February 22, 2025

People gather at Robb Elementary School , the scene of a mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, U.S. May 25, 2022. REUTERS/Nuri Vallbona

Oh No, It’s Another Sandy Hooker

Unsurprisingly, the latest school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, has all the markings of being another Sandy Hook… Or put another way; total bollox.

Course, to even dare describe this new total bollox as erm… Well total bollox actually, will obviously lead to me and anyone else exposing this total bollox for what it is, being labelled such cute names as “Sick Fuck”, “Mental Cunt”, “Sicko” etc, etc, etc.

Nevertheless, it’s a dirty job but someones got to do it, since the majority of the worlds population are totally incapable of looking at things logically, especially when young children are involved – so here we go… Although I can categorically state that I get no pleasure from doing this whatsoever.

Shall we start with the shooter, Salvador Ramos? Yeah, why the fuck not aye.

You see, as is the norm with these psyops, despite this being the era of social media and the incident occurring on Tuesday 24th of May, there are still only two photos of Ramos being touted in the press… Which is fucking strange given the fact that he allegedly had accounts with Facebook (although I can’t find it) and Instagram (which has since been deleted apparently). However, it does seem that Ramos favoured ‘Yubo’ – like ya do – a FRENCH social networking site, which he used to chat to his 15 yr old GERMAN friend, a bird named only as Cece.

Nevertheless, it is alleged that on March 14th – a month and a bit before his “killing” spree:

Ramos posts on Instagram, “10 more days.” A user replies, “are you going to shoot up a school or something?” Ramos responds, “No. And stop asking dumb questions. You’ll see.”

How very astute of that replying user!

Nevertheless, let’s get back to those two photos of Ramos, because – as is also the norm in these psyops – the two images appear to be of two different people:

PHOTO: The two press images of Ramos

I mean, is that really the best that these cunts can come up with?

Funnier still, the crap photo on the right is a selfie which Ramos used as his profile pic on his now conveniently defunct social media sites.

Yet, even allowing for the slightly different head angles in the two photos, their features nowhere near line up… Why is that?

Photo: An overlay of Ramos on Ramos

Now, don’t forget I have been doing this shit for a fucking long time, and I am very good at it – “Shut it, ya fucking big headed cunt Spivey“.

No, I won’t shut it!

Instead I will tell you why the two images do not line up. It is because they are two heavily photoshopped snappy snaps of two different people – alto-fucking-gether now: “AS IS THE NORM IN THESE PSYOPS”

In fact I will go as far as to hazard a guess that the Ramos [allegedly] self-taken profile photo is actually a rework of fellow mass-murderer Richard Ramirez AKA The Night Stalker:

I’m too sexy for this job, too sexy for this job ♫.

The pairs surname: Ramos- Ramirez, and the fact that they have been made to look alike is of course a form of subliminal messaging, used to sub-consciously plant in the masses minds that Ramos is a monster.

And as for the other (rounder faced) photo of Ramos? Well I would say that it is a photoshop of fellow mass shooter Payton Gendron, who also happens to be 18 yrs old and supposedly shot dead 10 people in Buffalo, New York a couple of weeks ago.

However, the funny thing about the widely used “police” mug-shot photo taken after Payton Gendron’s arrest & used almost exclusively in the press to depict his image, is that it is such poor quality… I mean, should’t a police mug-shot be very high quality?

Funnier still, that photo is also photoshopped, which is hardly fucking surprising since that shooting was also fake as fuck.

PHOTO: The official, very poor quality, digitally altered, Police mug-shot of Payton Gendron

However, let’s take one false flag at a time… So, shall we go compare Gendron with Ramos?

Of course we fucking shall:

I’m a model you know what I mean and I do my little turn on the catwalk

And I bet you are all singing “I’m too Sexy” by Right Said Fred in your heads right now.

Now, along with those two vastly different images of Ramos, there is also the obligatory CCTV footage of the made-up villain entering the school grounds… After all, you cannot have a psyop without the CCTV footage to prove that the event really, really took place.

However, AS IS THE FUCKING NORM, the CCTV footage from all these fake fucking events isn’t worth a wank… And this latest total bollox is no exception:

PHOTO: A screenshot of the CCTV evidence used to prove that Ramos was at the scene of the shooting.

Stop laughing, it ain’t funny because those two faked photos and that unbelievably bad CCTV footage is enough to convince your average Joe & Jenny Brain-Dead that this shit actually happened… Which, it couldn’t have done if Sally Ramos doesn’t exist.

In fact given all of the above it has to be said that the American’s put even less effort into their frauds than we do into our own… And that ain’t a fucking lot.

Moreover, I am only just starting. You see, before deciding to go mass-murder a class full of little boys & girls, Ramos apparently decided that it might be fun to shoot his Nan in the face before doing so… The following is taken from the Sun newspaper where a reporter is chatting to Ramos’s Grandad, Rolando Reyes about the shooting of his wife Celia Gonzalez (funny how everyone always seem to have different surnames in these fake events):

Ali Bradley, an independent journalist, visited the home where Salvador Ramos gunned down his grandmother, Celia Gonzalez.

“‘There was a pool of blood here,” Reyes said, adding that the mess was cleaned up by his sister and a friend of his.

The man, who was not home at the time of the shooting, said there were no bullet holes in the house.

All very convenient, but carry on:

Gonzalez, who remains hospitalized, was shot in the face before Ramos then went to Robb Elementary School where 19 students and two teachers died and 17 others were injured.

Reyes told Bradley that his wife was pierced with a bullet that went through the side of her cheek and came out under her ear.

He claims that Gonzalez was awake yesterday, communicating with family members through writing. She is expected to survive... Source

There ain’t many who get shot in the head and survive, but the truth don’t matter when it comes to Government lies.

I mean no one is addressing why in the name of fuck Ramos would want to shoot his dear old Grandma in the face before fucking off to kill a load of innocent children… No one is that wicked, especially someone without a very long criminal record – except in a Government fake episode with an insidious agenda of course.

Investigators shed no immediate light on the motive. Gov. Greg Abbott said Ramos, a resident of the community about 85 miles (135 kilometers) west of San Antonio, had no known criminal or mental health history.

Indeed, Ramos’ mother Adriana Reyes (so why is the Grandmother’s surname Gonzales?) publicly stated that her son was not violent:

The mother of the sick school shooter who shot dead 19 children and two teachers in Texas has claimed he ‘wasn’t a violent person’.

She said the last time she spoke with him was last Monday, on his birthday, adding: ‘I had a card and a Snoopy stuffed animal to give to him.’ Source

The perfect gift from a mother to her 18 yr old son!!!

Course, Mother Reyes is as made-up as the rest of the family – so much so in fact that they have used two digitally altered photos of her to try and prove that she is a real person, both of which are taken from the same source image:

PHOTO: It isn’t hard to see where the photoshopping has taken place on Mummy Reyes… For instance look at her fake cheek & eye in the crapper of the two images!

However, it is very convenient that Ramos had only been living at his Grandparents for a month before he went on his mad-about… That way it can be explained away why no cunt in the area knew him.

But it doesn’t end there – it never does because as with all false flags, the reporting in the press has to be very contradictory in order to muddy the waters and as such, other press reports have Granny Gonzales down as being shot in the forehead:

The suspect’s grandmother, who he shot in the forehead, is undergoing surgery on Wednesday, Reyes said, and believes she will survive.

And she is obviously reported by some as being in critical condition while others have her down as not suffering serious injuries!

Nevertheless, having shot his Nan in the face, Ramos quickly nicked her open-back truck and drove off to the school with his two Brand new AR-15 rifles and 375 rounds of ammunition, but bizarrely crashed on the way:

Course, there is no explanation for the crash but that type of thing – where a madman crashes his motor before going on the rampage – is very common in a Government frauds narrative… In fact I can think of two others straight off the top of my head – the Terrapin attack on the houses of parliament being one of them.

Neither is anyone asking why a 66 yr old Grandma, living in a small, very modest, suburban house would drive a newish, great big, fuck-off opened back truck. Likewise, no one is asking how an 18 yr old school drop-out with no visible form of income could afford to buy over $4000 worth of guns and ammunition.

Yet despite being shot in the head, Granny Gonzales was able to ring the police and tell them what had happened although inspite of this emergency, the cops had still not tracked him down over half an hour later, when Ramos entered the school… Although he did reportedly shoot two policemen on his way – neither of whom suffered serious injury or have been named in the press… Hmmm!

Course, anyone who has read at least one farticle on this latest load of total bollox can’t fail to notice how the press are desperate to compare this shooting with that of Sandy Hook – in order to further the American Government’s desperate agenda to disarm the American population.

Therefore, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that the Monster Cunts used the same crisis actors on both frauds… AS IS THE FUCKING NORM.

I really am getting bored now of typing that sentence, but it’s true all the same.

Nevertheless, Texas school teacher Eva Mireles, shot dead by Ramos is also dead Sandy Hook teacher Victoria Soto:

And of course, both photos have been digitally altered, but probably both originate from the same source. Predictably Mireles was supposedly married to a cop – they do like that kind of thing do these script writers.

Now, originally Mireles was the only teacher killed along with 14 pupils as is evidenced in the press conference given by Texas Governor, Greg Abbott… But this caused a problem because that meant there was only 14 children in the class and those children ranged in ages from 8 to 11 yr olds – who obviously wouldn’t be in the same class.

Therefore, the cunts inexplicably changed the narrative to make it look like there were two separate classes joined by an internal door – hence two teachers were now murdered with the children’s death tally rising to 19 dead with 17 injured (not seriously apparently), which of course brings the total number of children in the line of fire to 36 – albeit that is still a very small number of children in the two classes.

No fucking wonder there were no teaching assistants present! Yet that still doesn’t solve the anomaly because the children were from the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades:

Authorities confirmed that the suspect acted alone and the children who were killed and injured are between third, fourth and fifth grades... Source

So are we really to believe that Governor Abbott got it so wrong in his press conference? No we aren’t because it was not a mistake.

You see, on the 24th (24 = 2 + 4 = 6), Ramos, armed with an AR-15 (15 = 1 + 5 = 6), murdered 14 students and a teacher, making the total 15 dead (15 = 1 + 5 = 6), which gives you 666!


Of course you fucking do.

Nevertheless, the 2nd supposedly-dead teacher added to the scenario was allegedly named Irma Garcia… However, she is also Sandy Hooks, Rachael D’avino – or at least she is in some of the photos used:

And just to ramp up the emotion a bit more – not to mention the old bollox – the script writers then had Garcia’s husband, Joe kick the bucket 3 days later supposedly of a broken heart (see HERE)… Say awww.

But the old bollox don’t end there. you see Irma Garcia also plays the role of her fellow teacher, Trisha  Albarado

Well, I say she also plays the role of Alberado, but we are just talking photos here as these people really don’t exist.

Nevertheless, Trisha Alberado is also a 4th grade teacher (the original 14 dead children were 4th graders) which begs the question why wasn’t she with the 4th graders who were shot?

And of course, that little anomaly is easy for the Monster Cunts to explain away when you are dealing with the brain-dead public – they simply listed our Trish as being a 4th grade teacher of Maths & Science!

Yet as far as I am aware, it isn’t until kids reach the 7th grade that they start having different teachers for different subjects… But fuck it, we will just ignore that.

And there is more, you see Alberando’s husband is also a cop – as coincidence would have it.

However, he ain’t just any old cop – he’s a genuine bona-fida HERO fucking cop… Because all phsyops have to have heroes, don’t cha fucking know:

An off-duty border patrol agent has told how he evacuated children including his own eight-year-old daughter from Robb Elementary School, armed with a shotgun he had grabbed from his barber’s as he left to dash to the site.

Brilliant job Mate and nice of your barber to lend you a gun… Mind you I don’t suppose the SWAT teams on the scene were keen to let you enter, especially with half your hair cut, but fuck em aye.

Course, I am curious to know how Jacob knew it was all going off at the school:

Jacob Albarado, a father of three, received a text message from his wife Trisha – a fourth grade math and science teacher at the school – when he was in the barber’s chair.

Ohhh, right, silly me… What did this text message say:

‘There’s an active shooter,’ she said. ‘Help. I love you.’  Source

Well that explains that then, although I would have thought that Trisha would have been better off ringing him instead of texting… And the “I love You” at the end of the txt was unnecessary. In fact, in my opinion Trisha would have been better off ringing 911 instead of her off-duty pretend cop – but she must have thought; ‘fuck those useless cunts‘ – which is not really all that surprising where these fake events are concerned.

You see, as IS THE FUCKING NORM in these Government false flags, the police are always criticised for their tardiness and their failure to act sooner, etc, etc. And this fake load of old bollox, does indeed follow the official scripts to a tee.

Now obviously the police didn’t change the “Key Details” just because they came in for a right fucking slagging off, but you get the picture.

Oh, and let’s not forget the total bollox about the little girl, who – far from being traumatized – having seen her pals being murdered, had the great idea of smearing herself in her friends blood and playing dead.

You can read that whole, pathetic piece of shit HERE including the bit about how Cerrillo and her friend Amerio Garza (whose blood Cerillo later used to smear on herself) tried to call the police using their dead teachers phone.

Course, if you believe that old bollox – actually, forget I said that since most do.

Nevertheless, instead of publicizing that young girls old fanny, someone should have reminded the superhuman child that smearing blood on yourself to make it look as if you are dead, only results in someone looking like they have smeared blood on themselves in order to make themselves look dead… In other words, it doesn’t fucking work.

However, there is even more to this particular bit of old fanny. You see, A father of one of the dead children, who wore sunglasses during a TV interview, and sobbed uncontrollably throughout without a single tear running down his cheeks, told how he ran into this girl and the smeared blood turned out to be that of his dead daughter.

Now despite his uncontrollable sobbing, Angel Garza (ha, ha you couldn’t make it up), doesn’t really look all that upset, but before you agree with me you should bear in mind that maybe the newly bereaved father was just ecstatic about being interviewed by the useful idiot, Anderson Cooper – A horrible, smarmy cunt who is never far away from American Government fake events.

Course, if you really believe that a young girl covered in blood (despite it not being her own), would have been allowed to wander around by herself once the shooting had stopped, only to bang into Angel Gabriel Garza – strolling freely around a crime scene – whose daughters blood she was covered in, then there really is no hope for you.

You can watch that laughable interview, along with many other addressed anomalies – highlighted by the maker – by clicking HERE

However, it is important to remember that the news media is not there to sensationalize world events, it is there to report the truth… Which it certainly does not.

And I could go on and on for hours about this fake as fuck shooting, but after 10 years of covering shit like this I am now beginning to relate to John Coffey:

Just sayin’.