d imagine stabbing someone 58 times would take a while. Why stay and make an emergency call, knowing she’d be next to be murdered? Couldn’t she have made the call from the street?
Why didn’t they fight back, or wouldn’t that have been the environmentally-friendly thing to do?
This story just doesn’t make sense.
More government p*ss taking. Wasn’t it a £1,000 fine (plus a probable beating) for anyone caught outside 2 years ago without a permitted excuse?
A thousand quid (plus a beating) and a ride in a pole-lice van for us, but only fifty quid for the multi-millionaire criminals that knowingly ignored their own rules that were violently enforced on the rest of us!
Better not say any more or I’ll blow a gasket, when by tights I should be blowing those … er … better not. I don’t want to be responsible for getting this site shut down.
Where’s Guy Fawkes when we need him?
Meghan’s right foot?
A bit deformed, isn’t it? And what on earth is hanging out of her right nostril??
thanx for posting that, really makes you think just what those royals get up to eh?
I missed that David! Looks like a slug : )
I recall Chris saying there was something important about shoes in all the skullduggery that goes on in the world. I wonder if that’s the reason pictures of Harry & co taken at home, are all barefoot?
Shoes. I nearly missed that one, Jacqueline.
(worth re-reading the comments from time to time)
I noticed long ago that (((they))) always leave a shoe either at the site of a fatal road accident or in the car.
I’d be interested in hearing what Chris makes of it once he’s fully recovered.
Ukraine stuff… ht tps://
There’s a famine coming. Stock up on dried goods to feed your families. Don’t stock up on frozen as the monster will keep turning the electric on and off. Ration cards coming too in form of a body chip, no implant no food. Fake Ukraine war is needed to sanction imports of Russian grain and fertilizes so the famine will starve half the population. Remember the Horseman coaches photographed by the media bringing in immigrants in 2020 when we were supposed to be having a plague, as if you’d do that if the plague was genuine…Reuters photo of 4 horsemen coaches symbolized the beginning of their plan, plague, war, famine and ultimately death. The monster zionists can’t have you begging them to bring order out of chaos without deliberately creating the chaos first. (Horsemen coach firm) is a small coach firm still mystified why the government offered them a contract totally out of the blue. Zionists always warn you in advance of their evil plans, if you choose to ignore the warning they consider you are a fool and so deserve your fate.
Welcome, Happy. For the past few months I’ve been trying to keep the comments going so there’ll still be people here when Chris recovers from his recent ordeal.
Trouble is, fewer and fewer people can be bothered to get involved, and sometimes it almost seems I’m on my own.
You’ve got some good things to say, so I hope you’ll stay and help keep this site “alive” until Chris gets his strength back.
To keep you happy on 2 fronts Barney, a comment and a useful medical insight…
Thanks Jock. I already use it when I remember.
The birth of chrislam, the one world religion. New centre opened in Abu Dhabi, three religions combined and the cross is banned. Authorised by the pope. This pope advocates vaccines and a new religion. Our governments have attacked us all committing genocide by vaccines and rationing of treatment. If your neighbour attacks your family, you at least defend yourself. There is so many more of us than them.
The blue-coded part of the single supermarket chain, the part whose name includes an anagram of the word “cost”. which it certainly does, has apparently tripled it’s profits by cashing in on the “covid” hoax.
I wonder (not really) how they managed that. It wouldn’t be by cutting staffing levels, dropping the slightly cheaper “own brands” in favour of more profitable lines and eliminating morning deliveries, would it?
Now the scum that think they own us are reviving the already-failed “bird flu” scam to “justify” destroying any surviving small firms and locking us all in our homes again while corrupt politicians (is there any other kind?) have their parties and carry on as usual.
Bird flu, another scam, this time intended to make chicken and eggs prohibitively expensive, increasing profits even more, and also to prevent any of us keeping poultry “because they spread the disease”.
I’ve got a one-word answer to that. It’s not very polite, but men have two of them.
Bozo and other millionaires get fined 50 quid for breaking their own “laws”, while any of us would have had to pay a hell of a lot more, and if we’d persisted, as those evil bastards did, we’d have been locked up for a very long time.
People are saying Bozo should resign. I disagree. Every traitor involved in these Downing Street parties, should be SACKED, and then put on trial for their proven TREASON, followed by a public hanging according to the laws they hold in such contempt.
There is NO law any more, as politicians all over the world have adequately demonstrated, so imho there’s no reason why we should obey anything other than Common Law, the true Law of the Land.
Agreed Barney. However, what can any of us realistically do about it?
Good point Jacqueline. If we had the numbers we could put the traitors on trial in people’s courts, but the (((enemy))) has all the weapons, and most people don’t even know what Common Law is.
As for the (not very) “super”markets, we just have to pay their extortionate prices or go without. Already my fortnightly shop has increased in price by 30% since the beginning of the year, and they (the blue one anyway) dare to say they’re going to reduce, prices, the lying … (insert suitable word here).
We’ve all noticed how completely hypnotised the vast majority appear to be since the start of the “covid” scam, and how they instantly switched from “covid bad” to “Putin worse” while still retaining their irrational fear of a “disease” that doesn’t exist. There’s just no way of getting through to those people because they can’t break out of their programming. Their minds are completely controlled.
We can call them “sheeple”, which is what they’ve become, but they’re not all idiots, or they weren’t before their minds were taken over by the criminals masquerading as “government”. Many of today’s “sheeple” were previously intelligent enough to see through such obvious lies, so what happened?
Right at the start of the scamdemic, people were ordered to stay indoors and only allowed out for food shopping or limited exercise, and threatened with “fines” of up to ten thousand quid (compared to millionaire Bozo’s measly fifty quid!) for daring to sit on a park bench.
I was lucky. I neither have nor want a tel-aviv-zion because it’s all crap (to use the correct technical term), and I was able to socialise in a private walled garden, out of sight of zog’s enforcers.
Most people weren’t that lucky though. Ordered to stay indoors, the only way to relieve the boredom was to park themselves in front of the brainwashing box, exactly as zog intended.
That thing (the tv) has long been known to be the most powerful brainwashing tool ever invented, and not only by censoring some stories and pushing others as a way of managing people’s perception of events, but also by using subliminal messaging coupled with hypnotic techniques and – in this case – endless repetition of zog’s fear propaganda.
The people can’t see through the lies because they’re too deeply hypnotised.
Don’t just take my word for it though. I’m not the only one saying it, and haven’t been for a very long time. If you follow this link, you’ll find there are patents for methods of controlling behaviour through electronic devices such as mobile ‘phones, “wireless” internet connections, tv and even computer monitors.
Another danger, as well as 5G, is the house wiring. If you read the book “The Invisible Rainbow”, you’ll find the AC power supply to be a significant cause of colds and “influenza delle stelle”, or ‘flu to most of us, and we’ve got no way of knowing what other signals (((they))) could be adding through the power grid.
(Sorry Chris. I haven’t broken the links because I consider them too important.)
Chris – any chance you can let us know how you are?
It’s difficult to wake people up, just when you thought they were seeing through the covid hoax, Ukraine has put them back in their comas. Has anyone seen the Watch the water theory? Any thoughts?
I’ve seen it, Jean, or at least, the Stew Peters interview, which left me with the question …
Snake venom or snake oil?
Snake venom is relatively harmless when taken by mouth. It’s only dangerous when it’s injected. See this video, which also, as the title suggests, debunks the “covid” myth.
ht tps://
Various potentially harmful substances – including snake venom – have been used medicinally throughout the ages. My life was saved a few years ago by an extract of foxglove (Digoxin=Digitalis Toxin). Peony (too dangerous for home use) is said to treat epilepsy. There’s even a suggestion on the tel-aviv-zion one evening this week that daffodils (mildly poisonous) may be of value in treating Alzheimer’s.
Even if snake venom was deadly, which it isn’t unless injected, how many snakes would need to be “milked” (that’s what they call it) to produce just a few ounces of venom, and how many million gallons of the stuff would it take to poison even a small town’s water supply?
It’s possible that snake venom – or anything else – could be a component of the fake “covid vaccine”, but we already know that’s killing people, so we don’t really need to know anything else other than not to take it, so does it really matter what it contains?
In my opinion (and it’s only my opinion) “Watch the Water” is a clever mixture of fact and fiction designed to convince people there really is a “killer plague” (called “covid”) that’s out to get us all.
Talking of water – Been up to see an old friend in Macclesfield this last week. Despite being at the foot of the Pennines and being known for its rain (one of the reasons I left there in 1980 something), the town is dry and the canal as good as closed due to lock restrictions. They restrict the use of locks as every time they are used, a huge amount of water goes from the top to the bottom and can only be replaced by (empty) reservoirs at the top.
The town is being supplied by dozens of water trucks which are creating gridlock in many areas. These trucks appear to be brand new and have never been seen before. Where have they suddenly appeared from and where are they getting the water from to supply the town ?
The story in town is that a faulty valve in their main water storage has been leaking, whereas a little investigation suggests that Macclesfield is the first SMART water town in the UK. As we know, anything SMART isnt so for our benefit. Looks to be working towards moving us into cities as in Agenda21. You could survive without electricity for a while once they shut down your Smart Meter, whereas water is more difficult ! The water shortage ‘story’ also reinforces the climate change bollocks…. Macclesfield isnt far from Whaley Bridge where the reservoir/dam (didnt) almost collapse a couple of years ago.
On another note, my mate works at Aztra Zeneca. Surprisingly, they havent mandated any jabs and those with the ability to think for themselves will tell you that NO extra plant was built to manufacture the billions of jab vials and that it would take years to create the infrastructure to do so. I.E. (as many of us would have guessed) the jab supply was ready to go when ‘needed’..
Interesting times, to say the least…
Does anyone have any thoughts about the LaPalma volcano?
They’ve been dropping hints about it heavily since the plague started, , the earthquakes that caused the eruptions started on 09/11/2021. That will be the big event in my opinion.
The general public may soon start to question the covid scam and the war scam to some extent but would they suspect a natural disaster to be work of the elite sodomites?
These channels give a lot of quality evidence that we should be expecting something big to go down, weather real or not, however it is portrayed.
This is not a prediction, they are telling us…
Obama spunked this out 8 years ago, and of course at 06:15 the temperature was 33 degrees (=666)
and Russia have supposedly been testing their “Satan Nuke”. It looks like Russia nuking New York is odds on favourite.
Supposedly the Russians were painting Zs on their tanks to differentiate between their own tanks and Ukraine’s tanks.
Aside from that being a tactical shot in your own foot (as it would be better to blend in with the opposition surely?) there is no Z in the Russian alphabet. Z in Russian is 3
Interesting points there Bob.
I’d wondered about the Z, and I was keeping an eye on the La Palma situation while there was still a live camera showing it.
As for “rising sea levels”, I’ve lived very close to sea level for the past 28 years and nothing has changed. A few areas flood in winter, but these are known and haven’t changed in my lifetime. It’s all part of the “man-made climate change” scam.
Check this out at 01:40 , bushcraft bear who covered the eruption live displaying symbolism for the “war” that was about to occur, and resembling a character from IPG2
https:/ /
I agree Barney, Watch the water is another attempt to distract us,much like Ukraine. Neither doing a good job. I’ve seen that the next distraction will be the queens funeral likely followed by a fake alien invasion they reckon. Whilst we all know the only thing that matters to them is control and depopulation.
Where is everyone?
Just a few of us trying to keep things going, but it’s not working as well as it might, partly due to a lack of numbers. We few are doing our best, but there’s no-one other than us to turn a comment into a conversation.
How do all the deserters think they’ll know when Chris posts something new? We could post links elsewhere, but will anyone in America, Canada, Australia or even Ireland be interested enough to investigate a site who’s main readership is here in the sewer that was once England (and will be again)?
I’m not giving up, and I’m sure the other loyal readers feel the same, but how many of us are left?
Post a link to something useful/usable, or provide a topic for a talking point, , I’ll go first..
This is Jerry Marzinskys yt channel, , he worked in the American prison system as a psychiatrist. He has uploaded countless hours of discussion documenting how the voices schizophrenics hear are not hallucinations but real demonic entities that live around us and feed off negative thoughts and emotions. Now go to Tesco on a Sunday afternoon and tell me that isn’t the case…
I’ve heard of this kind of thing before, Bob, and I’m not going to disagree, having once inadvertently “crossed” a coven I hadn’t even suspected existed.
I’ve had evil entities in my living room, and one was so evil it could have been the devil itself. Fortunately I knew of a powerful psychic healer – the one who got David Icke started on his own spiritual path – and she was able to deal with the worst one.
At the time I was in contact with someone in Wales who turned out to be a “White witch”. I described the things that were happening, and she was able to recommend a book that taught me how to deal with (most of) the others.
I realise this reads like horror-fiction, but it’s 100% true (though I’ve left a lot of detail out).
I won’t say what the book was because it’s not something for the curious to play with, but I’ll willingly send a .pdf to anyone who needs it.
My e-mail is
and my ISP is
Spambots don’t recognise it when I post it like that, but a Human only needs to insert the appropriate symbol between the two parts.
I agree Barney. I started reading Chris’s site several years ago. It’s thanks to Chris I now see things as they are,I stopped getting vaccinations,I no longer believe anything that comes out of the brainwashing box or media. It wasn’t until then that I realised how evil the top players are. Has anyone come across Yuval Noah Harari? This guy sees us as nothing more than hackable animals. He regards the c19 as an opportunity to track us beneath the skin. I’m amazed that anyone can listen to him and not see this psyop for what it is. The arrogance of these people is nauseating. With the war in Ukraine most people think this is over, but if we look at what’s going on in Shanghai and listen to the language of the elites I fear this is just the start.
Hi to all and especially to Barney. I wrote a comment from time to time, but Chris did not like them and consequently they were never published. Maybe, just maybe I have better luck this time. I think Barney (and a few others) are doing the right thing, they are trying to keep this website alive while Chris is hopefully recuperating from his manifold health complaints. Does anyone have an idea what is really going on in Ukraine? What’s the deal there? Putin is a wrong one, always has been but this low-life Zelensky is even worse, imho. His speciality seems to be homo-erotic toilet humor, normal for his (((tribe))), but what else is his schtick? What’s the deal with his so-called ‘Nazi’ battalions, jew-led, jew-funded, jew-founded? Apart from a number of imbeciles, common criminals and assorted low-lifes, they seem to be mostly jewish. The whole outfit reminds me of Stalag porn which was huge in Israel during the 1950s and 60s, to the great embarrasment of their government. Eventually they had to outlaw the whole genre, in order to put a stop to their endless churning out of NS related smut movies and lurid porn magazines. They just love, love, love the uniforms and symbols.
Does anyone else have the impression that we are watching a mystery play/ritual or some kind of piece-meal re-enactment of something very serious?All things have to be made manifest and as above so below. Why are both sides calling each other ‘Nazi’? What is the meaning of the letter Z on the russian tanks and vehicles? The letter Z is not even in the cyrillic alphabet, it is a letter from the latin alphabet- which the Russians don’t use. Ceremonial magic anyone? I am no expert, alas.
I’m here Barney : )
I expect lots of Chris’ readers do come to the site, just in case there is something new. I can understand why people don’t comment, having seen lots of vitriolic responses in reply to a comment disagreed with. For me, we each have our own view, and should be able to respond without being disrespectful to others, and without swearing all the time. Swearing doesn’t make anybody sound more menacing, if anything, to me, it implies they can’t express themselves properly.
There is a lot going on in the news. Even I wake up every morning, wondering what we will be told next. Our whole way of life has changed, and all we can do is like it or lump it. I’m sure there is a book called ‘As a man thinketh’ – something like that, reportedly written by a holocaust survivor. In essence, it tells of how an enemy can do anything they choose to us when they are in charge of us, but they cannot change how we perceive. I kind of liken that idea to how I’m muddling through this dire time, with the insight of Chris and his writings over the years.
We all have to get on with our lives as best as we can, carry our crosses, and try to find some happiness where we can. I’ve got two new puppies, who are lighting up my life, even though they wear me out lol.
I enjoy reading the AM when it’s informative, but nowhere is there a site as brilliant as Chris’, even with the swearing lol : ). I check every day, and will input more – even if it’s just a pupdate lol : )
Happy people are usually stinking rich or as all too often usually stupid too.
Being ‘happy’ is a delusion of reality; a fake state of contentment, comparable to the idea of ignorance is bliss; like the gas lighting that the Emperor has new clothes when in fact he’s just a butt naked grease ball albino fat arse in a pantomime wig with that blow job madam of his, trans slut cross dressing lip stick wizz, goat riding size 8 knicker wearing child scaring wraith that she undoubtedly is.
Can you guess whom?
I don’t know who you mean, do tell : )
It isn’t true what you say about happy people. If you are lucky enough to live near a beach, take a walk down there at about 6a.m. (Preferably with a dog or two), and glow in the natural world. It might be only for an hour or so, but at that time you are happy. As I said, grab a moment of happiness when you can.
Negativity brings people down, and breeds more – the reverse, but same effect of laughter. We all know we live in an awful world, but we can grasp some happiness : )
Bravo! I’m new to the site but loving the perspectives. I often say if I can just achieve a few moments of happiness, it’s a win of a day! If you put catheters into an audiences arms and take blood while they’re watching a slapstick comedy and laughing versus watching something really sad and then put the blood on a Petri dish you can actually watch, under a microscope, the white blood cells (that fight infection) in the ‘happy’ blood increasing in numbers and gobbling up bacteria whereas the ‘sad’ blood shows almost no activity and the white blood cells don’t increase in numbers at all. This proves that laughter and therefore happiness really does help to keep you healthy 😉 I’d love to post the source for this but it was from the recent The Truth About Cancer – Propaganda Exposed docu-series which can’t be accessed for free anymore.Get well soon Chris x
I agree that insulting other commenters achieves nothing, or nothing good anyway. We’ll get the occasional troll, but they usually show their true nature sooner or later, and are easily ignored.
Apart from that, I’d be suspicious of any site where everyone expressed exactly the same opinions. We’re all thinking people with differing ideas and beliefs. That’s how it should be, and it’s how we learn.
Btw, as an animal lover (just about any creature with a fur coat, from mice to horses, plus a few others), I’d personally welcome a few pupdates. Lucky you.
Hi Barney
I have recently taken on 2 sibling German Shepherds, without knowing or researching – only after the event did I discover it’s meant to be a no-no. Anyway, I found out about 4 days of having them, and the breeder did say she’d have one back, but both had already stolen my heart. How do you decide which arm to cut off?
Against all the advice, we kept both lol. They are now 4 months, and apart from wrecking a chair, numerous plants and a while host of other things, they still make my heart sing : )
Two energetic fluffy teddy bears! They’ll get big – and expensive – but they’ll be worth it.
I hadn’t heard anyone say it’s not good to have two.
Treat them right, as I’m sure you will, and they’ll repay all the love you give them with interest.
Hi Barney : ). These are my 7th and 8th GSDs : ) I can’t imagine life without a dog : )
Agreed with how you treat them : ) GSDs can be a lethal weapon (and at my house, certainly one of mass destruction lol). They are booked in to obedience classes at the end of the month. I am proud to say they are already trained to do a few basics with only hand commands. It’s quite a joy to train a dog (or 2 ).
Apologies if my pup dates are boring : )
Your website has been superplexed down among the tail end of search engine results among the garbage.
Like trying to fold Origami with a ducks feather in a tornado was the search effort required to find this web site.
Hi Barney. I’ve been a total supporter of Chris for many years and used to comment frequently. However, the last 3 years have totally taken their toll on me – I lost my sister and Mam within 9 months of each other. My ill health conditions worsened to the point that my work (after nearly 30 years’ service dismissed me). I struggled with the feckin barstewards that are know as Universal Credit, to even get any sort of support. This, obviously, worsened my health. I don’t want sympathy but wanted to explain why I (and most probably others) haven’t been so active as they used to be.
Here’s a starter for 10: after years of subterfuge and lies, why has Princess Andrew been thrown under the bus and why has a documentary on so-vile now been made public, yet Princess Charles has never been questioned over their “close, intimate, Friendship”? I think we need to look at the reasons why, after years of disgusting cover-ups, have these suddenly been made public??? Why is Maddie McC suddenly in the headlines again? Something massive must be on it’s way for scum like this to be even a tiny bit exposed.
As always, take care of you and yours. Much love, Maz
You don’t want sympathy Maz, and I understand that, but you’ve got mine.
I was lucky. I’m retired (or some might say retarded), but I found an adviser at the CAB of all places who got me every penny I was entitled to, DLA (top rate for both), plus the maximum pension credit, known as “guarantee credit” whatever that’s supposed to mean.
Like you, I don’t want sympathy, which is why I haven’t mentioned my physical problems here, plus the fact that my finances are healthy due to the aforementioned CAD adviser taking a personal interest in my case.
You raise some good points about recent revelations. We need to watch things closely from now on.
Oops! CAB, not CAD.
Hi Barney. Hope you and yours are well. So sorry to take sooo long in replying but I’ve been stressed out with hospital and doctor’s appointments (you probably don’t believe me but I actually had a f-to-f with my doctor a week ago!!!!). I’ve got various other tests coming up but like you, try to make the best of shoite situations, mainly by inventing names for all the barstewards we unfortunately meet on a day to day basis. It’s a good job I don’t have a swear box as I would’ve spent my annual benefits in a week :). Your kind words and advice mean a lot to me, so thank you very much. xXx
Chris – you hold super hero status for everyone who comes to your site. I was trying to come up with a super hero name for you and could only think of “the Cunt Slayer”. Would love to hear other people’s suggestions :). Keep on taking care of yourself and I sincerely hope you are feeling much better very soon. Stay strong. xXx
Boring, Jacqueline??? (above)
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’ll never get bored hearing about our fur-coated family members. I’ve always had cats, but I love most of our non-human companions and can’t pass a dog in the street without offering my hand. They tell us if they don’t want to “say hello”. Some are nervous, and a very few may be hostile, but I make a lot of new friends, canine mainly, plus some of their tame Humans.
My sister (now gone to explore the next world) had a big, fluffy GSD (I’ll use your abbreviation) who used to let the kids get away with anything, even climbing all over him when they were young. She also had an African grey parrot with a good sense of humour.
As far as I’m concerned you can keep the pupdates coming for as long as you like.
A new article coming out as soon as I get round to doing the final edit mate.
That’s good news, Chris. Like everyone else here, I hope you’re making good progress, but don’t push yourself too far too soon.
A progress report would be welcome any time you’re feeling up to it.
That is easy to do mate… I had a camera shoved up my japs-eye yesterday and so far the bladder cancer hasn’t returned.
I have to have another scan on the blocked arteries in my legs on the 14th of next month to see if they have got any worse, followed by an appointment with my consultant in july.
I am still waiting for appointments for the chronic fatigue clinic and physiotherapy on my back.
To be honest, I dont have to walk much anyway so the biggest problems are the chronic fatigue which is very debilitating and my back which makes it painful to sit at the computer for too long… I’m still smiling though mate.
That’s the spirit, Chris. Don’t let the bastards wear you down. I’ve got my problems – not as bad as yours though – but I stay cheerful. That’s what matters imho.
I hope you’ll soon be fully recovered, but I know from personal experience that these things take time, so take as long as you need.
It’s possible that osteopathy (manipulation) would help your back if you can find someone who’s good at his job, but not many are, and the bad ones can make it worse. I’ve had both.
Just concentrate on getting your strength back.
Yes to World Peace
NATO should of been Disbanded in 1991 when the Soviet Union was Dissolved and the Warsaw Pact had been Disbanded
NATO’s Attack on Serbia in 1999 and Subsequent Expansionism and Russophobia shows what a War Mongering Instrument
of Western Supremacism that it is
Disband NATO No to Russophobia No to Neo Nazism Yes to World Peace
A couple of points I’d like to bring to your attention:
The Real Putin was Executed for Treason in 2015
I have been hearing this about Putin for some time now and then I came across this video – it has spoken Russian and English subtitles – so I had a Russian speaker verify that the Russian spoken corresponded to the English subtitles. In the images of the 2 Putin’s they quite clearly do not look the same but there is enough similarity to keep people quiet.
Someone posted a link in the comments:
Vladimir Putin missing: Russian President refuses to comment on 10-day disappearing act – ‘it would be boring without gossip’
The President’s disappearance has not yet been explained”
As always in these “replacements” the question is WHO ARE THEIR HANDLERS?
AIDS WAS A HOAX! FAUCI found a new way to create genocide by creating a fake disease from a fake test (PCR test) with a LETHAL CURE – AZT! AZT was a cancer cure that was withdrawn because it was so lethal it was basically killing people! But hey – after a period in the doghouse, Fauci brought it back for AIDS and as we know, it started killing people left right and centre! Those who did not take it after testing “positive” for AIDS, LIVED! This of course has repeated itself with the COVID/DIVOC LIE – DIVOC means POSSESSION in HEBREW…! The PCR test was invented by Karry Mullins who said categorically enough on video, that the PCR test was non-diagnostic- you can get any result you want! Strangely or coincidentally, he died in 2019…
FROM 2012:
AIDS is a hoax! Biologist Christl Meyer with Jane Buergermeister explodes the HIVAIDS conspiracy.
The Real Putin was Executed for Treason in 2015
True or not, this story has similarities to the twice-dead Nelson Mandela, who apparently died on Robin Island as the evil terrorist he was, and was then “revived” or “re-created” and made president of the country the original Mandela had terrorised.
Anyone who remembers both deaths is said to be suffering from “false memory syndrome”, referred to as “the Mandela effect”, because we “couldn’t possibly be right”, according to the liars that consider themselves superior to the rest of us.
Seems to me it’s entirely possible that you could be right about Putin, yaosxx. I have to admit I don’t know, but we can be certain that it happens, probably most recently with the (((jewish))) queer of England.