If you have read my absolutely fucking brilliant last piece of work about the Queer & the very long list of paedo’s associated with her, you will know how disappointed I was to see so many of my Facebook ‘friends’ – who consider themselves to be on the ball – lamenting her death.
Indeed, in that article I pointed out that many of these supposedly clued-up cyberspace chums of mine were even blindly re-posting those bum-clenching-pathetic photos of Paddington Bear walking Sweaty Betty to heaven – without so much as even checking on their origin.

And that is why I took the time to point out that the bollox images – in all likelihood – originated from some clever-dick hack in the media… Or at the very least, the MSM were responsible for getting the ball rolling, hence the Satanic user name: @Del666111, on the photo above which appeared in The Chimp the day after Bizzy Lizzie snuffed it.
Course – and as I also pointed out – this bizarre Paddington old fanny all started because of the short video of the Queer taking afternoon tea with the teddy bear shown around the time of her summer jubilee.
However, since writing about it in that cracking article of mine, the following art print depicting Paddington as the grim reaper on the number 13, tarot death card, has come to light:

Course, this might be something or nothing as I have no idea when the drawing was done, but given the artists huge following; who is to say?
Nevertheless, I have in fact noticed a pattern opening up with these fully paid up members of “The Wide Awake Club” – or WAC’s for short, who were mourning the death of the Monarch.
And I should just point out that I am probably not implying anything by posting the above video… I just happen to fancy Dolores O’Riordan, that’s all… Before she kicked the bucket obviously.
But anyway, back to it and what I have noticed is that many of those mourning the loss of Betty are also the ones who follow the Qannon bollox and whole-heartedly believe that the ex-US President, Donny Fart is STILL going to be our saviour.
Moreover, many of them believe that the Cuntservative Party are all cunts – which of course they are obviously.
However, these Tory hating plant-pots also post on social media that everything will be okay because Truss & Co have pissed that many voters off that the Labour Party is bound to win the next General-Erection and then all will be betterer, etcbetterer, etcbetterer… People power and all that shite.
Mind you, I do agree that Labour are a sure-fire bet to win the next General-Erection… But only because the Monsters have engineered it that way by making the Tories so unpalatable that only the extremely rich would vote for them.
Course the general population are now far too brainwashed to realise their true power and of course absolutely fuck all will improve once the red-flag-fliers are elected.
So, let me lose quite a few more FB ‘friends’ by telling you that if you even only half believe that Donny Fart is a good guy (trust the ever-changing infantile plan), and you are not bright enough to have figured out yet that the Cuntservative Party & the Labour Party are one and the same; albeit both offering seemingly different, empty promises, on pointless policies to the plant-pot-electorate, in order to give them the illusion (or should that be ‘delusion’) of choice – then you ain’t got a fucking clue as to what is really going on in the world and do in fact need to stop peddling your delusional (or should that be ‘illusional’) bullshit to anyone half-witted enough to listen… Because you really, really are not helping.
Well, that is to say you are not helping the cause to liberate mankind, but you are in no small way helping the Monsters to bring about the eventual mass-culling of the human race, while plunging the survivors into slavery… And you better believe that they are going to achieve that goal barring a fucking miracle.
Course, at this late stage that miracle has now got to come about in the form of a revolution, which ain’t likely to happen because the plant-pots have long been brain-washed into submission while “The Wide Awake Club” are banking on Trump & the Labour Party to come to our rescue.
And I should just point out that I am probably not implying anything by posting the above video… I just happen to fancy John Lennon, that’s all… Before he kicked the bucket obviously.
Course, the members of the WAC who believe that the Nonce Trump is a good guy will seemingly never believe otherwise despite the huge amount of evidence to prove them wrong.
I mean he was best mates with Jeffery Epstein for two decades for fucks sake:
Epstein’s notorious “black book” of contacts, compiled largely by Ghislaine Maxwell, shows the rarefied circles in which he traveled—Nobel laureates, heads of states, British royals, Wall Street power brokers, and A-listers in every glamour profession. Trump had no fewer than 16 phone numbers beside his name in Epstein’s black book.
Trump later recalled Epstein in those days. “Terrific guy,” he famously told New York magazine. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
Asked under oath in a September 2016 deposition whether he ever socialized with Trump in the presence of girls under the age of 18, Epstein punted. Rather than answer the questions, he took the Fifth… Source
And of course, Ghislaine Maxwell has admitted to Epstein having incriminating videos of Trump. Yet if more proof were needed, then there is this:
One of the four women who say they were “groomed” for sex by Ghislaine Maxwell testified Wednesday that the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein took her to meet Donald Trump when she was just 14… Source
Yet these Trumptonites will dismiss all of the very many allegations of noncing, sexual assault and rape committed by the former president as being bollox before repeating Parrot like fashion that Trump distanced himself from Epstein when he found out that the billionaire financier raped little girls… Do me a fucking favour!
I mean, not only did it apparently take Trump nearly two decades of very close friendship to supposedly, finally find out about Epstein’s love of little girls, but it was not until after the nonces arrest in 2019 that Trump told reporters that he was “not a fan” of Jeff’s – despite that earlier claim of “He’s a lot of fun to be with“.
However, it is true that Trump & Epstein did have a serious falling out which left their 17 yr bromance in tatters… But it had fuck all to do with Trump finding out that Epstein was a nonce.
I mean, if Trump was really such a good guy and finally twigged that his former best mate was raping little girls, why did he not expose him back in 2004 when they had their handbags at dawn moment? After all, Trump was not one of Epstein’s young victims; too afraid to speak up for fear of not being believed.
Nevertheless, according to the press the reason that the two nonce rapists fell out had fuck all to do with sexual preferences and everything to do with greed and backstabbing:
But in 2004, after a friendship of roughly 17 years, Trump and Epstein had a serious falling-out when Epstein sought to buy a spectacular oceanfront mansion in Palm Beach called Maison de l’Amitié (“House of Friendship”) that was being sold out of a bankruptcy auction. The property, a nearly 62,000-square-foot neoclassical palace, had once been owned by Leslie Wexner, the billionaire retailer who was so close to Epstein.
Epstein had his heart set on the house, but he planned to make at least one major renovation project once he bought it: He wanted to relocate the swimming pool, and he brought Trump to the property to give him advice on how to do it.
But before the sale was finalized, Epstein was horrified to see that Trump, who was still underwater financially from his Atlantic City bankruptcies, outbid him with an offer of more than $41 million for the property. The purchase was financed by Deutsche Bank, which was already holding dubious loans for Trump.
Epstein was apoplectic and became even more enraged when Trump soon thereafter put the house up for sale for $125 million. Finally, Trump sold the house to Russian oligarch Dmitry Rybolovlev for a reported $96 million in 2008—never having lived there—and Epstein threatened to sue him. The two men never spoke again… Source
And although it is fair to say that the police started investigating Epstein in 2005, which some WAC’s claim was brought about by Trump; even if that were true then it would have been motivated by Trump wanting to get up Epstein’s rather large nose, and not out of concern surrounding the nonce’s child trafficking.
Mind you, even that far-fetched claim is in all likelihood just total bollox since Donny & Jeffy belong to the same sick paedo club. In fact Wikipedia state the following reason for the police investigation:
In 2005, police in Palm Beach, Florida, began investigating Epstein after a parent reported that he had sexually abused her 14-year-old daughter. Epstein pleaded guilty and was convicted in 2008 by a Florida state court of procuring a child for prostitution and of soliciting a prostitute. He served almost 13 months in custody, but with extensive work release. He was convicted of only these two crimes as part of a controversial plea deal; federal officials had identified 36 girls, some as young as 14 years old, whom Epstein had allegedly sexually abuse.
And given the fact that Epstein only served a year for raping the child after the 3 yr police investigation, it is pretty safe to assume that Trump was not involved at all.
However, I am not going to say too much more about the kiddie-fiddling sex pest, ex-president because I have already documented much of the evidence in my articles; Qcumbers – they’re every fucking where, Trump – The President Who Keeps On Trumping, and Clear & President Danger… The latter of which documents how Trump feels about his own daughter:

Dirty Cunt.
And remember, Trump was recorded bragging that a celebrity like himself; “can do anything” to women, including “just start kissing them … I don’t even wait” and “grab ’em by the pussy”.
So much for the good guy then!
Moreover, Wikipedia has given over two very long pages in regards to allegations made against Trump. The first details a list of alleged sex crimes (found HERE). And amongst the crimes listed on the 2nd page (found HERE) are three allegations of Trump sexually assaulting and raping two 13 yr old girls and one who was only aged 12.
Interestingly enough, Jeffery Epstein was also alleged to have been present when those three attacks took place… The following is from Wikipedia:
Lawsuit by Katie Johnson which alleges that Trump and Jeffrey Epstein sexually and physically abused her under threats to physically harm her and her family while a 13-year-old minor from June–September 1994.
Lawsuit by Jane Doe which alleges Trump and Epstein engaged in forcible rape, imprisonment and assault while she was 13-year-old minor and another 12-year-old girl in 1994.
Course, each time one of these sexual assault allegations were aired, Trump publicly vowed to sue the women & newspapers involved – but predictably he never did and instead paid out millions of Dollars to make the allegations go away.
And I should just point out that I am probably not implying anything by posting the above video… It just happens that Ivor Biggun, that’s all… Still do since I ain’t kicked the bucket obviously.
Yet as I say, despite all the available evidence alleging towards Trump being a wholly corrupt rapist of women & children, you will not change the WAC’s & Qcumber’s tiny, tiny minds about him… I wonder what happened to all those children he supposedly liberated from the ‘tunnels’?
Moreover, many of those club members who were also lamenting the death of the Queer, seem to have totally forgotten that she had supposedly been executed on Donny Farts orders – as was our new Kink, Charlie the Turd:

PHOTO: The Q list of Donny Fart’s efforts to “drain the swamp“
Course, in reality all American politicians are corrupt warped deviants who do not give a flying fuck for those who vote for them and it is exactly the same over here which is why – as I also said earlier – it don’t matter who you vote for because the object of any government, be it the Cuntservatives or Labour is to slowly but surely leave us irreversibly worse off than when they were elected.
And that is why things have steadily got worse over the last 50 years. I mean fuck me, they certainly do not keep even the most simple of their promises.
For instance, in his 2019 erection-manifesto the wholly corrupt, sex pest Boris Johnson vowed to scrap hospital car parking charges and rid our roads of potholes.

Now, you would think that neither of those two promises would be too hard to implement yet I don’t know about where you live but round here there are more dangerous pot holes in the roads than ever before.
Worse still, even when the council do get round to filling SOME of them in, the job is not done properly and within a 2-3 week period those potholes are back WORSE than before… Course, once upon a time road-tax was used to build and maintain our highways but that was quietly scrapped in 1937 when ROAD tax was switched to CAR tax.
And since then, it is the Council who have to bear the cost of road repairs, which is paid for out of your poll tax.
Meantime, the annual 7 Billion Pound Plus raised from your car tax goes straight into the Government coffers… Not a lot of fucking people know that.
Course, as for the hospital parking charges, well just last week (5th October 2022) The Chimp reported that they are higher than ever:

Yet funnily enough, nowhere in that farticle do the Monkey-Kuntz make mention of Bojo’s erection promise… Well they wouldn’t would they because the media’s job is to deceive not report the facts.
However, my long term readers may remember that on my old website, I pointed out (and proved) that sites such as The Chimp on-line and Google Images are Satanic and as such everything has to [covertly] connect with everything else.
Therefore, I was not surprised to notice that the farticle on the car parking charges was covertly connected to some old fanny about the fat cunt ex-prime mincer recently becoming nearly half a million squid richer.

Whoop-dee-fucking-doo… Do you see how it works?
Of course you fucking do.
However, if more proof were needed in regard to the Chimps Satanic news-feed then I should also tell you that the two major farticles shown below in screenshots, immediately followed one another in today’s Chimp news-feed (12/10/22) – thus, both connecting with each other:

Now I haven’t looked too deeply into either story but then again I don’t need to in order to ascertain that they are both bollox… I mean it was instantly obvious to me that the two stories were total bollox just by looking at the photos.
That is to say that both nurse Lucy Letby – or Beverly Allitt the 2nd if ya like – and psycho head-chopperer-offerer, Jemma Mitchell are one and the same person.

Course, it is at times like this that I really miss my old website. You see, I wrote an article on there in quite some detail proving (or so I believe) that the baby-killing nurse, Beverly Allitt drama was just another fraud – in the same way that this new baby-killing nurse, Lucy Letby drama is.
Indeed, in that now lost article I showed you how some of the photos of Allitt’s ‘victims’ had been used to create other of her ‘victims’ and how I believe that photos of her “surviving victim”, Kayley Asher, taken in or around 2019 were actually photos of Allitt herself:

And that is the kind of in-ya-face piss taking that the MSM can get away with.
Nevertheless, to summarise, ANYONE putting their faith in any political party or politician are going to be sorely disappointed and as I say; those that do have not the slightest Scooby-Fucking-Doo of what is really going on in the world.
I mean c’mon; Donny Fart & the Labour Farty being our saviours? Really?
You would have to be brain damaged to believe that!
And I should just point out that I am probably not implying anything by posting the above video… I just happen to fancy Sam Brown, that’s all… Still do since she ain’t kicked the bucket obviously.
Although, I am sure that the earlier Ivor Biggun reference and the one above in regard to Sam Brown will be lost on more than a few of you.
Just sayin’.
Good to have you back Chris
Yes, Trump has got more flaws than Trump Tower, but in my opinion he’s got a massive following of good people going in the right direction. The MSM has been throwing shit by the tank load at him for the last six years or more, but it doesn’t seem to be sticking. Hopefully he can do for the USA what Putin’s done for Russia. We’ll know how real he is by the ethnicity of the people he appoints in his government, if you get my drift.
As for the Labour Party, don’t fall for the hype and fake polls. They’re dead. There’s more life in my pants than in the Labour Party.
Love to all.
Americans need to be careful where Donald T Rump is concerned. He’s popular because he says the right things, and we only have to look at the alternative, a senile old fart who belongs in a nursing home, and who has to keep changing his soiled trousers if the rumours are to be believed.
(How’s that for a polite way of putting it?) 😉
T-Rump says the things people want to hear, but he’s been to occupied Palestine (I refuse to call it Israel because it isn’t), and he surrounds himself with the devil’s vermin.
We’d all like to find he’s “as presented”, but what if he isn’t? The Trump we’ve seen so far isn’t as bad as the buffoon that was recently kicked out of Downing Street, but what if it’s all been an act so far, a trick to get the US public on his side?
What if “everybody’s friend” turns out to be a monster once he’s back in the no-longer-White house?
Oops! Didn’t close that bold tag properly.
Hi Barney.
I wouldn’t trust Trump as far as I could kick Trump Tower, but he’s not the be-all and end-all. The real revolution is the wave of support for the return to the values of the constitution, and away from the subversion driven by the ‘devil’s vermin’. I wish we had the 2nd amendment here in the UK.
I’ve just noticed on Betfair Liz Truss is 6/5 to be gone this year, and Sunak is 5/4 to be next PM. Get on the double!
Why so many foreigners in what’s supposed to be our government (not that it ever was)?
Would an Englishman stand a snowball in hell’s chance of getting (s)elected to the Indian or Nigerian government?
I don’t think so.
hi chris, great read as always, with the overlay photos what do you use to do that?
Hi Karl.
I use zoner photo studio 16… It is free to download and very good once you get to know it. There are newer versions but I find version 16 the easiest to get the hang of. It does all I need it to do.
cheers chris
I haven’t voted since I voted for Maggie, after that I realised I was a twat that couldn’t be trusted to vote again so I never have. After all as that singular American, the only one to ever have a brain, Mark Twain, once said “If voting mattered they wouldn’t let us do it”
I’ve given up on this planet completely, hopefully the next one I land on is not full of bearded Harold’s in frocks & uphill gardeners sucking baby dummies and giving their dogs anal monkeypox .
Good to read your lengthy great articles again. World gets weirder. Love to all. Have a kiss. Julie x
Now retired and more time to read stuff.
Painful isn’t it Chris? When you realise that the people you genuinely believed were ‘awake’ are in fact just as brain-dead as the rest of the sheep. Actually what I just wrote is perhaps a bit cruel, and it isn’t very nice to compare any creature to those who are imbecilic on a gargantuan scale, so I will unreservedly apologise to all sheep. As for Trumpton, you are correct. This piece of shite has probably been raping his daughter since she was little more than a baby. This is what these satanic monsters do. If Trumpton was a REAL threat, the cabal would take him out. Simple as that. Chris, I strongly suspect that you get days when you wonder if it has all been worth it…………I know your health has suffered. Me and my partner are also both seriously ill, so ill in fact that we both make jokes about which one of us is going to fall off our perch first. Both of us have been targeted by ‘Them’ and we occasionally ask ourselves if going up against these bastards has been worth paying such a high price………..and the answer to that question is “yes…….we would do it all again”. I suspect you would too. The tide is turning Chris. It might be many years before these filthy bastards are truly brought down, but this is the beginning of the end for them, and they know it.
As Thomas More says above – Painful isn’t it – Fantastic article Chris knitting together the threads of some of the corruption and lies. So called royals hijacking the innocence of Paddington bear escorting the hag to her dark spot (do not believe she died when they told us she did nor believe she was in that coffin) and placing his image on a Tarot card is cheap and pathetic..predictably the plant pots suck it up and continue to revel in their preferred state of collective ignorant bliss and be part of the en-mass ‘in club.’ So called awake enlightened sorts are almost worse than deep sleepers imo. Professing to know the know whilst worshipping at the feet of this repugnant collection of actors called Windsors and similarly when referring to politics and politicians..and media hoes. They get out and ‘do their voting bit’ by placing that x next to some hand picked monster’s name..I mean really?! Awake my arse. Playing the systemic game of engagement as commanded by their betters in their droves comforted in the knowledge you get who you vote for..god almighty!!! Makes me puke to be honest.
The original Paddington Bear was a dangerous poorly drawn narrated cartoon sociopath that preyed on marmalade sandwiches somewhere near or thereabouts of Paddington railway station.
I was saying there is no way she is being driven here there and everywhere in that coffin, the hearse had advertising in the window, when she met truss that pic in the paper so fake, I believe she prob went last year, world is getting crazier and more blatant in your face craziness
Felt like the greatest show on earth courtesy of Billie Smarts Circus. As the plant potters put it so nauseatingly…’we done errr proud…’…’noone puts on the pomp and circumstance anywhere on earth like what we do…’…promptly followed with a resounding..’gawd save the kink..’…why do they all need the man in the sky to save them??? I reckon too, she exited to her dark space last year at some point. When you think we’ve seen, read, heard crazy in the extreme, like black magik they find another nth degree to take us to. Next up from this shower..the kink’s coronation..🤴🏻🙄😂
I loved Dolores O’Riorden too, and reckon that, sadly, she was bumped off – like so many others in the entertainment industry
Anybody else spot this?
I’ve tried a few times to post this, JB, but the site’s playing up today.
The Truth Seeker found the “mount-anything” story a day or two ago.
ht tps://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=260001
good read, hope you are well? x
Bozo the downing street monkey has finally been kicked out to continue to collect a prime monster’s pay for life.
Now we’re all Trussed up.
Truss appointed Quasimodo (something like that anyway) to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, didn’t like the way he did it, and replaced him with a right C … er … Hunt to put them back where they were before.
Now Truss is about to be kicked out and made to struggle on the same pittance as Bozo, not much more than an inflation-proofed three thousand quid a week for the rest of her worthless life, plus all the fiddles available to ex-prime monsters.
Apparently Bozo charged £300,000 for a 30 minute talk recently.
It’s musical chairs without the music or the chairs, but with big bonuses.
Soon (((they’ll))) impose another non-British parasite on what’s supposed to be our country (so why aren’t our people represented?).
Would an Englishman, a Welshman, an Irishman or a Scotsman be accepted in the Indian or Nigerian government? Would a woman?
Or a Turk.
Having problems getting here today. Time out. Try again. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
I have had the same problem mate. I have asked Mike (site engineer) to have a check for any problems.
Ok Chris. Thanks for the quick reply.
hi Chris.
Hope you are starting to feel better. Just to say glad you’re writing again,have missed your articles.
all the best… Trish xx
I’m having trouble to post! hope I manage to get through soon! blooming tech…..
THis is a test message
“And I should just point out that I am probably not implying anything by posting the above video… I just happen to fancy John Lennon, that’s all… Before he kicked the bucket obviously.”
You might just have than fancy come back to life, Chris. Ever hear of a fellow named Mark Staycer? A “Lennon impersonator”. Miles Mathis presents a compelling case that Lennon lives on.
You’ll appreciate his photographic work, too.
Thanks Chris, always a pleasure to read your latest work.
These fucking plant pots who believe themselves aware, are a problem nowadays, what with Twatter and the others to keep em up to date, dog help us .
All part of a Satanic wheeze probably, their tentacles reach a long way.
Be lucky everyone. Peace and Love y’all 22
I hope you get to read this!
I have replied to you several times about keeping the site going but you don’t reply! If you don’t want to that’s fine but plz tell me…..
Sorry QE1. I’m not deliberately ignoring you – or anyone else. I’m not quite sure what you’re referring to though.
Have you tried to contact me on here, or has it been by e-mail? If the latter, something’s going wrong because I haven’t received anything.
Just to clarify the way I post my e-mail address, something like johnsmith@anyoldisp.com (which doesn’t exist) would be picked up by spambots, mainly because of the @ symbol in the middle, so I remove that symbol and post my e-mail address as two separate parts. That way the bots don’t recognise it.
If anyone here is trying to contact me, my e-mail address is
(don’t forget the underscore)
and my ISP is
Join those two parts with the @ symbol between them, and you’ll get through to me.
good to hear from you. I’ve had problems posting on here, I was just trying to keep the site going until Chris was well enough to write again.
keep well x
Very lovely to see you writing again Chris.
I am bemused that Chris uses the term ‘plant pots’, and then a whole bunch of people start using the same terminology. It kind of contradicts. . .
Hi Jacqueline – Guilty as charged😬😂Used the plant potters terminology a couple of times coz I LIKE IT. Apologies sincerely if this induced a state of bemusement😂😂
Lol Claire – I ought to thank you for the period of bemusement ~ it dims the reality for a while : )
I apologise if I sounded condescending ~ I must have been having a sense of humour blackout : )
I got suspicious with Suella Braver-man exiting the stage just in time for Sun-ak to enter it as a leading character. Then I noticed the resemblance between Suella and Rishi.
Anyone good with faces who can prove me right or wrong?
Where is everyone? I realise Chris still isn’t quite fully recovered, so it could be that there are comments waiting to be approved, but it seems to me that most people just aren’t bothering to say anything.
I just don’t think people have drifted back yet.. unless they were checking in regularly they probably would be none the wiser there was very much new activity on Chris’s part. I don’t know what the answer is mate, obviously those still here are ardent fans but as for a wider audience there may not be an immediate surge!
I hear you Barney, my 2 cents there is something of a war weariness vibe generally & that ‘might’ explain things!?
As I’m seeing it of late the Monsters are going back to tried & trusted low rent psyops.The type that they gave us a break from since circa late 2019, what with BS19 taking the limelight!
Just seen this SLY News report of a petrol bomb ‘attack’ on a gimmigrants centre in Dover, & it looks the part, a low rent bollocks Op. The masonic filth can’t even decide whether 2 or was it 3 incendiaries (for their 33) were thrown. The men who like to point a lot showed up, always a good sign that 😂 And of course the perpetrator according to SLY killed himself, for a happy & neat PSY OP ending!
Check this out before the #ews cycle changes in 3,2,1…
Good points you two. We all suffer “burn out” from time to time, plus people who drift away don’t know to “drift back”. It’s a pity, but I’ll keep banging my head against that brick wall in the hope of spreading the message.
I agree about the false flags too. Even the number of injured keeps changing, and I can’t really imagine someone lobbing a few petrol bombs and then killing himself.
Too many reasons why it just wouldn’t happen like that.
Charles latest vision for the future. Terra Carta which seems to be a inversion of Magna Carta
Yes they may put Labour in next
But the next big thing in all our lives will Be CBDC
That’s Central Bank Digital Currency
Or Programable money . Good buy any financial independence
Then they will link it to your obedience score.
watch this
RichPlanet has recently suffered attack in the form of a doco on Panorama featuring the BBC’s insidious Mariana Spring-onion
Hi Chris, everyone. What a fucking laugh that Kanye sorry, Ye or whatever the fucker calls himself today, apparently ‘lost’ his billionaire status after saying naughty things about certain folk.
Shit like this is designed to keep the brain dead focused on anything like sleb trivia so they are less likely to notice stuff they don’t want you to notice, like the bill they’re trying to get through guvmint to censor the net and criminalise even past ‘crimes’.
Now that is one thing people should be aware of, not some rich fucker with untreated bi polar or whatever classification his particular mental illness has been designated. Dozy cunts. Ho hum.
Keep well Chris and family and
Peace and Love y’all
post-crime? That’s as bad as pre-crime from Minority Report! maybe that’s how they plan to deal with us nay-sayers?
interesting film regarding convid 19 is still free to watch for another 3 days –
@ idiots maximus.
Thanks for that link, he along with bill gates are such evil vile monsters…..
Hi all, I know its convenient to buy things online and often cheaper, but as with cash money, if we don’t use shops, they will disappear. I don’t use amazon coz of how Bezos treats his workers and avoids paying a fair amount of tax. But I’m still part of the system, working, hating being a wage slave to a global organisation, but I’ve had times of no work and no money and I know which situation I prefer! I guess one way or another we should try to reduce our dependence on the grid, illusionary matrix as it may be, but part of it we all are.
Chris is great at pointing out their tricks and obviously we should get our information from a wide variety of sources, not just Twatter and Sky news etc. Those of us who think we are awake to things need to remember to always have our filters in place, to not be gullible but not dismissive either, and question everything we’re told.
For example, if the guvmint says something, then the exact opposite is more likely correct – not always, but a ridiculous amount of times this is proven.
Anyway, have a good day everyone, and
Peace and Love y’all 9
Here’s another useful video entitled “Johnny’s Cash and The Smart Money Nightmare”.
Have you seen the BBC character assassination of Richard D Hall this week? They have used their influence to shut down his 10 year old YouTube channel including his video you posted above. Now Richards local council have shut his market stall down.
Richard deserves a lot of support folks as this government censorship is going to spread.
Hi Tom, hopefully most folks here are aware of RDH and Richplanet. I wondered when the cabal would be focusing on him and his work. They already had his programme removed from broadcast TV onto the net, some time ago. And now the market stall and the BBZ hit piece. I have emailed RDH to offer support but surprise surprise his usual email address seems ‘unavailable’.
There is a second address, easy to find for those interested.
Equally interesting is how one of his covid investigators in a different country suddenly became uncontactable.
And sheep the world over still can’t see the conspiracy.
I just checked in and here you are Chris. So happy to see an article and I know exactly what you mean about friends on social media..I am not on Facebook but on Instagram. When they finally announced the queen had died.. I’m reckon it was a few years back if I’m honest. I removed at least 50 people I followed because they were wailing and weeping. some even changes there profile pic 2 her.. And by the time I had my say on my story I had lost over 200 followers. Never realised how many people have no clue to how evil the royal family are. Just her 2 sons association to 2 pedophiles is enough is set alarm bells off. But no the general public are leaving marmalade sandwiches out. And yes all over Telegraph you have the Trump supporters. As for Labour being a saviour. wow just way look at evil Tony Blair. They are all managed by the same puppets behind behind the scenes. It’s scary times and nobody is awake everyone is still fast asleep
Has anyone here noticed the stench of those who have allowed themselves to be injected with the “covid” poison?
Northern Truth Seeker in Canada first brought it to my attention, but though I’d smelled it, I’d put it down to “background smells” or “train smells” until it hit me at full force on a crowded Brighton station at the weekend.
It’s horrible, and now that I’m properly aware of it, I’m really noticing it, when travelling, or even in the street when someone who’s had the injection walks past. I have my groceries delivered, but if I noticed it in a crowded (not very super)market, I’d have to dump my shopping and leave. It really is that bad.
So glad you mentioned this. I’m in North London and I just put it down to normal London smells. But went to visit my dad in Hertfordshire and the same smell coming off of certain people. it’s a smell like I’ve never smelt before
Hi Barney – Well that gave me a laugh..so they’re emanating eau de trench foot🤢😂Haven’t encountered so far but shall look out for it. I have noticed how readily angry they seem to be and likewise re your guy in Canada, it was a Canadian team of off radar scientists to point this out and attribute it to one of the many components in the potions..can’t recall the exact name but apparently targets and upticks ‘aggression’ hormones. Cue those who took it saying no it doesn’t….In fact those who took it pretty much blanket deny a solitary negative regarding the toxins; which was something else this team recognised and discussed, they likened it to Jab Stockholm Syndrome and talked about the outward zealotry akin to religious fanaticism towards those of us who flat out avoided the gunk. I know a couple who’ve taken 5 doses….yup…and sadly not only ‘behave’ differently ie altered mannerisms and mental/physical minor (but obvious) deficits would take more should our national death service ‘invite’ them to do so..we are witnessing global genocide. Don’t forget to tune in to Midazolam Matt on I’m a Celeb..you could NOT make it up…!!!
Barney. Following your comment on smelly jabbed morons (or words to that effect), I did some searching on the internet, and it does seem that vaccines (not just these ones) do make people give off an odour. The only solution I can see to enable you to go back to the supermarkets is to (1) catch covid (2) get jabbed, and then you won’t be able to smell or taste anything anyway! It must be really disturbing to dogs and cats who can detect chemical changes in people’s bodies. Oh – just thought of another solution – don’t catch covid, don’t get jabbed, and stick to small, local shops who really need the business!
There’s many stories about people dying suddenly and how some jabbed smell.
Where I live everything is more or less like it was pre-covid, apart from the price hikes on everything. The roads are crowded, people are here to enjoy the autumn sun as I live in a popular holiday destination.
There’s women who’ve had perfectly normal babies. The ambulances are out and about but no more than before as there are lots of elderly people living here.
I know jabbed and unjabbed and they all are fine, no funny smells or weird behaviour.
I’m not denying there’s anything going on and I’m safely unjabbed. I had covid but recovered with no special treatment.
I have seen other comments where people say the same, everything is more or less normal where they live.
Is there anyone else who’s noticed this and is there something going on, even in the alt media to make people more fearful than they need be?
hi Claire
most of my x friends have been jabbed and b4 they dropped me from their friend list, I noticed that they were giving off an odour, like they were dying inside. most have been to the docs for one thing or another and have aged quicky. I’m the eldest and they detested me for not having the jab and keeping fit and well 😀
What did I say about reverse 100%whatever the guvmint tell you, and you’ll be closer to the truth.
The last few days msm droned on about Rishi Rich absolutely will not be attending that cop 27 bollocks or whatever it calls itself. Apply Kozmiks Law and, lo and behold, Rishi Rich IS now attending the old fanny. Told you so.
Peace and Love y’all
Something else I witnessed last weekend was two ambulances going round a bend almost on two wheels, with all the noise and blue lights and everything as if they were late for their tea break (again) and had heard a rumour that the burger outlet with a Scottish-sounding name was running out of Soylent green.
Couldn’t have been a medical emergency, of course, or they wouldn’t have turned up until three weeks next Thursday.
They’re talking about going on strike, but they’re worried that no-one will even notice.
nice one. yeah it’s all the same everywhere.
An in-law told me they want to strike as nurses are leaving in droves, bad pay and more work to do because of shortages. we are truly fecked so don’t get ill
Where I live, I see ambulances every day, they seem very busy always with the lights on and the siren going. I hope I never need one myself, I’m no one so I don’t fancy my chances. Be lucky everyone.
Hi Chris. I’ve got a suggestion. As well as having comments below each of your articles, why don’t you leave a Comments Page permanently running? It would be your own mini-version of Twitter (you could call it “Spitter”) – a place where the Spiv Army can weigh in on a daily basis, and you could make a few bob by selling Blue Checkmarks. Just a thought.
The Dems are 12/1 to win today. Can Tel Aviv flush the Red Wave into the Cloud again? I’ve got a fiver on the GJB’s. What’s a GJB? I can’t tell you because I want my Blue Checkmark!
Best wishes, Dave.
Seems like a good idea Dave. A way to stop people drifting away between articles. Could involve extra work though, and our host isn’t fully recovered yet. We’ll have to see how Chris feels about it.
Evelyn De Rothschild, London Head of Banking Dynasty, Dies …
https://www.bloomberg.com › news › articles › evelyn-…
3 hours ago — Evelyn de Rothschild, who helped unite the British and French arms of his family’s famous banking group and counted Queen Elizabeth II among …
I am sure the announcement of the date of the queen’s financial adviser’s death will have been as carefully chosen as that of her late maj.
Just realised, Blood Moon eclipse tonight – brings dramatic endings.
I was subjected to the horrors of the electric jew over the weekend, with it’s endlessly-repeated moronic, infantile “adverts”, most of which don’t even seem to be trying to sell anything. Just more hypnotic brain rot to stop the sheeple waking up.
Worse even than these though, I had to endure the antics of the slimy, mass-murdering freak Midazolam Matt (Handlecock) in “I want to be a celebrity … ” daring to ask “forgiveness” of the relatives of those he murdered, and who weren’t even allowed to be with said relatives at the end (in case they noticed anything untoward?).
Nothing resembling an apology, of course, the same as that Oster freak asking for an “amnesty” in some US publication.
“We deliberately murdered your relatives. People are still dropping dead from the poisons we continue to try to force everyone to take. We ruined everyone’s lives. We knew exactly what we were doing. We acted with malice aforethought, and continue to ruin as many lives as possible, but can’t we draw a line under it as if it never happened?”
NO! Mass murderers and traitors must HANG. There can NEVER be any forgiveness for those that KNOWINGLY and INTENTIONALLY caused so much harm to Humanity worldwide.
At least Handlecock was stung by a scorpion, proving even the Australian wildlife hates the evil bastard.
Expect to see Whitty shacked up with a transgendered, one armed, single eyed hybrid, zie/zir jabbed zombie taking pout selfies and ‘trending’ on socials to the seal applause of gen Z.
Bottom line – they love it. It’s deliberate. Hancock was always going to be hailed, somehow, someway as a hero, and what better way to play ball to the brain dead masses than by planting the fukwit in a jungle with equally minded banal half-wits. If not the jungle bullshit then one of the other brain dead things on the box..’strictly’ eg…The facts that speak for themselves that this twat ordered in tonnes of the death row drug in Oct 2019 PRIOR to the entire shit show means nothing to the happy clapping air heads. They don’t want to hear it. They don’t want to process basic, simple fact. Present data and you’ll be accused of scare mongering😵💫😂There’s no hope. There really isn’t. Noone will hang Barney. They’re not considered traitors at all and as you can see they’re placed in positions of adulation. Comments re his orchestrated apology were en-masse littered with – he didn’t know what he was doing, none of us did – a learning curve – and such like vomitus maximus. The NHS has been murdering without consequence since its inception. That does not provide a swerve for this particular monster doing a great job for his paymasters in any way however, this he’s the tip of a massive iceberg. Interesting reading, the huge number of lawyers on retainers to the NHS…fucking mind blowing = noone stands a chance in hell of getting past the first post.
👍👏 agree 100%
Hi Claire.
I Wish Chris…a rapid recovery…YER KNOW, THEY DON`T like it uppem.
Get well soon…m8
Clair…re; Mat…the plank…HANCOCK.
remember…this…NOTHING happens by accident in politics.
In other words, the cunt is liable to pop up…ANYWHERE.
As for trying to get through to the…N.P.C`S, yer know the ones, with the glazed eyes.
Well, I thought…why fuck about..?
And, we can all do something similar.
[just to save time] and reach a wider audience, shall we say.
here’s what I did.
I crafted an EM and sent it to my LOCAL Parish council.
Informing them I would be attending the next meeting
2. days later.
COMPRISED OF.local MP a solicitor, and six other confused souls.
Within hours the meeting was canceled…L.O.L
I fink it could have been a bit upsetting` as if their world had
come crashing down around their ears.
what the F, did he send…I hear you ask…
ANSWER…EVERYTHING…I have accumulated from around 18 years
due diligence.
YEP…They got the lot.
Well first…cos their so fucking thick, and don’t know how to
conduct themselves.
I gave them a link to…THE NOLAN PRINCIPLES.
I addressed them all as children, or perpetual 12-year-olds, of
a bovine nature…roman law…tee hee
next… a few vids re; mind control
[Too much to mention here]
OH…almost forgot, I put them on PUBLIC NOTICE
Informed them that the max sentence; is 12 years
for messing about…IN PUBLIC office.
What their certificate of manifest really is…[slave control]
introduced them…to basic psychology/mind control
Taught them A MAN is a king, in the land of the blind.
relatively speaking.
While I think of it…
We all think that the great reset…IS, about the currency…full stop.
well get this.
THE OWNERS…have probably forgotten to tell us…you know what
there like.but.
THEY are changing over from Noahide law…to…TALMUDIC law.
the law of SLAVERY.
how do you like…them apples.
They are about to remove…THE VELVET GLOVE.
Something a bit…woo-hoo.
I have been a member on here for years,and visit 4/5 times a week.
why?…NO.1…in the hope that chris has crafted another article.[respect.m8]
also, I`m AMONG…normal folk.
[with brain cells to rub together]
Let’s get on with the woo-hoo bit.
Well for the last `say,couple of months my body clocks have been shot ie; not getting
tired, after a lack of sleep,also I CAN SENSE…an energy/download which has caused my mind to somehow align my thought/actions, into physicality.
Best wishes to
I`m pretty sure most of F.wits are x actors from…`They Live`, look at that witty thing, for a start…W.T.F…Is It.?
From years of searching for practically everything; who/what/why etc.
I have come to the following conclusion.
However, that’s just me…
we are living through an unprecedented period of time, and I learned that…If we were
not under contract…ie willing…we would not be here.
I can only repeat…Alan Watt`…hold on to your sanity…while the world around
I really recommend watching this (12 mins). A Sky presenter has been suffering from Long Covid for many months. Married to a doctor. Managed to conceive and have a baby during this period. Only mentions the vax once, and does not say if he has taken it. Total propaganda video which Hugo pulls to pieces, including the use of the yellow and blue colours we see everywhere now.
Hi Chris, everyone. Any thoughts on the Artemis moon fly by? I’m not a flat earther but I have doubts about the official story of Apollo and the moon missions of the 70s, not sure it happened at all like they say, don’t think we had the technology back then.
Now they’re using the Artemis shit to cover up the Apollo shit. They’re going to be making a big deal about the women and people of colour who will be next (1st) to actually walk on the moon, you just know it. Probably be a trans person, thinking about it! Come on, why not? All the other boxes will be ticked.
Peace and Love y’all
Good idea Kozmik.
A long time ago I read something called “March of the morons”, where car speedometers went up to 200 mph, with noise generators to make it more believable as they weren’t actually doing that speed, and there were (imaginary) colonies on Venus. A government department faked “letters home”, telling Earthbound relatives how good it was up there, and they were continually recruiting people (now known as sheeple) to join the communities on Venus.
The truth was that the rockets were designed to break up once they were far enough out from Earth.
Couldn’t we do something similar with bankers, politicians and other scum? Gates? Schwab? Tedros whatever his surname is?
Perhaps we could run a lottery with seats on the rockets as prizes.
Fucking brilliant idea, Barny…
Perhaps we could run a lottery with seats on the rockets as prizes.
BUT…think about it` yer thinking…SMALL.
Let us think… BIG
How about hiring a few spin Drs first?
Resulting in…TICKET SALES.
More fucking rockets
to rid the earth of even more homo Moranis.
NO…NO It`s just come to me…WE DO A SERIES…
courtesy of George Carlin.#
sorry Kosmik, I can’t help re; Artemis’ moon fly by…
re; the system…
If the owners/high masonry…DECIDE, that a particular matter…is…A MUST BEE.
See…9/11…Kennedy…etc, or…man hand-cuffed in a suitcase stabs and shoots himself.
This is an ‘official’🤣google explanation of how astronauts escaped radiation frying them whilst they toddled off to the moon 50 odd years ago – How did Moon astronauts survive radiation?
In the case of the Moon landings, the solution was to monitor space weather and hope for the best. The spacecraft’s aluminium skin gave some protection but would not shield against all of it. They really were just lucky that there were no unexpected radiation bursts………………yeah really L U C K Y…people do actually swallow that right down🙈🙉😂Bacofoil it is boys.
How did Moon astronauts survive radiation?
OR…did they ever travel in anything higher than a 49 bus.?
Here is another angle, just finished watching myself…
https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMcpKJ18nmo
A trans…person.?,fuck me kozmik…lets not rush into any premature plans here.
here is a list I bin working on for about the last 2 mins, and in my opinion…the fucking lot
as in ALL THE BOXES WILL BE TICKED…should be treated to a fucking rocket…SOMEWHERE.
Maybe…It’s just me.
Hi Chris, everyone, I haven’t seen nasa’s own video yet of the fly by over the Apollo alledged landing sites, but they’ve fucking had long enough to rig it all up. As we all know, modern CGI can make it appear that anyone is doing anything so we can’t now believe our own eyes, but whatever…..
They’re still reckoning on the next landing being 3 or something years away, why?? I suppose the only answer is that, actually, it IS Rocket Science. Most will want to believe and anyone disbelieving will be Flat Earthed Off, matey, very quickly I should think.
Peace and Love y’all
Hi all I just had to re read this article and comments and so worth it.
just waiting for Chris to write something new for us …..
I think I’ve become a Flat-earther as well as a Q-tard.
I’ve got 3 basic questions:
1. Why can you see Hawaii from California?
2. Why are there no photographs of Earth taken from space?
3. How are Q posts from 5 years ago coming true now?
Look, I’ve never stood on the beach in California with a telescope, I’ve never been up in space, and there could easily be a genius tucked away in a back room at Langley (doubt that one though!). The flat earth videos I’ve seen from people like Eric Dubay and David Weiss seem to be presenting facts and evidence, while the debunking videos just come out with crap and name-calling from the likes of Neil de Gras Tyson. Maybe I’m being led up the garden path and into a deep dark forest, but if I had to bet on whether the Earth is flat or round at the moment, I think I’d have to toss a coin.
Go on, take the piss, I don’t care.
Best wishes, Dave
Dave Williams….we all have our own opinions so keep writing in.
we need more people 😀
QUESTION…everything, get out of the…BOX/corporate mindset.
It`s quite plain to see…EVERYTHING, we were taught…IS a LIE.!
Although, I applaud your none acceptance of ALL…the BS.
Do you honestly think that IF…the earth were flat…it would change our demise one iota.?
Think…WHO…is fucking creating OBLIGATIONS…for us all, and tearing
them a new arse-hole…IS the new black.
Does the shape of the earth… affect the legal system.?
does the legal system have an effect, on every person.?
are there 3 in your marital bed.?…not good is it…?
MORAL…don’t trust the cunts, and tear them a new arshole/due diligence.
re; theories.
I have watched most/golden ages of man/flat earth/mud flood/aliens/area.51etc…Also how many are produced by the CIA in their own studios
[circa, Hollywood] If I remember correctly?
re; the system/matrix, and… US.!
homus erectus is the most studied species ON the planet
for at least a thousand years. [psychology]
see Plato`s cave.
IE…they know what our triggers/weaknesses are.
re; internet luvvies/wind-up merchants.
They are there as a societal pressure relief valve.!
[in my opinion]
QUESTION IS…Dave…Is it all an illusion.?
“Is it all an illusion?”
That’s what I’ve been wondering lately Dave and Pitano1. This world, at least as it appears to be, is far more complex than even a million Human minds could come up with, and where did all that matter come from in the first place? Is space really that dirty?
Is “space” real, or are the sun. moon and stars features of a protective enclosure (“firmament”?)?
We’re spiritual beings, and when the body dies, we revert to our Natural state, whatever that is. I’ve got no doubts about that.
We perceive the world as real and solid, but could it be that we’re all living in an unreal “reality” existing within a group mind? Holograms thinking everything is “real”?
I don’t suppose it matters because we’ll find out (remember) when we leave, but it’s an interesting idea.
I still like to believe in a Supreme Being responsible for everything that is (or appears to be), but perhaps it’s all of us working together through interconnected minds.
Barney I am really starting to think this, too.
Flat or round? I found that whenever we are offered two choices on any subject, they are both misdirection controlled by the same group. It seems to me that the answer is always a third option which is seldom discussed.
I am an old woman living up north and up until now, never had the time to think about myself or the universe
I have followed Chris for years and loved his ‘take’ on life, so I would like to contribute my ‘2 penneth’ in reply to Barney. I feel he has hit ‘the nail on the head’ when he says that we could be living in an unreal reality I also follow ARCHAIX.COM which explains so much about the world we live in.
Everything come down to maths—hard to get your head around it so heres a challenge for all you thinking folk
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arxsCzgFDws ( space after h )
I, too, believe we are all spirit beings having a human experience and are here to and improve and this flesh body is just an avatar but my words mean nothing. We all have to fathom it out for ourselves
Sylve Lister.I’ve followed Chris too and He woke me up to a lot of stuff that’s going on…..
My brain hurts!
Welcome Sylve. I’m an old man living on the South coast, and I’m not sure what is meant in the video when he talks about “mirror” numbers. Perhaps I’ll “get it” if I watch the video a few more times, but what he says about (if I understand this correctly) periodic resets closely resembles what Max Igan has been saying recently.
ht tps://thecrowhouse.com/
(Click to enter, then choose Odysee or Bitchute. I haven’t explored the other options.)
now here is another person’s view….
so what’s your view?
In answer to Barney, just reverse the numbers—as if in a mirror.
Max Igan is a ‘mate’ of the chap who runs Archaix.com, he has done a few podcasts with him which will ‘blow your mind’!
To Question Everything 1, my view has changed considerably over the last 4 or 5 years .When we age into our winter years, a lot think about their mortality. I have seen many deaths in my lifetime but that’s another story.
Living today makes me wonder about, not just all the evil in this world, but anomilies like the Mandela effect, deja vue and why true history has never been revealed. ( if my husband ever reads this he would have me sectioned!) I have found a lot of answers on the above web site.
So in a ‘nutshell’ similar to Barney, I believe we are spirits having human experiences, and that we have a spark of God, Ala or whatever you may call it, inside everyone of us. That there is much more to our existence than we could possibly imagine .We are so much better than what we think we are.
Call me a simulation theorist, if you like, but this world is not what you think
@ Sylve Lister.
I agree to us being spirits too as I’ve had a few moments when I’ve thought did that really happen?! I didn’t talk about it, would get sectioned!
… my motto is I don’t do a thing the govt says. I live a simple life ,don’t have much to do with people as I find them so stupid, so I don’t waste my time not that I think Im better than anyone its merely as we don’t speak the same language.
Since covid lots of people have changed and not for the better!
live ,laugh and keep those close you love even closer…
Hello Chris, hope your health is getting better. What do you think of the smug prick in need of a good headbutting that is Matt Hancock? Mad ain’t it how the public one second are disgusted with him, the next minute voting for the dickhead to stay in the jungle or however it works. He had a PR company working for him as he went in, even the mainstream didn’t slate him for going to the jungle. Where’s his fee going? His back fucking pocket most likely, with a token contribution to the charity/cause he had to attach himself to to appear not an absolute arsehole. Even Ghislaine Maxwell had a front of caring supporting shit, oceans wasn’t it? On another note well done to the second hero who tried to egg king shithead, not the York one, another top G lololol hopefully one day someone will aim right and spoil that criminal face of his. Take care n all the best
Thank you QE1, pitano1 and Barney. I wish everyone was like you. Even my Mum tells me to keep my opinions to myself. When I give the old geezers down the pub facts, they give me abuse. Happily most of the ones that hate me down there have died in the last couple of years, sad though that they’ve died in ignorance.
Reading my last comment again it struck me that at the age of 68 I don’t know whether the Earth is round or flat. Now that must mean I’m either fully retarded, badly educated, or deceived – or all three. I don’t want to die in ignorance, so like you guys I’m looking for answers.
Is this the real life? Is it just fantasy? I don’t know, but whatever it is we’ve got to deal with it and stop the fuckers who are fucking it up.
Best wishes, Dave
@ Dave Williams
I’ve long gone past caring about anything. I have always been a rebel, disliked certain teachers who had their ‘pets’ in a class. I was always in detention as I was my own person, had my own mind, spoke out and didn’t bow down to authority.
Then as a mum I taught my lads to be respectful but don’t conform and I am happy they turned out well.
I’m just so angry at how things are going and fear for my family when I am gone.
I have just learned about a second Event 201 pandemic exercise which took place on 23rd October. It was called “Catastrophic Contagion 2025” and involved all the usual suspects. We have seen exercises become reality many times now and this could be “the next one” which Bill and Melinda smugly referred to during that famous interview.
Note that Catastrophic Contagion = CC = 33….
Need a laugh? Here’s something I found on the BBC site today (December 13).
Those miracle workers at the RNLI – – you know, the ones paid to bring all those illegal immigrants into the country to replace us – – have rescued someone from “icy waters” next week.
Click on “Read more” and the next two lines read (emphasis added by me).
“Dermot Ryan was losing consciousness in the sea off Newhaven, East Sussex, on Christmas Eve 2022.
The RNLI crew scrambled Mr Ryan on board to safety.”
Not the best of grammar, but then, it is the BBC. The subtitles on the video are a bit more truthful, but no better in terms of literacy.
Icy waters. I believe the last time the sea froze off the South coast was 1947. The sea won’t have reached it’s lowest winter temperature for another two or three months, but it seldom goes below the low to mid 40s Fahrenheit, the official average being 46.4.
Icy waters my arse! The man may – or may not – have been close to drowning, but he certainly wasn’t “minutes away” from dying of hypothermia unless he’d been in the water a long time.
What I want to know is whether they’d lend me their time machine. They’ve obviously got one or they wouldn’t be rescuing people next week. Couldn’t they have gone back a few minutes and stopped the man going into the water in the first place?
I’d be interested to learn what people here would do if Santa were to bring them a time machine.
I’d buy a gun from one of the London gangs, go back to the 1600s and shoot that bastard Cromwell before his “friends” could establish the jew-owned bank “of England” that threatens to destroy the world, then I’d nip into the Royal Oak and have a drink with the original “King” Charlie. He was probably as much a bastard as any of them, but Cromwell did more damage.
What would you do with a time machine?
Update. They’ve corrected the date of the rescue to 2021, so perhaps those miracle workers who are flooding the country with undesirables haven’t got a time machine after all.
I’d still be interested in knowing what others here would do with one though.
While you are pissing it up with Charlie, I’ll nip back to 1290 and shake our mate Eddie by the hand.
In a few weeks from now, a large spacecraft will appear over the southeast coast of Essex and friendly Vulcans will save us from ourselves.
And then give us warp drives.
Hi Chris, everyone. I’ve been poorly this last week, not covid but maybe similar? Starting with a runny nose and awful dry, retching, cough and quickly becoming a permanent headache and unable to sleep or eat. I have had to have time off work which I won’t be paid for. Now my lungs and ribs hurt from all the coughing, oh woe is me. Only the stronger pain killer morphine is doing anything for any of these symptoms and I have to source it privately as I’m quite sure it will be pointless bothering the doctor at this point.
Makes me worry about the future, what with the nurses, ambulance workers and other people strike all the time……
Hoping to be well soon and hopefully you, Chris, will be too.
Peace and Love y’all
Hope you’ll soon be feeling better, Kozmik. You could try an over-the-counter expectorant for that cough. Mine’s heart-related (fluid in the lungs), but I find Benylin red (different colours for different coughs) helps a lot, especially at night.
Harvey Proctor demands Keir Starmer apologise for nominating Tom Watson for peerage
PETITION: Investigate the Daily Mail Allegation that Harvey Proctor Assaulted a Moroccan Boy
“Two months before his court appearance it was revealed how Proctor was caught by security staff on holiday in Morocco with a naked 15-year-old local boy hiding under his bed.”
* They forgot to scrub this one.
Welcome, Anonymous.
Just a suggestion. You’ll have seen the range of names we use on here, and there’s no easy way to differentiate between one Anonymous and another, so why not pick a unique user name so we’ll know it’s you in future?
You don’t have to worry about Chris mis-using your data. He wouldn’t do that. He’s an honest man, and a good man.
I was wondering whether there is any hope that the elite will pay for what they’ve done, or are we screwed? Like someone on this website said a few months ago, enjoy yourselves, because you never know what’s round the corner
Lord Tom Watson used his maiden speech in the House of Lords to apologise for his role in making false claims against people such as Leon Brittan.
This is the usual trick, where a ‘celebrity’ is named as a paedo, then the court or other establishment body says they are not, they get awarded compensation, and nobody is allowed to call them a paedo again – Lord McAlpine, Leon Brittan and a certain ageing (badly) pop star come to mind.
Chris always said he did not trust Watson at all.