I doubt that there are many of you reading this who do not know about the trouble that Richard D Hall (Rich Planet TV) has found himself in lately.
Nevertheless, for those of you who don’t, it seems that Richard (pictured in the header photo) has landed himself in hot water over his claims that the Manchester Arena bombing was a psyop and that no one was actually hurt in the fake event… Which I have to say, I am more or less in general agreement with.
However, had Richard just presented his evidence and simply expressed his opinion on his website then he might have been okay… But he didn’t. You see, Richard took it upon himself to try and confront one of the alleged ‘victims’ in order to prove that she, nor anyone else was actually hurt in the drama:

Lisa Bridgett was chatting on her mobile while waiting to pick up her daughter from an Ariana Grande concert when a shrapnel-packed bomb exploded. ‘It was a large blast from the left-hand side,’ she recalls. ‘Everything was so quick, but everything was in slow motion.’
The blast at 10.31pm on May 22, 2017, broke her right ankle, severed the middle finger on her left hand and inflicted lacerations to her legs and face. The phone, held to her ear, prevented even more serious injury, diverting a steel bolt packed inside the bomb.
Despite her horrific injuries and multiple operations, Mrs Bridgett knows she is one of the ‘lucky ones’.
‘That event has changed everything,’ 50-year-old Mrs Bridgett has observed. ‘I think about it every day. It doesn’t go away and I don’t think it ever will.
‘I can never ever understand or come to terms with what happened. My life will never be the same, and neither will my family’s.’
In other words, she is an innocent individual whose future was ripped apart by a moment of sheer evil.
Who could possibly want to do anything other than offer her support, sympathy and understanding, and help alleviate her suffering?
Step forward Richard D. Hall, a man whose attempts to make a name — and money — out of Mrs Bridgett’s predicament, and that of others caught up in the bomb, are almost impossible to comprehend.
The 55-year-old son of a chicken farmer, Hall does not believe the Manchester bombing took place. He believes it is all a deep-state plot and that many who claimed to have been injured were simply ‘crisis actors’ playing a scripted role.
But the full extent of Hall’s activities only emerged this week after a Panorama documentary revealed how he had tracked down survivors such as Mrs Bridgett in a bid to show they were lying about their injuries… Source
And that is where Richard came unstuck and as far as I am concerned he should have known better.
I mean, fuck me! He is not a novice and has been doing this job long enough to know that contacting the ‘victims’ – even on social media, let alone in person – is a definite no, no.
Indeed, by doing so he played right into the arms of those in authority who are looking to shut us down… Even more so when you consider the fact that Alex Jones has just been done in America for nigh on the very same thing in regard to the Sandy Hook psyop:

Course, Alex Jones was one hundred percent correct when he branded the verdict a “joke” because he is without doubt controlled opposition and as such, was fully complicit in the prosecution scam.
Mind you, if batting for the other side gives you a Billion Dollar set up I suppose there is some justification for him being a turncoat. And on this side of the pond, I don’t suppose David Icke is feeling the pinch too much either… Just sayin’.
Now, I am going to be totally honest with you at this point in proceedings and tell you that I do not totally trust Richard D Hall either, and haven’t done so for a long time.
However, without going into any detail about why I have my suspicions I will say that Richard – as far as I am aware – was always very dismissive of me whenever my name was brought up as well as being totally indifferent to the situation that I found myself in back in 2014 when I too had the national press & TV tar me with the same brush that is now being used on him.
And like I say, knowing how the press went after me and coming on the heels of the Alex Jones fake Crucifixion, Richard should have known better than to play so directly into the arms of the Establishment.
Nevertheless, I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt and just assume that Richard simply does not like me… Which is fair enough I suppose since I am the first to acknowledge that I am not everyone’s cup of fucking tea.
And with that being the case, I am now going to forward you some information which would be of great benefit to Richard should he be unfortunate enough to find himself up in court.
Now, as I stated earlier, I am in agreement with Richard that the Manchester bomb was a faked event. However, whilst I did cover the matter in an article on my old website, I did not do so in great detail… Unlike the 2017 Westminster bridge attack on Parliament which I dissected bit by bit in three very long articles and – even if I do say so myself – proved beyond all reasonable doubt that ‘cop-killer’, terrapin Khalid Masood’s exploits were nothing more than a stage managed production on behalf of the British government.
Course, the fact that the psyop was so poorly put together made it easy for me to do so. I mean, for starters the following is how the spy controlled Telegraph newspaper described the opening to the events:
Terrorist Adrian Ajao reached speeds of 76 miles per hour as he drove across Westminster Bridge ploughing into pedestrians, police now believe.
Ajao, who changed his name to Khalid Masood, killed three people and injured more than 50 others on the bridge before he crashed his car and stabbed a policeman to death.
After entering the bridge from the southside, Ajao mounted the pavement accelerating to speeds in excess of the legal limit allowed on motorways,wreaking carnage as he went. Source
Now, the information on how fast Khalid Masood was travelling across Westminster Bridge (76 MPH) was provided to the press by the Metropolitan Police… Which was their first fuck up.
I mean, had Mad Masood really been travelling at 76 MPH then of course 3 dead pedestrians and 50 injured would not have been far fetched, yet even ignoring the volume of traffic on the bridge at the same time as Masood did his thing, it was still a piece of piss to catch the top-brass coppers out in their lie… Even after the Met had realised their fuck up and amended Mad Masood’s speed.
That is to say that not even the bollox publishing Sun Newspaper (hence forth referred to as the Scum) was wearing the Metroplod’s claim that the Terrapin was travelling across the bridge at anywhere near speeds of up to 76 MPH, and instead attributed his speed to being 50 MPH on average.
Nevertheless, the Scum have still stuck by the Metroplod’s official timeline of 82 seconds – start to finish timeline of the drama – allocating 30 seconds of those to the bridge crossing.
Likewise, the aforementioned Spy owned Telegraph Newspaper amended the Metroplod’s 76 MPH to an average 40 MPH, whilst also allowing a 30 seconds for the bridge crossing:
It was just after 2.40pm that Ajao, in the grey Hyundai Tucson 4×4, appeared on the eastern approach to the bridge, two large kitchen knives by his side. He mounted the pavement, reaching more than 40mph, and would take 30 seconds to cross the 250-yard span of the bridge. Source
Mind you, the Shit-Rag is also actually wrong about the bridge span being “250 yards” (228.6 Meters) long, since it is actually 252 Meters long – albeit Wikipedia has the length down at 250 METERS… Which is probably where the lazy-arsed ‘journalist’ got his information from in the first place whilst at the same time confusing ‘yards‘ with ‘meters‘.
But still – in order to be fair to our national press, for the next point that I am going to make – we will take Wiki’s 250 Meter guess as our benchmark, thus only making the Telegraph 70 ft out in their estimation.
Mind you, I must point out first that with the Met having Masood (named after the EastEnder’s postman so as the brain-drained public will remember him) doing 76 MPH across the bridge, the Scum having him doing 50 MPH and the Telegraph now having him zooming at 40 MPH, I am not altogether sure how all three still managed to come up with an overall 82 second timeline for the entire drama, since the three differences in speed would affect the total overall time, but there ya go.
Nevertheless, for Masood to have cleared the crowded bridge in 30 seconds – knocking over at least 50 Serfs Smurfs and killing 3 others in the process, if ya buy into the official bollox – all three Bastions of the Truth must be miles (per-hour) out in their calculations… see what I did there?
Course, this would be a deliberate mistake on their part whilst desperately hoping that no cunt such as myself would investigate the matter, because the undeniable fact is to travel 820 feet (250 Meters) in 30 seconds, Mad Masood would have been roughly averaging a super-scary speed of 18 MPH… Nowhere near fast enough to kill anyone or cause serious damage to a person.
Indeed, I arrived at that 18 MPH figure based on [the approximate] converting of MPH (miles per hour) to FPS (feet per second), which is calculated by dividing the MPH by 2 and then multiplying by 3 Source.
Therefore 18 (MPH) ÷ 2 = 9, then multiplied by 3 = 27 (FPS). So, just to clarify for the thick-fucks amongst you: Someone travelling at 18 MPH will cover a distance of 27 feet every second.
And since – we are told – it took Mad-Max 30 seconds to cross the bridge, we then times 30 by the 27 (FPS) which gives us a total of 810 feet (the bridge is 820 feet long according to Wikipedia and 827 feet long according to other sources), whereas 19 MPH would take the distance traveled over 30 seconds to 855 feet:
The new [Westminster] bridge that is still there today is 827 feet long, and built of iron. It has withstood everything the city has been able to throw at it, and shows few signs of aging. Source
Course, as I pointed out earlier; getting hit by a two tonne motor at 76 MPH is certain fucking death, whereas on the other hand, getting hit at 18 MPH by a two tonne motor is going to give you a nasty fucking bruise.
Fuck me, it’s no wonder that they chose the Westminster Bridge to stage the attack since it is also known as the Bridge of Fools:
The new bridge at Westminster wasn’t funded in the typical way (with private enterprise and tolls); instead, money was raised via a then-fashionable ‘lottery’.
Lotteries at the time were subject to abuse and fraud: some even saw them as being immoral, and a threat to society.
This lottery funding led Henry Fielding to dub the new crossing ‘The Bridge of Fools’. The name stuck as the bridge’s construction dragged on much longer than planned.
But all the same, because of the proven beyond doubt slow speed that Mad Masood was travelling at (not that he really crossed the bridge anyway) there is absolutely no way that the faked event could have happened as it was reported… And that was just the opening of the huge mass of information that I provided over the course of my 3 long articles proving that the event was a psyop involving the then Prime Mincer, the Right Honourable Horrible, Terry May, along with other prominent MP’s and our top coppers.
However, what the fuck has this got to do with Richard D Hall and the Manchester Arena bombing, I hear you ask… Which is fair enough I suppose.
Course, the answer to that question lies with a fella named ‘Travis Frain’ – ‘lies‘ being the operative word here… You see, all of the shit published about Richard D Hall in the national press was sparked by BBC 1’s current affairs program, ‘Panorama’ – which did a proper hatchet job on him.
And Travis Frain took part in that Panorama program specifically to condemn the likes of Richard and others who “Troll” the ‘survivors’ of terrorist attacks:
Travis Frain is a valued member of the National Emergencies Trust’s Survivors Advisory Forum which advises the charity on how best to support those affected by emergencies. He’s also the Founder of the Resilience in Unity project, which shares stories of those affected by terrorism to create better future outcomes.

PHOTO: Travis Frain
But what qualify’s Frain as an expert on the subject of online trolls?
And the answer to that is he was one of Mad Masood’s victims in the Westminster Bridge terror attack who supposedly also found himself the subject of death threats and online abuse:
Now read the following very carefully:
Travis Frain had just turned 19 and was on a university trip to London when he was caught up in the Westminster Bridge terror attack on 22 March 2017, in which five people tragically lost their lives and more than 50 were injured. Emergency funding after the attack enabled him to make a full physical recovery and restored his sense of independence. Travis tells his story.
It was the first full day of our course trip to London and we were visiting the Houses of Parliament. We were given half an hour of free time, so myself and the lads I was with decided to get some fresh air out on Westminster Bridge.
I was walking along the bridge texting a friend when one of the lads called out, “Travis, look out!” But by the time I looked up it was too late to react. A terrorist drove a 4 x 4 vehicle straight into us and I was knocked up over the bonnet into the air. I landed hard on the concrete and was really lucky that my head landed on my friend’s stomach. Every other part of the body that hit the ground was fractured.
OUCH! Although we shall ignore the fact that had Mad Masood really been knocking people down on the bridge he would have only been doing so at 18 MPH… But shhh. So tell us Mr Frain, what injuries did you suffer?
I broke my left leg and almost all of the bones in my hand. I also had a severe laceration on my leg that was bleeding badly. I was taken by ambulance to Kings Hospital, where I spent eight days having operations on my leg and my hand. I received excellent care during those eight days I was in hospital. But when I left, that care really dropped off. I went back up North and was pretty much left to my own devices.
Ohhh, so you broke your left leg and all the bones in your hand badly enough to require multiple operations did you? Carry on:
I had to leave my university accommodation and move back home so that my mum could assist in my recovery, and I spent the next five months on crutches and walking sticks learning to walk again. It was a humbling experience that put my whole life on pause. But I think that because I was so focused on my physical recovery, I didn’t suffer as badly from the psychological effects of the attacks as the other lads did. I didn’t have the headspace to run what had happened on that day over and over in my mind, like they did.
Fucking hell! That must have been a right nasty leg break if he spent 5 months on crutches and had to learn how to walk again:
It was clear I needed intense physio to recover from my injuries, but sadly the NHS was only able to offer me something called ‘non-contact’ physio. Essentially printed sheets showing different exercises I could do. Private physio would be the only way I could get the help I really needed, but it wasn’t cheap, and I didn’t have spare money like that... Source

PHOTO: Following the attack, Travis Frain received a visit from King Charles.
Did you clock that? Frain wants to become an MP… Oh my fucking days! Mind you, he certainly has the credentials to be an MP what with him being a treacherous, self-serving, lying cunt!
Course, it is hard to know whether or not Kink Charlie knew that Travis Frain was a fucking liar or not but I seriously suspect that to be the case since the then Prime Mincer and other MP’s knew him to be so.
Mind you, those serious injuries certainly multiplied in the days following the attack… I mean check this out:

HUH!!! A cracked rib and minor injuries to his arm!!!
And of course Frain’s mother would have known the extent of her son’s injuries by the time the Guardian newspaper got round to speaking to her, especially since she claims Travis rang her seconds after the attack to tell her – and I quote: “Mum I’m safe… I know you will be worrying“.
Yet why the fuck would she be worrying since she could not possibly have known that there had been a terrapin attack seconds after the event… Doesn’t make sense does it?
Mind you, Mummy soon changed her mind about his injuries:

Yet those injuries are still not as bad as Travis himself later describes them and it is good to see that his memory has since returned as he now appears to remember quite a lot about being run over!
However, in truth Travis Frain was not hurt at all in the Westminster Bridge attack… Indeed, nobody was, which is exactly what Richard D Hall claimed about the Manchester Arena bomb attack.
Course, once again I cannot say whether or not the producers of Panorama knew that Travis Frain was a fraud when he appeared on the show to condemn Richard D Hall, but I kinda suspect they did… It is however very ironic that the TV show was slagging off Richard for calling out fake victims by using a fake victim to get their point across, don’t cha think… Cunts.
Nevertheless, what now follows is rock solid proof that Frain is a lying cunt.

PHOTO: Travis Frain (red arrowed), having lost his shoe decides to have a sit down… Which you would, having a leg so badly broken that it needed multiple operations and left him on crutches 5 months after the fact.

PHOTO: Frain is now back on his feet… Quite amazing how he managed to get up with such a badly broken leg… Unless of course he is super hard. I mean I broke my leg and it was fucking agony despite me not needing surgery or having to learn how to walk again.
Oh and take no notice of his friend who I have also arrowed… But he too was a proven fraud.

PHOTO: Frain seems to be bending his mangled leg fine but if he had a badly lacerated foot would his sock not be covered in blood? And would the pain not have been so great that it would have been agony to have his foot firmly on the ground?

PHOTO: Nope, no blood at all on Frain’s sock planted firmly on the ground. Frain is pictured here with his lying cunt mates. And as you will see in one of the photos below, Frain is actually sitting crossed legged on the ground! Now that has got to hurt!

And let’s not forget that Travis attended the “Service of Hope” held on the 5th of April 2017… Exactly 2 weeks after the “attack”.

Which sort of begs the question as to why his leg isn’t in plaster and how did he get his shoe on his “badly lacerated foot”? I look forward to you suing me Travis me old mucker.
And I should also point out that the service was attended by Prick Willie & Prick Harry… Just sayin’
You can read my very long article on all the victims by clicking HERE In which I more than prove that nobody died and no one was hurt in the psyop… Thank me later Richard.
And that just leaves me to wish all of my loyal readers a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year… I fucking love you lot. Just sayin’… Again.
I’m sure I’ve seen a video of Richard and Nick Kollerstrom where Richard mentions you quite favourably. Happy Christmas to you and yours mate x.
yep, the very reason i came back here to Chris’s site is because i just watched an old richplanet episode in which he linked to this site and even put the link on screen for his viewers re. Lee Rigby psyop
Absolutely superb Chris!! The minute you talk about the mph to fps and the math, it destroys the official story right there and then for me. never mind the rest!! I’ve long thought there was traps being set up to demonise would-be investigators too and the worst thing is not knowing who is genuine and who are controlled opposition. Course people’s need to always have a hero lead them and not think for themselves is what lands them into following controlled opposition even if they break out of the mainstream narrative to one extent or another
Chris, hi. Hope you are starting to feel better?
Have missed your articles of truth.
Happy PAGAN holiday……
Knocking it out of the park as per Chris. Betting ‘Travis Frain’ isn’t the odd fucks real name either, sounds like a made up Dickensian wordle thingy. He reminds me of a hybrid variety of equally odd shape shifting misfits known in meeja as Sam Smith & Ed Sheerhan so we can be certain he’ll be prime mincer in chief within a decade or so. Nice pic in the fail of Smith in a woman’s bikini bottom today – guessing when the fail allows comments, they’ll be strewn with vomit inducing wokester nonsense of..’stunning & brave’..😂oh please fuck off and fuck off some more. I have no doubt in my mind that King Prick the Turd is right up there condoning and aiding and abetting charade after charade – fake pic after fake pic – thereby rubber stamping the validity of scam after scam into the empty heads of the hard of thinking. Rich D Hall, hmmm….with you on this Chris. Had direct email correspondence with him a few years back and when I hit him up with some lived ‘fact’ he vanished off the planet (pun intentional) tout suite and our correspondence was no more. Gut instinct, he’s a wrong’un.
Hi ,Claire V.
May I ask, what might have been your question to Richard?
I personally have always found R.D.H. open and candid, when asked to give clarification on aspects of subjects he`s covered (aspects which I would have first researched myself ,you understand)?
For example , the criteria used to gauge reliability of witnesses supporting his findings on the Cumbria Massacre. His answers have always been full and direct with no obfuscation .I further believe that his body of work to date is mostly valuable and useful ; I really don’t see how it can be assisting our opponents … if this is what you meant by “a wrong`un”? ( Our red-haired toe-rag with his “broken leg” would fit that appellation … his real life history should make interesting reading too).
Yes, everybody makes mistakes of course, and RDH`s recent spate with the corrupt BBC is the result of making a crucial one ,the nature of which, Chris has clearly highlighted here .
With kind regards.
As the wise man Henry Fielding wrote vis Lotteries:
A lottery is a taxation
Upon all the fools in creation
And Heaven be praised
It’s easily raised…
https://declassifieduk.org/partygate-referees-why-are-they-so-spooky/ unrelated article but it mentions how ellwood is 77th brigade army psyops
there was some clever chap who showed that news footage of the westminster hoax and the londonhasfallen movie were filmed from the same vantage point (in a private office block) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3146334/Gerard-Butler-bit-action-man-leans-moving-car-fire-gun-explosive-teaser-London-Fallen.html https://youtu.be/X_f-fAZ9h1s
didnt this girl die in a later terror attack or some bollocks https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4341430/London-gets-work-terror-attack.html
obviously i cant pull up all the right photos in 5 minutes.much bollocks was involved
i notice the product placement of Just Eat in the bridge too far article.just eat who profited from the covid hoax.now where does the funding come from to pay for staged events like the westminster bridge hoax?
Remember the air ambulance used in the Westminster Bridge hoax was sponsored by the freemasons. Some time later, I saw someone collecting for the air ambulance outside a shop in Croydon. I asked about sponsorship, and he said the freemasons had only sponsored for that year. Maybe part of the planning, to take ownership of the hoax, and to infuriate people who could see through it. It was unlikely to be noticed by the brain dead. If they did notice, they would probably thank the freemasons for all their charity work.
Regarding the picture of ginger pubes., bricks = masonry
A decent track runner could run 250m in 30 seconds
that thing you labelled “what is that” is a prosthetic leg ,lol they are so blatant ,they were probably going to sling that in the road and thought better of it
‘ere spiv! i think i am on to something here. https://www.shorehambeachforum.com/transport-movement maybe you can reupload parts 2&3 of the shoreham air crash. part 1 is on the wayback machine. https://web.archive.org/web/20150909190618/http://chrisspivey.org/the-shoreham-airshow-crash-part-1/
knowing the dutch farmers are getting scoobydoo’d off their land for a mass transit hub i put ‘sussex transit hub’ in my search engine.one of the 3 priority corridors is listed as the a283 old shoreham road to the a27 where the hawker hunter crashed/didnt crash.
in 2020 james spencer marshall, the guy in charge of water and sewage in shoreham, was awarded an OBE.and the sewage in shoreham is fucked up in 2022.is this a land clearance project like in holland? (the honours list is full of people who are helping the great reset)
why does this report to bilderberger andrew adonis say the shoreham crash involved a hawker hurricane and not a hawker hunter as can be clearly seen in the chimp? https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5423034540f0b61346000c79/6-2009_G-HURR.pdf
oh hang on.wrong crash.didnt know there was a 2009 one
In 2009 they were playing Battle Of Britain and there were fighter planes flying in all directions, it was crazy. Then we saw black smoke rising from a field on the hill. Someone could have set fire to some tyres for all I know.
R.D.Hall isn’t a fool; he just believes in taking the fight to the enemy so to speak and I agree it’s a path full of pitfalls but someone should have a go at least. As far as R.D.Hall disliking you, if I understand correctly he may refute the idea that neither Princess Diana or Madeline McCann ever existed.
I do think the photo of Maddie in the hat looks old, like it could be Kate at that age. Not that many photos of Maddie for the digital age of photography. Understandable if you only have 24 shots and they cost £7.50 that you would go sparingly.
For what it’s worth, I think RDH is a good lad, and we could do with more people like him. Richplanet.net is a great site (like this one) and I especially like the Hidden History videos with Wilson and Blackett. I’d love to pop over to Nevern and dig that cross up!
Coming up against the BBC, I believe you’re dealing with British Intelligence and all it’s evil resources – the very people who do these false flags. I’m hoping the Twitter revelations will begin exposing the cancer, and unearthing maggots like this ginger kid is a great job on your part Chris.
Very best wishes for 2023, Dave
Is literally everything on the TV/internet propaganda ??
Recently moved onto a boat, so no TV to speak of, which is nice.. Watching a youtube podcast with my son about rugby union and on the show was Wayne Barnes. For those who dont know, he is one of the worlds most respected rugby union referees, just refed his 100th international a few weeks ago and perhaps tellingly, is a solicitor when not refing.
His 100th international game was between France and South Africa, played in Marseille. It was a feisty game and necessitated a red card for one player from each team for unrelated incidents. The french player sent off was their No9. Again, for those unfamiliar with the game, probably the key player and last years world player of the year. He was sent off as he broke a rugby law (not rules in rugby, they are laws!) despite it being accidental and there was no victim to speak of. The law, is the law….
The crowd went mad (not typical in rugby union where you can sit next to the opposition fans, who might even buy you a beer) and this continued after the game and spilled onto social media. Some of the alleged abuse was aimed at his wife and threatened sexual violence…
The next 10 mins were Wayne, the podcast presenter (who apparently had no prior knowledge of said abuse which literally left him speechless) (( dont they rehearse online shows??)) and a former French player/pundit talking about online abuse, the dangers thereof and THE NEED FOR CENSORSHIP.
Best regards to all (except the arsehole that is Travis, and his ilk)
Perhaps there is a need for laws to be enforced when the person breaking the law unfairly benefits or when there is someone who sufferers. When there is no consequence then people will become vocal.
However your point is that ‘authorities’ are now seeing censorship as a necessity. It must be the answer to hate speech, which must be stopped.
I read the entire episode on the old site, long though it was. The detail amazing. But I was puzzled as to why it didn’t get published as a book. A paper one that can’t disappear off the net.
Hi Mate… It couldn’t be published as a book because most of the evidence provided was photographic and as such, the amount of photos needed to prove what I was saying meant that the sale price of a book would have been well beyond what most people would be prepared to fork out.
Indeed, the reason that my books appear to be so expensive is purely down to the photographs in them, despite being limited, published in B&W and not on photo paper.
I can promise you that if it was a viable option a lot of my work would be in print by now.
Not sure if it’s of any interest to anyone but that white citroen van numberplate check comes back as a completely different vehicle. Says its a c4 Picasso not a citroen belingo.
I’ll try this reply to you but i’ll most likeky be Karen Blackshawed by Spiv in to outer space already
Chris – Richard D Hall publishes on memory sticks which people can buy from his website. Could you do that? Would this solve the problem of all the photographs?
please tell me, I’m not the only person suspicious of EVERYTHING published in the MSM…..
What u saying about Andrew Tate Mr. Spivey?
What u think about the Andrew Tate situation?
The press is making far too much of him for the story to have any credibility and the climate change pixie aint witty enough to come up with her twitter reply.
Agree with u unfortunately. Happy new year mate!
Tate , despite having strange vibe, maybe underworld, spoke a month ago on this balenciaga occult scandal, said very interesting things..
( Find a YT vid, Karmic retribution etc, he sits on sofa talking, and the other guy smokes cigar. )
So maybe he was framed in Romania for this..?
I’m suspicious of almost everything in MSM.
I think we all are on here mate.
Love you Chris I’ve got 3 of your books and regularly check up on your website. Keep fighting lad whether we win or lose, at least good people fought.
The nail that sticks out the greatest gets the taste of the hammer first. That’s Alex Jones.
The rest are to be annihilated systematically. This site as well.
AKA the online safety bill, amended maybe, but still it has some very nasty clauses.
I think there is something about incitement. If one of your audience does something illegal and says your material inspired him then you’ve committed a crime. Hence the onus is on the channel or service to make sure that does not happen. Get the private business to do the totalitarian policing.
Hi Chris – testing
” Terminators don’t feel pain. I do. Listen and understand. The terminator is out there. It can’t be reasoned with it can’t be bargained with. It feels no pity pain or remorse and it will not stop ever until you are dead. “
Jabracadabra they got the needle to stab-ya (3 Min)
Great lyrics to the Steve Miller Band song Abracadabra
@Jock, hey Ive just listened to it , nice one🤪
Good to see you posting x
Don’t know if he was in your original report Chris, but the bloke who was taking pictures of the old boy laying in the road was none other than (at the time) Polish foreign minister Radosław Sikorski. More famous recently for saying “Thank You, USA” when the Russian pipe line was blown up. A proper spook..
Hi Chris, hope you’re ok there. What about something on the royal mafia since Harry has exposed what a cruel, nasty setup they really are? We knew this already but coming from him means more. Also the organised campaign of hate in pretty much every area of the mainstream which has clearly been orchestrated by Charles/William et al and shows no signs of ending, rather it’s intensifying. The public know deep down it’s true, yet the level of brainwashing means they’re STILL unable to accept what a piss take this family are. Not watched his interview yet but going to. Happy new year, let’s hope this is the year Charles perishes the evil cunt.
I’m astounded by what ‘appears’ to be Harry telling his truth and the collective vitriol coming at him from every angle. When he mentioned his thoughts on his mother’s death being staged, I laughed my ass off and immediately thought he’s read Chris’s books and possibly his website thereby gleaning a decent education after all😂He also stated that someone (military I believe) who was building his character as they do by screaming insults at them, said Diana was up the duff with a Muslim baby at the time of her demise. French tv said same. I know because I was there and listened to the live broadcast on TF1 when this was initially reported. A doctor stood outside the ‘alleged’ hospital about 3am that she had been taken to and said they discovered Diana was 3 months pregnant. TRY finding that clip anywhere…you can’t. NOT a mention on the BBC of this statement or any other tv station on earth. I waited for days for SOMEONE to be talking about this and it never happened. The fact that Harry has said what he has regarding his mother could mean a multitude of things…literally. Of course the media have spent the past few days homing in on the Taliban stuff swerving his INSANE ramblings re his mother. He’s one of them, we know that. Let’s not be too fooled by what he’s doing now. It’s sanctioned by the usual suspects for reasons not yet unearthed. Could be a simple driver to ensure Charles the cretin gains even more knee bending sniveling idiots to support the sicko family. Read the fail comments, the gushing is in predictable overdrive..What’s in it for Harry?…
Hiya ClaireV. I also remember that news clip about Diana being 3 months pregnant, and not being able to find any trace of it afterwards. Also, a couple of my friends told me that they saw footage of Diana WALKING from the wreckage of the car, but again, you can not find it anywhere now. I am increasingly of the opinion that Diana didn’t actually die, and that the whole thing was a huge psy-op. It wouldn’t be difficult for her to start an anonymous life somewhere else. If this is the case, she is probably now living as a brunette, and given the fact that most people don’t pay a great deal of attention to peoples faces, she would easily have been able to blend in to the crowds. This wouldn’t be the first time that the royals have pulled a stunt like this. If we go back half a millennium, we will find perhaps the biggest psy-op of all: The ‘execution’ of Anne Boleyn, which I am now firmly convinced never happened. Like Diana, I believe that Anne had out-stayed her welcome, and her ‘death’ was faked. I suppose the only thing that doesn’t change down the centuries is the gullibility of Joe and Josephine public.
Check photos of Elton John’s husband and Diana. Same croked nose, same smirk.
diana couldnt be preggers, she was a HE all part of the royals cult worship of the transgendered god Baphomet
Hi liz. yes, it was years later that I realised that Diana was a male to female transgender, and of course the news segment that I saw in which it was suggested that ‘she’ (or HE) was 3 months pregnant was in fact all part of the smoke and mirrors that are used to manipulate the cabbages. All of it is one giant soap opera. The Main Stream Media are entirely complicit in this never-ending travesty. ‘They’ know that if they can fool MOST of the cabbages MOST of the time, they can get away with it. And they do.
Of course we all know that neither he or his half brother William are sons of monkey boy and they both know that the order for their mother to be asassinated came from within. Only a small part of the real truth will ever be allowed to come out, which means that William is prepared to keep quiet to achieve his future as a so called king.
ROYAL FAMILY ? Yeh right.
Think Shakespeare scene one act 1 into infinity, and there you have what this collection of actors are Alan – stage managed – produced – manufactured players in a complex game of life…cradle to grave manipulation and role playing. Every orchestrated public appearance to benefit the serfs and keep them relevant is created and controlled down to its last miniscule detail. Eg someone throwing an egg at Turd recently .. fake, fake and fake and planned by all concerned. Harry talking about his escape (lol) from the circus..planned, sanctioned and signed off by all parties. Diana in the Pont D’alma crash scene – A – Z of A Mission IMPOSSIBLE!!! With all requisite actors and patsies in place INCLUDING the so-called ambulances et al arriving more than 30 minutes later! to the scene…scene being the operative. It’s so bad it’s good. They have joe public so deeply brainwashed into the entire charade that to dare question an iota of this twisted game engenders shouts of nutjob etc lol. Speaking ill of the beatified elites tsk tsk..Just wait for the Hans Christian Andersen up and coming coronation bollocks..can picture them all now in rehearsals😉
Hello ClaireV
Being but a simple farmer’s boy the english language was never one of my favourite subjects, but you have summed up exactly what I would have liked to have said, thank you.
But if you want to know how to grow cabbages then I’m your man.
Morning Alan – no..thank you. We are surrounded by cabbages of the two legged type of which you are not one…Yes I’ll shout out should I ever have need to grow anything at all including the herb😂
30 minutes? My god they were fast in those days!
I see the normal hypocrisy from the BBC and main stream
As they often use door step tactics. Far more in your face than what Richard did.
I am reminded of this story
Woman killed herself after being door stepped over McCann trolling
Sky News offers condolences to family of Brenda Leyland, who was found dead in a Leicester hotel two days after channel broadcast footage of her
A Sky News spokesman said: “Brenda Leyland’s tragic death highlights the unforeseeable human impact that the stories we pursue can have, and Sky News would like to extend its sincere condolences to her family.”
“The team at Sky News followed its editorial guidelines and pursued a story in a responsible manner that we believed was firmly in the public interest.”
Brian Sides – Chris pulled that doorstepping incident to pieces on his website at the time.Brenda Leyland was probably played by Jackiey Budden, Jade Goody’s mother. No trolls were hurt in the process.
What is going on with Prince Harry? Are the sheeple having their plonkers pulled once again? Probably. Make no mistake, Harry’s book would NOT have been published if The British establishment had not wanted it published………which begs the question: WHO stands to gain from Harry’s disclosures? In certain parts of the press, Harry is being vilified beyond all reason. Anyone would think that he has a nasty predilection for under-age girls, or that he is best mates with one of Britain’s most prolific paedophiles…..oh wait a minute……that’s his uncle Andrew and his ‘father’ King Charles isn’t it? The Daily Fail readers are falling over themselves to slag Harry off, which makes you realise just how fucked up this world truly is, when you can get a free pass for being a nonce but you get ripped to pieces for telling the TRUTH about the vile family you are from. A long time ago, I gave up on human beings, and this latest debacle has done nothing to change my mind. Are the Presstitutes in on this? Not sure. Naturally, the King of the Presstitutes, Piers Morgan, is screeching like a crack whore whose punter has done a runner without paying her. Methinks Mr. Morgan is looking for a Knighthood, but that is unlikely to happen since he once released a fake video showing British troops beating Afghanistans mercilessly (or was it Iraqis?)………anyway, I am digressing a little bit here. Back to my original question: Who stands to gain from this? Is Harry in on this charade? Is this a huge distraction tactic? And what are we, the sheeple, being distracted from? When the press whores go in to overdrive about something, you must ALWAYS look behind the scenes……….what are they attempting to hide?
I am sure that Mr. Spivey will cover this story at some point, and I look forward to reading about it.
Definition of a Presstitute: A ‘Journalist’ who sells his soul for 30 pieces of silver.
Hi Boudica – In concurrence with both of your posts👍🏻I absolutely believe Harry is in on this entire load of old bollocks. When you boil it down he hasn’t revealed a solitary piece of anything substantial at all. Of course not, otherwise he really would be vanished wouldn’t he. Bridesmaids dresses that didn’t fit😂and such like obvious nonsense.. pretty much repeating what we already know followed by requisite pic of Waity (all staged) of her driving around yesterday with fixed, camera ready solemn stare, minus the usual 2lbs of make-up giving the peasants another morsel of outrage to chew on. Today we’re told he’s not welcome at the gold hat ceremony..the hem sniffers are delighted..with shouts of ‘god save the king’ coming thick n fast. As for who gains – they all do – all the time – every time – always have – always will. As for what they ie the masses not critical thinkers are being distracted from is anyone’s guess..Medicide death by juice jab? is up there in my opinion although that onion is on the peel…FINALLY!
I highly recommend that everyone take a look at this………the undeniable proof (if it was needed), that all of the ‘Elites’ are satanists. It is a hand signal (known as the Triad Death Claw), and some of history’s most famous (or perhaps I should say infamous) people are throwing this sign in their official portraits:
Sorry everyone…….you might not be able to get in on that link I gave.
If you tap in: Before its news-Triad Claw-Ancient satanic plot against humanity.
It’s well worth a look………fascinating stuff.
The question is what was the zenith of so called human achievement?
Quite simply the answer is…
Bubble gum.
I kid you not.
Sorry to change the subject folks, but has anyone heard this video from the undertaker John O’Leary?
I just can’t tell if he’s controlled opposition but if this is true, it makes sense. For a long time now I have been extremely suspicious of the governments policy of importing fighting age foreign men from former war zones. Many will be aware of the £11M a day being spent to house them in 4⭐ hotels which doesn’t make any sense until you se them as an army in waiting. Love to hear what people think.
Tom I believe it’s in circulation that they are going to be brought in to ‘ police’ the streets. Have you read about 15 minute streets as well? see if I can find the links for you, regards. .
Recently they wanted to house them on an old military base. That’s where you keep soldiers.
Chris, I’ve watched Richard D. Hall’s videos closely for years and never heard him mention you.
Name one high-profile British man currently alive who is opposing Talmudic evil more courageously and effectively than Richard.
Inevitably the Talmudics will attack those perceived as most threatening to their interests. We should support Richard, not disparage him in any way. We need more men with his intelligence and guts.
The Prince Harry ‘disclosures’ continue unabated, whilst the cabbages are tugging their forelocks and screeching their ‘disgust’ at ‘Harry The Traitor’ at the same time. Of course, what the cabbages have failed to question is the things that Harry has NOT said in his book, ‘Spare’. Mind you, to question anything you first to have to be in possession of more than three brain cells, so perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised that the readers of the ‘daily fail’ and their ilk are simply not capable of such a huge task. Anyway, back to those things that Harry has not mentioned: 1. The fact that his ‘father’ King Charles was best pals with one of Britain’s worst paedophiles (Jimmy So-vile), for many years. So close was their relationship that So-vile had free rein at Buck House and Kensington Palace. Now, you might want to question what sort of ‘father’ would allow a piece of filth like So-vile anywhere near his young sons, much less allow him to use your home as his own personal space. 2. The fact that Harry’s ‘beloved’ Grandma, the recently deceased queer Elizabeth, surrounded herself with nonces and only seemed to give Knighthoods to those who sexually assaulted kids, not forgetting to mention the Ten Native Canadian Children that disappeared without trace back in October 1964, and were last seen going on a picnic with the queer and nonce Philip. THIS is the kind of thing that Harry SHOULD be talking about, and herein lies the proof that Prince Harry and the rest of the royals are in bed together where this ‘Tell-All’ book is concerned. In fact, there doesn’t appear to be anything in this book that was not already in the public domain. If Harry was genuinely looking to shine a light on the dirty laundry in the palace, then this is the one area that he should have highlighted. The rape (and murder) of our children is at the heart of the British establishment. Westminster is infested with nonces, top to bottom. At the very least, we have a royal family that sees nothing wrong in giving house room to these filth, and at the very worst…….well, let’s just say that even the cabbages should be able to figure out what really goes in behind closed doors in the house of Windsor………then again, perhaps not.
I believe so vile was the dukes son. It was mentioned on you tube years ago, same as his mum who he called ‘ the duchess’ hmm makes you wonder eh.
Harry is trying his best to tell us but I feel he will be killed if he goes too deep. He was always tauted for not being Charles’s son so in a way I am glad he away from them all.
I can’t understand how people think that Prince Harry is an innocent party in this. Please order Chris’ book ‘Meghan Markle Exposed’. It will help Chris’ bank account and hopefully make you understand that there are at least 2 actresses playing MM, and that her whole family are made up. If PH doesn’t realise this, he is even thicker than he appears.
I am finding it difficult to work out if PH’s book is part of the ‘Big reveal’, which could mean the end of the royal family, or just another distraction to take people’s eyes off what is really happening in this world. Perhaps it is both.
Hiya Karen. I personally think that this book is a huge distraction tactic, and we could be getting distracted (so they think) from figuring out that the Covid psy-op is one of the biggest crimes against humanity the world has ever seen. You are right, there are at least two Meghan’s, and far from her and Harry simply meeting by chance and ‘falling in love’, this marriage between them was fully orchestrated, just like everything with these satanists is fully orchestrated. It is one gigantic soap opera, and if these people were harmless, it would perhaps be laughable, but the fact is, these filth are part of what is the REAL holocaust of our times: The trafficking of children. When are the cabbages going to put 2 and 2 together? How likely is it, that just by coincidence, two of the queer’s sons happen to forge close friendships with two of the biggest nonces the world has ever seen (so-vile and Epstein)? The brainwashing certainly runs deep.
The satanic entities that rule our world love to repeat history……….and naturally, it is never simply a set of bizarre ‘coincidences’ that play out before our eyes. No, EVERYTHING is fully orchestrated. For example, the on-going soap opera that is Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who, as Chris has already shown us in his excellent book, ‘Meghan Markle Exposed’ is actually played by at least 2 different people.
The orchestrated repeat of History that I am going to outline here is between Harry and Meghan, and Henry the Eighth and Anne Boleyn.
1.Henry the eighth was 6 foot 2, Prince Harry is 6 foot 2. Henry had bright red hair, so does Harry. Also, Harry’s name is actually Henry.
2. Henry was a second son with an elder brother named Arthur. Prince Harry is a second son with an elder brother named William ARTHUR.
3. Henry’s elder brother Arthur married a woman named Katherine (of Aragon). Harry’s elder brother William Arthur married a woman named Katherine.
4. Henry led armies in to battle. Harry was in the army (whether Harry actually saw any REAL action is up for debate).
5. Henry’s mother died shortly before his 12th birthday. Harry’s mother ‘died’ when he was 12.
6. Henry was known as the handsomest prince in Christendom. Harry was touted as the ‘most eligible batchelor in the world’.
7. Anne had 1 brother and 1 sister. Meghan has 1 brother and 1 sister.
8. Anne Boleyn was known for being ‘exotic’ due to having very dark eyes and being raised in France, and she was also known for her fashion sense. MM is considered exotic, also has very dark eyes, and is also known for being highly fashionable.
9. Anne was known for being very charismatic and always had a huge number of people interested in her. Meghan also has a huge number of people interested in her, and like Anne, seems to engender feelings of deep love or intense hatred.
10. Henry and Anne had one daughter, Elizabeth. Harry and MM have a daughter named Lillibet, named after the queer Elizabeth.
11. Anne was ‘beheaded’ on the 19th of May. Harry and Meghan were married on the 19th of May.
As I have already stated, none of the above are simply incredible coincidences. Oh no. EVERYTHING that the satanic elites do is engineered. Likewise, as I stated in an earlier post, I am now convinced that neither Diana or Anne Boleyn actually died. We the sheeple were duped on a gargantuan scale, then as now. Why do the satanists love to orchestrate repeats of history? Not sure. Perhaps it has something to do with their fucked up beliefs, just as they believe that doings loads of charity work excuses their evil doings.
Excellent post Boudica and as you say, far too many examples between the wholly Satanic Henry VIII and Prick Henry of Ginger Pubes to be a coincidence.
Thank you Chris.
@ Boudica
Good info….
PH and MM were married in St George’s Chapel, where Henry VIII is buried.
Hiya. Is it an outrageous thing to think that the “elites” have been extracting DNA from the likes of Henry VIII to clone newer “royalty”, e.g. Ginger Pubes? The elites have been interbreeding for years and keep their cures for cancer, etc., to themselves to prolong their wicked lives. They would see it as keeping their perverted bloodline “pure”.
Please send relevant notice to :
If anyone is still in any doubt about where Harry’s TRUE loyalties lie, take a look at some of his most recent pics, where you will clearly see him throwing all of the usual Masonic/Illuminati hand signs…….The Triad Death Claw, the Hidden Hand, The Horns Of Baphomet. His allegiance is STILL with his evil family, and above all others, to satan. In practically every pic, he is signalling where his TRUE loyalties lay……..and cabbages, it ain’t with YOU. If Harry had truly turned his back on all of this vile filth, he would not be throwing these hand gestures.
Chris, I have to say that I am in agreement with you regarding Richard D. Hall. This bloke is seriously intelligent, and as you say, he has been doing this stuff long enough to know that contacting ‘victims’ of these fake events is a definite No-No. What on earth was he thinking? I am still on the fence with regards as to whether or not he is controlled opposition, and I was prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt……..but for the life of me, I can not get my head round what he has done. Is it possible that he has had some kind of breakdown and doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing any more? IF he is controlled opposition, Was this whole debacle engineered to give him some sort of street cred? Not sure what to make of it to be honest, but it was a stupid fuckin thing to do.
RDH is way too busy constructing his doomsday alien invasion bugout homestead to care too much.
Ah yes, the ‘Alien Invasion’. ‘They’ have been threatening us with this for donkeys years. My question is this: Could these Aliens possibly be any worse than what we have already been lumbered with? We have a ‘Tribe’ who traffic in Children and drugs, who have had a cure for cancer since at least the 1930s, when the brilliant German-American Doctor Raymond Rife was treating cancer patients who were in their final stages, and literally bringing them back from the jaws of death, only to have to stifle his cure when one of the Rockefellers run his wife off the road one night and nearly killed her. In fact, I would be extremely tempted to ask the ‘Aliens’ if I could join forces with them against these filth who have stolen planet Earth!
Planet Earth cannot be stolen:
It’s far too heavy, not to mention the gravitational forces involved in moving it.
Maybe one day in a 1950’s paperback novel some distant alien would figure this shit out and move Earth in to a more fashionable area of the galaxy.
We can only hope. DON’T PANIC.
I think at the moment there is a big drive to create a pro and anti monarchy divide among the general cabbage population.
I’ve found another “coincidence”:
the last King of Italy, Umberto II, was born on Sep 15 (like Ginger) – and was married to Maria Jose of Belgium – who was born on Aug 4 (like MM).
h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie-Jos%C3%A9_of_Belgium
They recycle bio details, imho.
Hi Chris and everyone, do you remember when political lies were called spin and the dishonourable members were expected to tell the truth? Years before that even, there was the scandal of Christine Keeler where the MP who was discovered to be telling porkies gave up his life of privileged excess to spend the rest of his existence helping homeless and others in need. Can you imagine that happening now? Hahahahahaha. Boris Johnson has gone to live in a monestary. Tony Blair has given himself up to the war crime tribunal and will spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars. Tory MPs by the dozen have been committing suicide in shame and many slebs are queueing up to beg for forgiveness. The BBZ will be dismantled to be replaced by anything else at all.
Oh we can but dream.
Peace and Love y’all
As I face my own mortality, I have been reflecting on my life, and the question I am asking myself is: “Did I actually make a difference while I was here?” When I was younger and perhaps a bit naive, I truly believed that the ‘Great Awakening’ would take place and we would see a worldwide revolution, whereby all of the satanic/paedos would be held accountable and peace and Love would reign supreme……..bloody hell, how idealistic was I? I remember when I first realised that we were doomed as a species; it was when the excrement hit the proverbial fan regarding Jimmy So-vile and his strong links with our parasitic royal family were exposed. I was absolutely CONVINCED that this would be the moment when our nation would rise up and say “enough is enough”. Well, as we all know, that didn’t happen. In fact, I was gobsmacked when I heard people saying (and this included some of my own family members), “well, how was Prince Charles to know that saville was a child rapist?” When I reminded them that no-one, ABSOLUTELY NO-ONE, gets anywhere near these in-bred perverts until they have been thoroughly vetted by our security services, and that there was just no way that Nonce Charles and Queer Lizard-breath didn’t know what so-vile was, a blank look would appear in their eyes and they would simply shut down……..in other words, they DID NOT WANT TO HEAR THE TRUTH. They would rather live in La-La land than face the unpalatable and horrifying fact that our entire establishment is knee deep in child rape and murder. Am I being too harsh on the cabbages? After all, just because I had awakened at a very young age, did I have the right to vilify those who were still in a coma? And in all honesty, my own awakening was thanks to my Father, who was responsible for making me see the reality of our world. It was my Dad who told me that our whole system was corrupt, from top to bottom, and that the police, our Judiciary, and even our Medical Establishment, could not be trusted. He made me question everything, instead of simply accepting what I was told by the media whores as being the gospel. MAYBE if I had not had a very much awake Dad, I too would have been one of the cabbages, who knows? However, with the advent of the internet, is there any excuse for folks to not know what is going on in the world? Personally, I don’t think so. There is now so much information available with regards to the satanic-paedos who have stolen our planet, that there can be no justification for the levels of rank stupidity that is endemic in 99.9 per cent of the human race. So, back to my original question, did I actually make a difference in the short time that I was here, and has it been worth the huge price I have paid? well, I believe that I woke a FEW people up, and I guess that is a good thing, but would I do it all again, knowing what I know now? Was it all worth it? I have to say, that yes, I would still speak out against these filth if I had to do it all again, not because I believe that it has made any difference in the great scheme of things, but because I can look in the mirror and know that for the short time I was here, I TRIED to help this planet. My Dad used to tell me that there was no shame in failing……..that the real shame is when you don’t even try. He was right.
Morning Boudica,
The embedded brainwash in the masses of what we consider ‘normal’ people is something that remains a mystery to me too. As you rightly point out, we have the internet and easy access to research and study and good old fashioned books to pick up and read if we feel inclined. Another more superior and necessary skill is having the ability to separate fact from fiction and source valid information – we are aware that so much garbage is deliberately planted and written about that sourcing a modicum of truth can be hard work and even then we have to reserve an area of doubt regarding it’s authenticity. Steering, directing, influencing, suggesting to cabbages they delve deeper into a particular subject and question what they believe to be their truth is a complete and utter waste of time imo. I refuse to play mental gymnastics with a solitary person who has already decided I’m talking bollocks about whatever the subject matter may be…to me it’s futile and exhausting. I think the real kicker is when you know someone that’s not a cabbage 😄 and they are more than happy to live inside their safe space bubble of ignorance and bliss rather than be open to the possibility they’ve been fooled. They’re worse than the people who are just devoid of critical thinking or have double digit IQ’s. Their ego and intelligence is particularly insulted when the likes of us attempts to show and prove to them they’ve been conned. Humour seems to have been banished. Have you noticed how seriously everyone takes them sad selves? That old fashioned light-hearted laugh at yourself and having a good laugh seems to be fading faster than what a male or female actually is. I suggest to you as a superior human Boudica, having one belly ache dose of laughter at least once a day..starters..Sam Smith. Rather than take the lard bucket perv squeezed into a sequined sheath how it should be taken and perceived – sicko, raising blood pressure – laugh right at it. The goons driving their sick narratives cannot abide ridicule. The pleasure they glean by tying us up in knots of angst and disbelief and revulsion is deliberate and feeds into the twist. We as empaths go into overdrive of trying to right the obvious wrongs. We instinctively know what is wrong and right and everything in-between and that is one of a thousand reasons why they love to hate us. That’s their problem. I could not give 2 fucks. A natural born non conforming indifferent EMPATH. 🤩Drives them wild. I’m supposed to ””””care””’😂what someone or other piece of evil ‘thinks’ of me…oh do jog on. You’re a part of the wide awake club Boudica and that in itself will have been a harsh ride through this realm…again, the snoozers get it easy huh? Not so. Would you trade their limited myopia for your beyond horizon vision? There’s way more for you to see and experience and this small part of the ‘whole’ of it is there waiting for you💐🤗
Hiya ClaireV,
Oh how right you are! Being an Empath and wide awake has made this a harsh journey, no doubt about it. You know Claire, there was a time when I used to get in to an absolute rage about the level of ‘Cabbagery’ amongst the human species, and I agree with you that the worst offenders are those who actually KNOW the truth, but are so arrogant and up their own backsides that they refuse to countenance the idea that maybe, just MAYBE, they have been lied to their whole lives. I have met quite a few of those! However, I have reached a calm level of quiet acceptance about these A-holes, and whilst I will continue to hope for the best, I am no longer so naive that I am convinced that these idiots are suddenly going to do the right thing. I absolutely enjoy a good giggle, it really is the best medicine, and whilst it is not going to save my life, I will go out with a huge smile on my face. Your description of Sam Smith made me laugh out loud! This nonsense in which the satanic-paedos are trying to convince everyone (including our innocent children) that they are the sex that they ‘identify’ with has got to be the craziest thing yet! Of course they are doing this in ‘Honour’ of their deity baphomet, who has both male AND female genitalia……..nice eh LMAOOOOOOO! I wonder how long it will be before some pervert claims that he ‘Identifies’ as a five year old child and demands his ‘Human Rights’ to be in a class of little kids? You know Claire, some years ago I had a shift in consciousness whereby I suddenly realised that a huge number of ‘Celebs’ were actually male to female transgenders or female to male transgenders. Of course when I tried to tell the cabbages, I was mocked and ridiculed, and far from these ‘celebs’ being ‘discovered’ whilst at the shopping mall, these people are actually from multi-generational satanist families. There have been many times when I have wished that I too was one of the cabbages, drifting along in my own little world, believing that ‘our’ wonderful royals were basically good people, whose only fault was that they were a bit dim, but otherwise harmless, and that our politicians had our best interests at heart, but really, deep down, I am glad that I am a member of the wide awake club. You are so right, it hasn’t been an easy journey, and most of the time I feel as if I am the only adult on a planet full of 2 year old toddlers, who throw tantrums and scream when they can not get their own way, but bloody hell, it sure has been an eye opener! Take care mate.
Death is nothing and yet without it life it’s self couldn’t exist…
‘Death is nothing’………until it comes knocking at YOUR door.
who else believes this……
Please, please, please watch this. It is over an hour but it connects so many dots to show how the things that are happening at the moment are all part of the agenda to bring in the NWO (or so the monsters think). John O’Looney is a funeral director in Milton Keynes. He started noticing strange things happening to his ‘clients’ in 2019, and also that the death rates spouted by the government were far from the true picture. Since then, he has learned so much about the plandemic and its part in the Great Reset or whatever you want to call it.
I thought I knew a great deal about this, but I have learned some new things today. It is a depressing picture. I can’t say that I any longer even really care about my friends who took the v as they have ridiculed me so much. It was their choice, and they are helping bring in Agenda 30 by their stupidity and cowardly behaviour. The video is not 100% bleak though. It finishes on an optimistic note.
Karen, do you think the elite will succeed in bringing in the NWO?
The vanishing dog walker, an elaborate distraction? Definitely iffy.
Agree. So far like a game of cluedo..the dog harness – the phone on the bench – the dodgy looking ‘partner’ in a tatty old beanie who’s an odd sod – the cctv camera that would have been useful, not working whilst others were – keystone cops – the diver – it’s anyone guess what this is or why.
It’s Colonel Mustard in the library with the lead pipe lmao!
I agree with you Robin. There is definitely something ‘off’ about this story. Some years ago, I had a shift in consciousness, whereby I realised that the Suzy Lamplugh ‘disappearance’ was a gigantic psy-op and that another case was also linked to the Suzy Lamplugh lie. Do you remember the case of the 13 year old girl named Billy-Jo Jenkins who was supposedly murdered by her step-father? Well, she and Suzy Lamplugh are one and the same person………if you look at photos of 13 year old Billy-Jo and 25 year old Suzy Lamplugh, they are the same girl/woman.
Staying on the subject of ‘crimes’ that are actually huge psy-ops, we all remember the ‘murder’ of two year old James Bulger don’t we? Supposedly committed by two ten year old boys, Robert Thompson and John Venables……..well, some years ago I had another shift in consciousness when I realised that the photo of ten year old Robert Thompson was also the SAME photo of 13 year old Genette Tate, a young girl who supposedly went missing whilst riding her bicycle in Aylesebeare in Devon in 1978. Of course a bit of photo-shopping was done to make the photos look slightly different, but there is no mistaking it: The photo is of the same person.
Can there be any doubts at all that the New World Order is already here? The NWO is devoted to worshipping satan, and anyone who is unable to see that our world is now almost completely in the grip of satanists needs to get their eyes checked. Hollyweird and the music industry are controlled from top to bottom by these creatures, and they are no longer attempting to hide it. The transgender agenda is now in full swing and its essence is the worship of baphomet, a demon with male AND female genitalia. REAL women are being replaced by men who ‘identify’ as women. ‘They’ are trying to brainwash us in to accepting that a castrated man with fake boobs is a woman. Now I don’t know for sure if the story of a man who ‘identified’ as being a woman and was sent to a Scottish Womens prison a couple of weeks back is true or not…….maybe it is another distraction story…….HOWEVER, if it is true, it seems that this transgender ‘woman’ sexually assaulted two of the female prisoners. In my hometown of London, Waterloo Station has now put in ‘gender neutral’ toilets, which means that REAL women have got to share their private space with men. Schools are forcing their female pupils to share toilets/bathrooms with boys. This is so wrong on so many levels. REAL women and Girls are having their human rights trampled on and their safety put at risk so that a tiny minority of confused men can be accommodated. Satanists HATE real women and they want us gone. They want to replace us with these transgendered men. Anyone who dares to question this evil is accused of being transphobic, whatever the fuck that means. If anyone doubts how endemic this hatred of GENETIC women and girls is, just take a look at some of the blatant misogyny in our cesspit media. I stopped watching the Tel-Lie-Vision about 15 years ago, and at around the same time I stopped buying ‘Newspapers’ but I can clearly remember back in 2006 or thereabouts, there was a series of murders in which five young women who happened to be prostitutes were murdered. Now of course, this may well have been another crime psy-op, or perhaps it was genuine, but the point I am making is that one of the UK’s ‘Top Journalists’ at the time, a piece of shite named Richard Littlejohn, said that as these women were street girls, and had not made any real contribution to the world, such as finding the cure for cancer or doing charity work, their murders ‘were no great loss’. Of course, you have to ask if Mr. Littlejohn would be any loss to the world, considering that he hasn’t found the cure for cancer, or has probably never done anything for charity and is himself part of a profession (journalism) that has prostituted itself over and over again. The only contribution that the whore named Richard Littlejohn has made to this planet is that he has made an extremely good living from spewing poison and slagging people off (mostly women) in his columns. However, I digress. The point I am making is that these people who have sold their souls for 30 pieces of silver are part of the satanic/paedo/NWO war against women and children. You don’t get to the top of the tree in ANY profession unless you are prepared to bow down to lucifer/baphomet. ALL of the so-called A-List ‘celebs’ are trans. As they age, you can see the true sex coming out. Mick Hucknall from ‘simply red’ (a female to male tranny) now looks like a hideous, ginger haired granny. Debbie Harry (a male to female tranny), now looks like the Dad from ‘Steptoe And Son’. The list is endless. The illuminati own these people, body and soul. These people are also used and abused sexually. Every record deal, every film contract, every modelling job, is given only on the basis that these ‘stars’ will allow themselves to be sodomized and raped repeatedly by their powerful controllers. Don’t believe me? Open your eyes and take a PROPER look at some of these ‘celebs’. Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, Elle McPherson, the original ‘super-models’. ALL of them male to female trannies. Incidentally, Naomi Campbell is alleged to be involved in child trafficking. If you want to know who or what a person is, look at the company they keep. Two of the hideous Naomi’s closest friends are the nonce Epstein and the other nonce Ghislaine Maxwell. Enough said. The target of this evil is not only women, but also children. These vile creatures are now being allowed in to our kids classrooms to read stories whilst done up in their hideous garb. WHY aren’t the parents of these children, whose young minds are being so horribly corrupted, picketing the schools and demanding to know why perverts are readings stories to their children? Yes, the NWO is already here. The battle between good and evil is now taking place. It remains to be seen who will win.
I highly recommend MrEs work on the transpocalypse, banned on YT of course:
Love Mr E!
were’s Barney got to? he doesn’t seem to have posted in a while
Satanic group leaders report 200% surge in membership over five years
“In 2019, sheep were stabbed and sprayed with pentagrams in the village of Bramshaw, Hampshire, raising fears that the attacks could have been the work of Satanists.
“And then at the end of last year, a cat was found by local church goers hanging ‘horribly’ from a flagpole.
“This followed the discovery of a dead fox on the doorstep of St Peter’s Church in Bramshaw.
“The church’s vicar, the Reverend David Bacon, said he was unsure who was behind the acts …
“‘We have no idea what motivated this. Are they just angry at life in general, or against the church, or is it linked to witchcraft? I can’t say,’ he said.
“‘But the sheep killings were much more sophisticated. The dead fox felt a lot less organised.
“‘It’s really unsettling and sinister for everyone. We’re not sure what will happen next, if anything.’
“He added: ‘I have no idea why it is happening in our area. If it is connected to witchcraft, then the New Forest has been linked to witchcraft for hundreds of years …’”
Dame Esther Rantzen’s ‘blooming garden’ is close to her heart
“This weekend she’s in the New Forest which she has been visiting since 1948 when her family would travel from where she grew up in north London to holiday at her cousin’s, also then in Bramshaw …
“‘So for me the New Forest is and was completely magical …’
“She’s had her Bramshaw house for 33 years and her blooming garden … is close to her heart …
“The worst thing that has been said about her was false claims online that she killed babies and buried them in her garden …
“‘When I was 46 and discovered the reality of child sexual abuse, I was terribly shocked …’
“She launched Childline in 1986 …”
Purple Lion, I can tell you right here and now that Esther Rancid is a gate-keeper for elite paedos. I should know……..I was once a volunteer for CHILDLINE, and I contacted her on numerous occasions to ask for her help in a horrifying case of a Downs Syndrome woman named Holly Greig who had to go in to hiding because she had ‘outed’ paedos in positions of power who she claims passed her around as a child. When I got no answer from ‘Dame’ Rancid, the penny finally dropped. She was one of ‘Them’. There’s plenty of stuff about this wretched ‘woman’ if you care to look for it. I no longer care about speaking out about these filth because I am terminally ill………mind you, even at the peak of my health I never gave a fuck about speaking out about them. Rancid is an evil piece of shite.
Satanism is on the increase all around the world. Some years ago I re-discovered my Christian roots. People can mock me if they want to, but I no longer care. I have spent my short life speaking out about these evil bastards and I have paid dearly for it, but I have no regrets. If there is one thing I can say it is this: Jesus is the way to defeat these creatures. My life is ebbing away, but this is my message to anyone who cares to listen. If you think I am talking bollocks, then that is your prerogative. Walk a mile in my shoes and then you can judge me.
I have always had a VERY low opinion of those who read the ‘Daily Fail’ and who slavishly follow the dictates of what is laughably called a Newspaper’……..HOWEVER, there seems to be a glimmer of hope on the horizon. It seems that people have been protesting outside the Tate Gallery in London, because a ‘Drag Queen’ is reading stories to children.
Naturally, the Daily Fail are calling these people ‘Far Right’ and labelling this protest as ‘Ugly’. But, their readers are practically unanimous in their support of those protesting against this horrible corruption of our children by the satanic elite’s ‘Transgender Agenda’. Anyone who reads the comments section of the Daily Fail will have noticed how their readers practically ALWAYS fall in to line on everything the Daily Fail preaches……but NOT THIS TIME. Is it possible that the people who I had previously thought were beyond help (such as the readers of the Daily Fail) are finally seeing the pervasive evil of what it happening to our society and how the media are complicit in all of this? We can only hope. Of course, there is nothing to stop any man who wants to remove his meat and two veg and have artificial boobs stuck on his chest and dressing in womens clothes from doing so. If they want to delude themselves that they are women, that is their prerogative, but what the satanic-paedo elites DO NOT have the right to do is to peddle this nonsense to OUR CHILDREN, and to crush the HUMAN RIGHTS OF REAL WOMEN AND GIRLS by forcing us to share bathrooms/toilets with these men. And let’s be real here: In spite of what the satanic-paedo elites would have us believe (and this includes the Daily Fail and the rest of the mainstream media), transgender people are only a TINY minority of human beings. I applaud those people with the courage to stand up to this evil, and I never thought that I would say this, but on this occasion, I applaud the Daily Fail readers, who, for once, are not slavishly following the dictates of this despicable rag.
Ditto Boudica re the fail commenters…stunned by the overwhelming response against the perv in a dress with it’s nob stuffed up its arse paid to read stories to children! Who are the sick and twisted monster parents who force this satanic trans evil agenda lead perversion down their children’s throats…stringing up is TOO GOOD!
Ditto too re Esther Rancid – anyone with 2 grey cells surely knows by now she’s a feeder for paedo’s. UNTIL we are collectively WILLING to see past the lipstick, powder and paint of monsters inc then I remain totally cautious that we’re achieving real headway.
Get your eyes over there again and tell me how much you love the black balloon suit Sam dead fish eyed Smith is wearing tonight at the Brits😂Here’s the kicker killer statement we’ll see from the tranny supporters….’stunning and brave…’…where the holy F did that inane statement designed to make me apoplectic originate???!!!🤡🥳
Hiya ClaireV. The ‘Thing’ called Sam Smith is a piece of work isn’t it? To be honest, I can not look at this creature for too long without feeling physically sick. I shudder with revulsion. I agree with you that we must use caution when considering whether REAL headway is being made regarding the longed-for awakening that we so desperately need. However, there is an ancient Chinese saying (by Lao Tse I think), which says, “The Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step”. Have the readers of the Daily Fail begun their first step towards the truth? We can always hope. Naturally those of us who take a stand against this satanic filth will be labelled as ‘Transphobic’ but personally, I don’t give a flying fuck what they want to call me. If defending the innocence of Children and standing up for the Human Rights of REAL Women and Girls makes me Transphobic, then I am happy to be so. Take care mate.
The ‘disappearance’ of Nicola Bulley is a psy-op. How do I know? Well, one of those involved in the ‘search’ for this ‘missing woman’ is none other than Peter Faulding AKA ‘The Mole’ who investigates disappearances for none other than MI6. That is all the evidence I need to be satisfied that we are AGAIN having our collective plonkers pulled.
Of course, it would be nice if the cabbages were to ask why there is no attention given to the fact that THOUSANDS of Children have disappeared from UK ‘Care’ homes without a trace. In fact, there are huge numbers of people that have disappeared in this country and none of them get the attention that this fake ‘disappearance’ has generated, which is another clue that this story is total bollocks. IF this story was true, I very much doubt if it would have generated more than a few lines in the Mainstream News, if that, because quite frankly, those in power and the presstitutes who do their bidding couldn’t give two fucks about one of the peasants going missing.
Hi everyone, I agree with Boudica that the woman going missing is a distraction, now they’re muddying it further with a bit of victim shaming, if she exists, saying she’s on the booze coz of the menopause. Cue Twatter storms etc, and apparently people getting arrested for doing their own Sherlock fucking Holmes, snooping about, oh it reminds me a bit of Madelin McCann the way the media is all over it. Distraction!!!
Same with all the news, so called. Wee Jimmie Krankie up in Jockland resigning etc, all bollocks to keep folks from looking too closely in areas they don’t want us looking at.
Nothing new there then.
Be Lucky everyone, Hi Chris hope you’re OK.
Peace and Love y’all
I suspected the same thing. Wall to Wall media coverage, like Madeline McCann, today apparently a body has been found. I did ask the question. Why does the Daily Mail photographer own the Copywright?
I strongly suspect she is still alive. Story passed it’s sell by date.
I admit, I could be wrong, but its all about the story, the narrative, and the propaganda, to scare us all shitless. It’s not actually necessary to kill the participants. So many people look almost exactly the same. Whilst lots of people do commit suicide, they don’t normally pull a stunt such as that.
Keep on Rockin’
Hi Boudicca, definitely a psyop. The woman vanished after going to School, So the School Bulley has gone missing. They do like their in-jokes don’t they. Nicola Bulley picture is a Photoshop of JK Rowling and the weird teeth have been added as Rowling rarely shows her teeth. In one newspaper they had the 2 photos side by side due to Krankie resigning. Phone left so they couldn’t track her followed by an ‘expert’ statement about if she had been chipped they would have been able to locate her much faster, they then followed this with a poll which had an increase of the number of people who wanted to have them fitted (Anyone remember Logan’s Run and what happened when you reached a certain age – they killed you). Then we have ‘Sir’ Mark Rowley, chief of the Met Police coming in. if you’ve read Chris’s Westminster killing of PC Keith (Emerson , Lake and) Palmer then you know how he cocked up the statement on whether the surrounding police were armed (originally said yes, then later said no) so they could have shot the driver to prevent the killing). Now many people weren’t buying any of this and on many social media sites even non conspiracy sites were calling BS so suddenly the body is found not by the Police, the Divers or a normal member of the public but by a PSYCHIC no less. So you’ve all been psyched or pranked if you know what the slang meaning is and he just happens to be 33 years old. He also looks familiar as well but I’ve had a look on these ‘psychic’ help sites and have yet to find his name.
Hiya Bloverfish, I hadn’t cottoned on that the photo was of JK Rowling, but I believe you are right. And yes, you are also right that ‘They’ love to have their little jokes. Just like the ‘Disappearance’ of Suzy Lamplugh in 1986, where Suzy allegedly had an appointment with a ‘Mr. Kipper’. Back in Medieval times, a Kipper was also known as a herring…….and as we all know, a ‘Red Herring’ is something that ‘misleads or distracts’. It is part of their sick satanic belief system that they have to let the cabbages know what they are doing.
A Kipper – something fishy, strange.
I always thought you were a top geezer, and a bloke who was the spittin’ image of you occasionally turned up in my local pub. I was never 100% sure if it was you. It’s like asking a Rock Star in the Audience, when you go outside for a smoke…”Are you Really Jimmy ?”
Page has got more class to turn up in our pub…not sure about his mate though.
Hope you are well.
I have got 3 Grandchildren now
I hope yours are well.
Always thought you were a good man, and almost certain, you know some of the same musicians as my wife and I do…especially at The Rebellion in Blackpool.
Whilst we went to Southport.
I was wondering whether people here think that death is something to be frightened of? I’m 32 and I’ve been thinking about it a lot.
Hello Dennis. I am terminally ill, and have been told I don’t have long to live. Maybe I am a weirdo, but I am truly not frightened. Everyone keeps saying how ‘brave’ and ‘strong’ I am, but I don’t think that I am anything special. Maybe I am not afraid because I believe in God and the after-life, and I am 100 per cent convinced that we go to a better place after experiencing this horrific reality. Having said that, you are certainly not alone in being afraid of death…….lots of people are. I think it is fear of the unknown. My Dad was one of the toughest bastards I have ever known (an East End criminal) and yet the thought of death terrified him. Unfortunately mate, no-one can wave a magic wand and make you lose this fear…….I personally have an absolute horror of spiders and blood! Sorry I couldn’t be more help, but you will find a way to deal with these fears.
Don’t worry, doctors always lie. My husband was told he was terminally ill for 14 years then died at 79 of something unrelated. It’s all bullshit. Every doctor goes straight to google to try and diagnose a patient they don’t know anything thesedays.
For info – Richard D Hall has just released a new video on his Richplanet website
thanks, interesting!
Another distraction tactic is the resignation of Wee Willie Winkie up in Scotland, AKA Nicola Sturgeon, or perhaps that should be NICHOLAS, because Wee Willie is in fact a male to female tranny. Just take a look at the school photos of this creature and you will see it for yourself.
Nicholas (along with the others) is transvestigatied by MrE:
Once again, we are on the verge of WW3 (apparently). Does anyone actually believe this old bollocks any more? For donkeys years we have been threatened with this bullshit about a nuclear apocalypse that is going to wipe out most of the human race, and yet we are all still here for fucks sake, and quite frankly, I now have such a low opinion of the human species that I don’t think it would be a bad idea at all if most of us got nuked to smithereens. The only creatures on this vile planet that I have compassion for are Animals and children, who truly are the innocent ones. We have witnessed millions of the cabbages quite literally allowing themselves (and even more disgracefully their own children) to be injected with poison, just because our ‘leaders’ told them to. Those of us who refused to have this ‘vaccine’ put in to our bodies were openly mocked and vilified. It seems that one of the main targets of this Armageddon is my home town, London. Well, it saddens me to say this, because as a Londoner born and bred, I once loved London with a passion, I believed it was the greatest city on earth. However, it is now a huge fuckin sewer, with an exploding rat population, and that’s just the two legged kind. Quite honestly, it would not be a great loss if this city, which I used to be so proud of, was completely removed from the map. I lived in the West Midlands for nearly a decade, in a truly beautiful part of the UK, and each time I returned to my home town, it was a little bit worse than the time before. For sure, there are still pockets of London that are beautiful, but there is an air of hopelessness, and everyone looks absolutely fuckin defeated and depressed. Most of the white middle classes leave London as soon as their kids reach school age, and to be quite honest, I don’t blame them. If you have got the money to up sticks and leave so that little Tamsin and Oscar can live somewhere more civilized, then why not? I could weep for this planet, but most of all, for my once beautiful London, who is now on her fuckin knees.
Morning Boudica – WWIII indeed ain’t it a fucking load of the biggest old bollocks so far this month. Cabbages frothing and foaming at the mouth more than usual for the brain frozen goons. LBC radio (dare you to subject yourself to Ben Kentish at 10pm for a good dose of Chinese torture, the masochist in me made me do it😂) and hear them squealing>>>Big bad rootin tootin Pootin bogey man needs to be taken out and every Russian citizen with him! they holler like demented asswipes. I’d be typing for a week just to cover 0.0005% of this staged entire shit show circus. LBC is from your great city Boudica – I LOVE London! And agree it’s been deliberately decimated. I’ve been lucky to see a lot of capital and important cities around the world but none of them have the feeling and magnificence of London..none. The orchestrated, systematic stripping of genuine cockney’s priced out of the city into the burbs and away from the scum bags who can afford to live there???!!! is just a minor part of the bigger picture Kalergi plan in action. That defeatism you sense in people has reached this little 99.8% white population on the Isle of Wight. It’s palpable. In a very short space of time people are now VISIBLY depressed. The jab shuffle is also real. I’m seeing more and more people with walking sticks and frames and tremors struggling to go about their business across all age groups. Car accidents are a daily thing with this…’experienced a medical emergency at the wheel’…written in the local rags. The badgering to take the needlework is still ongoing!!! Sacked off my dentist after having to declare repeatedly that I have not had ‘even one’ dose..what the actual fuck has it got to do with them! Intrusion into our personals is only going to get worse. My medical records state clearly I’m a refusnick and also state that I have stated under no circumstances do I consent to any in situ covid protocols should I need hospital treatment. Maybe I’m flagged and tagged for shit treatment now😂😂the jab zealots will be delighted. Aside>> Yes I completely agree Sturgeon is a bloke in an ugly skirt or dress and guessing too the ‘husband’ is a F to M effort in a cheap suit. I’m amazed that the little ghoul Nicholas is a hand picked member of the round table of evil. Have you read about the red card B? If a girl is on her period she can hold a red card up in class and get to use the bathroom….no. words. Only demonic MEN would come up with something as sick as this reinforcing again your correct assertion Sturgeon is an ugly bloke inside and out. And it won’t be going anywhere. Stepping aside stage left once the game of selecting another clown is played out for the masses who genuinely believe they have a say😄Take care till the next time>>>Laugh for the day>>
Hiya Claire. I haven’t read about the ‘Red Card’ whereby Girls have got to show a red card in class to go to the toilets if they are on their period………you are right, it is sick and only a demonic Man could want to humiliate Girls in this way. Wow, ‘They’ really hate REAL Women and Girls don’t they? And yes you are also correct about genuine cockneys leaving London. In fact, I am starting to feel like a rarity, having been born within the sound of Bow Bells and therefore a Bona Fide Cockney girl. We are becoming extinct, which is a crying shame. You mention that maybe you are ‘Flagged’ and I happen to know for a fact that I was ‘Flagged’ some years ago……..in fact, my boyfriend is convinced that at some point, ‘They’ somehow got to me, which is perhaps why I am now terminally ill. Bastards. Do I regret getting on the wrong side of ‘Them?’ No I don’t. Fuck ’em. At least I can leave this shithole planet with the knowledge that I TRIED to make a difference. As for LBC, I must admit that I haven’t listened to that radio station for years, but I can well imagine how the cabbages are frothing at the mouth lmao! Does Steve Allen still work for LBC? He has got to be one of the most bitter old farts that ever lived. Anyway mate, take care, and don’t let the fuckers get to ya!
Boudica – I am very sorry to hear about your illness. I am grateful for your kindness when you and your partner gave me a computer (which lasted until last year). We all seem to have been got at it in different ways. I was illegally bankrupted, had my house stolen, and my little animal family destroyed. They are still causing me problems now, but don’t seem to realise that they took away everything that I cared about, so now I have nothing to lose and intend to go out fighting.
Hiya Karen, I am so sorry to hear about what ‘They’ have done to you………especially your Animal family. ‘They’ really are evil bastards aren’t they? No need to thank me and my other half for the computer…….you are more than welcome. That must be about five or six years ago mustn’t it? Wow, where did the time go? As you say Karen, when ‘They’ have taken away everything you care about, you have nothing left to lose. Good for you that you intend to go out fighting…….I won’t be around to see this filth brought down, but I know that sooner or later, this evil will collapse. Take care mate, xx
Oh Boudicca I am so sorry. I used to comment on this site years ago. I lost my my beloved husband in 2021 to lung cancer and it has truly broken me but not my spirit. It has been mentioned about being ‘flagged’ and targeted. So I have valid reasons to believe I was targeted but Jesus I so hope I’m wrong. It has been mentioned about the afterlife and as a psychic medium who has given and received evidence from spirit, I have absolutely no doubt that your consciousness does continue after your physical self ceases to exist.
There are no words to all of this crap that is going on all around us but I will say this . People who are aware to what is truly going on as in people who comment on here are on a higher vibrational level spiritually. I don’t mean better than the masses but more spiritually aware.
Thank you Jacqueline, and I am so sorry to hear about your husband. It is devastating to lose someone you love, and I know for a fact that you don’t really ‘get over’ it, you just get through it somehow. Like yourself, my spirit has not been broken. I also agree with you that those of us who are aware of what is really going on are operating from a higher spiritual vibration……as you say, that doesn’t mean that we are ‘better’ than those who don’t know the truth, but I guess we are just different. My partner is also very ill, and I know this sounds awful, but we sometimes make ‘jokes’ about which one of us is going to fall off our perch first……it’s how we cope with it. I think it was Marcus Aurelius who said, “Death smiles at all of us…..the only thing we can do is smile back”. Anyway mate, take care of yourself, and once again, so sorry about your husband. xx
How long do people reckon the human race has, considering that the plan is to wipe out most of humanity?
Not long with how things are going…..
PS… Don’t be afraid of death. I believe if it has to happen it will. It is inevitable we go at some point in our lives.
You wrote PS, what does PS mean?
post script
You wrote ‘PS… Don’t be afraid of death’. What does PS mean? This is what I meant to write, so Chris, could you delete my reply below? Thanks
RDH has uploaded another video:
Thank you Tom, appreciated.
Credit where credit’s due – watched the whole vid on Boston bollox yesterday – brilliant. The detail in this albeit long video is one of the best I’ve seen. Thanks for posting link, even though I’m not completely convinced by RDH I always remain open to whatever, whenever and am pleased to see that he’s back on it.
it’s a long video and the narrator is a bit dull/monotone however, it doesn’t detract from the findings. Once you see the lies you can’t then unsee them
Chris – Have you given up on your site?
No Jac… I am just taking a break. x
is there an archive of your old site anywhere by any chance?
What’s everyone’s take on the Gov siren coming through phones on 23rd April? Apparently, if you don’t respond, you will be unable to use ‘features’ on your phone. I’ve disabled alerts on mine, but the guidance I have seen, is to disable Gov alerts, but I don’t have that option. I thought about simply turning my phone off, but it was pointed out to me that the alert will come through once I turn it back on.
Hi Jac I disabled mine last year – was unaware the siren thing existed until it blasted off at me whilst driving about minding my own and I nearly ended up in a ditch..if you know Isle of Wight driving it’s a common theme. Couldn’t get the sodden thing to stop either…odd very odd. Anyways, I then received a message from an unknown number informing me that since I’ve disabled the heart attack nuke alarm on my phone I SHOULD<<<<big letters to apparently scare the shit outta me…be aware that if someone nearby or close to me dies I will not be informed. Ended with a 'good luck…'…Can eff right off😄
what phone do you have?
go to settings , advance settings and disable emergency alerts.
I watched an old video clip on YT earlier of Selina Scott and I couldn’t help noticing how much she looked like Princess Diana in her earlier days. I then did a Google search for her and saw an article on a Scottish news site which showed a photo of her now that she’s older and I couldn’t help noticing how much she now looks like Camilla Parker Bowles. So, Selina Scott looked like Princess Diana when she was younger and now that she’s aged she looks like Camilla.
This excerpt taken from the wikipedia page for Scott:
At the time when Princess Diana was, like Scott, having problems with the press, Michael Shea, press secretary to the Queen, asked Scott if she would befriend the princess. He thought that Scott might be able to advise her on dealing with the press; Scott commented “the trouble was I was going through just the same as she was”. Scott did befriend Diana, but they did not discuss the press.
“the trouble was I was going through just the same as she was”
Hmm, one person having an experience whilst playing two different personas?
“All the world’s a stage, and all the Men and Women, merely players”. So said Shakespeare. Diana actually had several different people playing her part. In fact, all of the elites have several doppelgangers playing their parts. Also, these creatures transgender their off-spring. Have you ever wondered why so many of the ‘women’ from these aristocratic/royal families are hideously ugly? It’s because they are actually Men. Take a look at the ‘women’ of the Rothschild family……..they are so fuck-ugly that their faces should be categorised as an offensive weapon. I’m sorry if I am coming across as shallow………I happen to believe that true beauty is from within, and what we look like on the outside is irrelevant. However, I am highlighting the sheer hideousness of these ‘Things’ because this is what happens when you mess with Mother Nature. Of course, some of them are more passable as women than others……….BUT, as they age, the true gender appears. People always ask the same question: WHY. Why do these monsters do this to their own children? Simple: It is how they ‘Honour’ their Lord and Master, baphomet, a demon with both male AND female genitalia. This is also the very same reason that the ‘Transgender Agenda’ is being pushed forward, where we now have the creatures informing us that a fully anatomical male, complete with meat and 2 veg, can walk in to the women’s bathrooms/toilets simply because he ‘identifies’ as a woman. Their end goal is to establish satan’s kingdom right here on earth. Part of this end goal is to eradicate REAL Women and Girls. satanists HATE real Women with a vengeance. ‘They’ plan to legalise every sick perversion you can think of, paedophilia, bestiality and incest (which they all indulge in). A few months ago, a bloke I know went storming up to his 5 year old Son’s school and told them in no uncertain terms that he DID NOT want his son being taught that he ‘can choose’ his own gender. Apparently this is what his son was being told by the teachers at his school. What we need is more MEN like the bloke I have just mentioned……..REAL MEN who are prepared to stand up to this abuse of our children. Sadly, it seems that real Men are now as rare as rocking horse shite.
SELINA SCOTT: Why I refuse to celebrate BBC Breakfast’s anniversary https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11655611/SELINA-SCOTT-celebrate-BBCs-Breakfast-time-Frank-Bough-life-misery.html?ito=native_share_article-top
So, it seems that the Metropolitan Police have been found to be ‘Institutionally racist, sexist, misogynistic and homophobic’. Fuckin hells bells……..tell us something we didn’t know! I can add another title to that lot: Institutionally Fuckin Useless’. Quite a few years back, they stopped coming out to people in London whose homes had been burgled. HOWEVER, this doesn’t seem to apply to those folks whose homes happen to be in Knightsbridge, Hampstead Garden Suburb, Belgravia or certain parts of Islington (the posh parts). This report also states that violence against women and girls (sexual and domestic violence) is not taken seriously by the Met. Again, no surprise there, when you consider that those at the top of the police hierarchy are all high ranking Freemasons who take it up the tradesmens entrance and have a visceral loathing for all females. The truth is, the Metropolitan Police are not here to protect ordinary Londoners. Their job, just like every other police force in this septic Isle, is to protect the rich and powerful. In London’s West End, the ‘Meat Rack’ is where under-age boys sell their bodies to disgusting perverts. Now, consider this: London’s West End has probably more CCTV coverage than anywhere else in the world……..but do any of the wealthy and powerful punters that approach these kids ever get pulled in? Of course they fuckin don’t. We are hearing the usual old bollocks about how ‘Things Must Change blah blah blah’. Fuck all is going to change. I am sure that amongst this ocean of corrupt filth there are a few genuine coppers who truly want to make a difference, but I would guarantee they are few and far between. It’s like the film ‘Serpico’ which, if you haven’t seen it, is well worth a watch. Based on a true story, Al Pacino portrays Frank Serpico, who begins his career as a rookie New York Cop, full of idealism and hope, wanting nothing more than to clean up the putrid streets of his home town. He is incorruptible, and herein lies Serpico’s downfall: He soon discovers that he is quite literally the only straight cop in the whole of New York City. He is ostracized by his colleagues and makes dangerous enemies in his futile attempts to ‘do the right thing’. Naturally, there is no happy ending for Frank Serpico………is there EVER a happy ending for those who try to do the right thing? The idealistic young rookie cop we see at the beginning of the film becomes a thoroughly disillusioned Man at the end of the film, who throws in his badge after he is almost murdered by one of his own. He is forced to confront the bitter truth, which is that everything he has gone through, including almost losing his life, has been for nothing. New York City is still the same corrupt shithole that it has always been, just as London will carry on being the same corrupt shithole that it has always been.
I was equally horrified to read in the chimp that a MEDICAL centre is now asking parents if their new born baby is trans?
I would be soooo tempted to 1.)smack them in the gob. 2.) burn down the centre, but would likely do 3.) Tell them no HOW DARE YOU, he’s a cat and if you EVER miss species him as anything other than Kitty I will sue your arse off and drag you through the medical council and courts as a HATER, NAZI and ABUSER and I’m now going to call the police and report you for inciting Kitty Hate…I’m so done with these perverted wankers.
Another psy-op has taken place. This time it is Nashville Tennessee, good ol’ US of A. Apparently a former pupil at a Christian school went in and shot the place up, killing 3 kids and 3 adults (the masonic 33). The 28 year old shooter is Audrey Hale, born female but apparently it identified itself as a bloke. By all accounts, ‘trans man’ Audrey was a little bit peeved that those evil Christians will not accept that you don’t have to have a penis and testicles to be a man. Yep, apparently you can be born a female, go through puberty, have periods, breasts, ovaries and a vagina, but if you say that you’re a man, then you are a man, and if those wicked, evil Christians can not see how vile and deluded they are, then they must suffer the consequences. Naturally the cabbages have fallen for this pantomime hook, line and sinker. Well they would, wouldn’t they? Did I REALLY used to think that this planet was worth saving?
Up-date on the Nashville psy-op. The old wanker that calls itself Madonna is giving the proceeds of his concert in Nashville to the LGBTQ community because of a law that was passed in Nashville which prohibits Drag artists performing in public and in front of children. Incidentally, Madonna was born a male. We can see where this is going can’t we? Those of us who are horrified at the idea of children being given sex change operations are going to be crushed and gagged under a tidal wave of ‘tranny rights’ by these fuckin demons. Thank fuck this madness wasn’t around when I was a child. As a little girl, I loved playing with cars and trucks. I wasn’t the least bit interested in dolls or anything girly. If I was growing up today, my Mum would probably be called up to the school and informed that I was ‘a boy trapped in a girl’s body’ and that I needed to start ‘gender reassignment’. Fuckin horrific. We are truly living in satan’s hell on earth.
Why the fuck are people putting up this demonic sexualising of children and promoting this sick twisted tranny satanic repugnant agenda!! Here’s my 10p worth. MEN are not directly affected by these sicko’s who decide to call themselves women and give themselves names such as Suzy ie Eddie fucking Izzard who BLESS HIS BLEEDING heart has given us permission to call him by either names – ain’t he an accommodating, understanding little star. MEN are not being cancelled. MEN are not threatened by other MEN dressed as tarts when it comes to fighting off the abusing freaks in a toilet cubicle or a girls changing room at school. Real MEN know that any other bloke in a cheap dress with 2lbs of slap to hide the stubble and a nylon wig is nothing more than a joke. Women and girls on the other hand see a genuine threat to life. We cannot no matter how physically powerful we think we are put up any sort of a fight where these creatures are concerned. Apparently the monsters aren’t going to be competing against real women in some area of sport..can’t remember off the top of my head, maybe athletics..and we’re SUPPOSED to be thankful for this..after allowing them in in the first place…oh fuck off. The Williams brothers got away with it throughout their tennis careers though..and is Navratalova a woman??…who knows..walks, talks and squawks like a man as far am I’m concerned. Boudica, there’s so so much to the layered depravity here that I almost become tongue and typing finger tied. Madonna was always a $2 rent boy who paid its dues to Baphomet for gazillions in the bank and stardom? alongside all the other benders in music and moviedom. Christianity is up for a good ridiculing..I don’t particularly care about that…what I do care about is that this one bash Christian values never EVER extends to same re ALL religion..ISLAM..JUDAISM..et al. Blood pressure’s up😂I’m going for a lie down😄Sending my best to you B!!!! And you Chris – take care 💐
Hiya Claire. The war against REAL females is very real, and yes, as you say, we do not have the physical strength to defend ourselves, and no amount of feminist claptrap can change that fact. Men are physically stronger than women. End of story. Talking of feminists, have you noticed how quiet they are? I would have expected them to be shouting from the rooftops against this attempt by men in dresses to usurp REAL women and girls, but their silence is deafening. Why? In the past they have taken every opportunity to bash heterosexual males, especially white heterosexual males, and yet here we have a tiny minority of delusional men who think that by putting on a dress and high heels they can force their way in to the private spaces of real females, and the so-called feminists remain silent. Of course, the feminist movement was engineered by the usual suspects to break up the family and cause hatred between the sexes, we all know that, so perhaps it isn’t really so surprising that on this issue, they have abandoned any pretence of fighting for the rights of women, and are doing the bidding of their masters by leaving ‘The Sister’ to fight their own battles. I truly fear for women and girls. In London, rape and other sexual assaults have practically become legal. This crime, which is already vastly under reported, has a very small conviction rate, but it goes much deeper than that. The Met Police can not be bothered to properly investigate sexual assaults and this is backed up by the recent report which found that they do not take violence against women and girls seriously. Then in the other corner, we have the presstitutes, who are trying to say that those who oppose ‘trans rights’ are right wing racists and bigots, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. I have spoken with Black Women, Muslim Women and Jewish Women on the subject of men being allowed to invade our bathrooms/toilets and we are all of one mind on this: IT IS PLAIN WRONG. I am not really sure what the answer is………when you have the might of the establishment against you, including a Police Force filled with woman haters, and a media that is fully on board with cancelling REAL women whilst defending men in dresses, where does that leave us? Who will defend REAL women and girls? Who will defend OUR rights?
Favourite BBC go to Man. arena survivor Martin Hibbert dropped a bollock at the end of the Panorama hit piece on Hall. When interviewed at the end of the prog, he thanked the fire brigade. They weren’t allowed on to the scene until everyone had gone.
The ‘Womens Movement’ was set up by the elites. The Gay Movement’ was set up by the elites. We now have the ‘Trans Movement’ and make no mistake, this was also set up by the elites. Why? Well, with the elites, there are always several different agendas going on. They set up these ‘Movements’ in order to control us. Does anyone REALLY believe that they give a fuck about the rights of Women, Gays, Trannies or anyone else for that matter? Of course not. It is all designed to pigeon-hole us and to distract us from subjects such as Covid, and their horrific vaccine, which has been designed to cull huge numbers of humanity. These people might be paedo-satanic psychopaths, but they are also very clever. They place within their ‘Movements’ their own people. For example, the ‘Womens Movement’ was full of man-hating harridans, frothing at the mouth and making statements such as ‘All Men Are Rapists’. We have seen the same thing in the ‘Gay Movement’. People who are absolutely unhinged. We are now seeing exactly the same thing with the ‘Trans Movement’. Violent, highly toxic and dangerous people who are not fit to run a piss up in a brewery, let alone be the mouthpieces for a movement that is supposed to be about Human Rights. It’s all about Divide and Conquer, which is the oldest and most successful military strategy since time began. The elites control BOTH sides of the argument. For them it is a win-win situation. They did exactly the same thing with BOTH world wars. they bankrolled the German AND the British side. The result was a holocaust of tens of millions of white Christians. Anyway, I digress. As I said, the elites are very clever and they make sure that these contrived ‘Movements’ do SOME good, and from this I speak personally. The ‘Womens Movement’ gave Women like my own mum the chance to escape from a marriage in which they were being used as punch bags by their husbands. Before ‘Womens Rights’ came to the fore, Women like my Mum were forced to remain in a violent relationship simply because there was nowhere for them to run to. However, there can be no doubt that for SOME of the good that these movements do, there is another side to them that does a HUGE amount of damage, and this is exactly what the elites want. The Womens Movement is responsible for poisoning the minds of young girls and women by brainwashing them in to believing that they are the ‘Same’ as Men. No, we are not. I am still young enough to be part of the generation in which girls were actively encouraged at school to behave like Boys, which meant getting pissed and sleeping around. I distinctly remember one of our teachers introducing a friend of hers to us and stating that she had invited her friend to talk to us about what it means to be a woman in the modern world. This ‘Friend’ was a plumber who was also a Black lesbian. Now, I don’t give a fuck about a person’s sexual orientation. Live and let live. Also, I like to see Women doing jobs that were once considered the strict domain of Men and Boys. I also like to see Black women overcoming racism and sexism in order to get what they want from life. What I DO NOT like is the fact that this woman went on a rant about Men and told us that we ‘didn’t need Men’ in our lives and that we, as young Women, were more than capable of taking care of ourselves and being happy on our own. I look back and I can clearly see that we were quite literally being INDOCTRINATED in to turning against Men and denying our own Female instincts of wanting marriage and children. A whole generation of Women were duped. I see the same thing happening with the ‘Trans Movement’. It is being taken in to the classroom and this IS WRONG. Children are being brainwashed and indoctrinated just as I can now see that there was brainwashing and indoctrination taking place in MY school. This is child abuse. There is certainly nothing wrong in minorities wanting to be allowed to live their lives in peace……….BUT, it becomes VERY WRONG when it is being peddled to children as an acceptable alternative to a normal life. It also becomes VERY WRONG when it tramples over the Human Rights of the majority.
In this world that is controlled by satanists, in which everything that is ugly and unhealthy is promoted, whilst everything that is pure and beautiful is condemned, it is very easy to forget just how beautiful this planet really is. At around 3am this morning, unable to sleep, I was looking out of the window and I saw a couple of Foxes strolling by. I Love Foxes (in fact I Love all Animals), and it reminded me of the time that I came face to face with a Cow, when I was living in the West Midlands. No, not a two legged cow (I’ve met plenty of those), but a real, bona fide 4 legged Cow. As a Londoner, I had never seen a Cow up close and personal, and when I looked in to her big brown eyes, that was the moment I knew I could never again eat a sentient being. That’s when I became a vegetarian. There was another time when me and my partner were standing in the garden one evening and I was mesmerized by the stars in the sky. In London, there is so much filth and pollution that there is a constant haze in the sky, but in the countryside the skies are so clear………the stars looked like hundreds of diamonds on a huge Navy Blue cushion. Imagine what it must be like, to be one of the satanic ‘elites’……..to be so ugly and empty inside that you can never see the beauty in anything. They can have all the money in the world, they can have palaces and mansions and castles, they can have designer clothes, jewellery and private yachts and planes……..but it doesn’t change what they are: Pitiful, ugly, pathetic little demons, who are incapable of feeling anything. Empty vessels in which nothing will ever fill that vast ocean of nothingness in their putrid, black souls. This is the one thing they can not take from us. They can take everything else, they can even take our lives, but they can not take our souls. They can never do that.
1year ago….
I received this email from RDH yesterday and I think well worth sharing:
As you may know, the BBC and all mainstream media have recently produced
further hit pieces against myself and in particular my work covering the
2017 Manchester Arena incident.
The BBC has criticised me for ‘profiting’ from the Manchester Arena
incident because I published a book about it. I have therefore decided to
give the book away as a free download here …
Please download the book (right click and save link as) from the link and
send it to everyone you think may be interested in the content.
You can find reviews (scroll down) about the free book from this link,
It is clear from their recent articles that the legal action they have described, which they say has been submitted to the High Court against me
(but I still have not to date yet received notice of), has the intention to censor/remove my book permanently and remove all my videos on this subject
– as well as attempting to hit me with a ‘damages’ claim.
The associated films and lecture can be watched from the links below. I advise you download and re-distribute these also, as it appears that the intention is to censor all my work on this subject, which consists of no more than hard evidence and honest opinion.
UK Critical Thinkers videos on the subject can be found here …
If you wish to donate to my impending legal costs, please use this link …
Sapere aude,
Richard D. Hall
[If you want to reply you must use richard@richplanet.net]
You ok mate, its been a while?
Yes mate. Had three deaths in the family including my Mother as well as on going health problems x
Dear Chris so sorry to hear of family losses and getting over the loss of your mum takes awhile, in fact you never get over it just learn to live with it.
We are all awaiting your return, lot ove love xxx .
RDH has sent this email to his followers today :
Firstly THANK YOU to everyone who has so far donated to my legal fund. I am very grateful to you.
I have received notification that a legal claim has been filed against me in the High Court.
The claim is seeking damages and an injunction for harassment and breaches of the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.
Note that there is no claim of libel or defamation which has been incorrectly reported across most of mainstream media.
I have until the 1st of June 2023 to submit my defence.
I am in the process of appointing a solicitor/barrister and am appealing to you to recommend a reliable, suitably experience and qualified professional to present my evidence in court.
If you wish to help financially, I have set up a fund to pay for legal fees, here,
(Note : the Gofundme funds are being transferred to my bank account daily, therefore there is no risk of losing the funds).
Iain Davis has written an excellent article covering the issue here,
My book is available free here …
Richard D. Hall
First of all, I want to make it clear that I much prefer dogs to humans. I am a member of lots of FB pages for lost, stolen and found animals. Loads of people are beside themselves because of the shooting dead of 2 dogs by the Met in Tower Hamlets this week.
I am not. It just smacks of hoax to me. The way it was filmed. The dogs didn’t seem particularly bothered by the police. The second dog didn’t seem particularly bothered after the shooting of the first one. All the (staged) photos of the dogs earlier on the tube, being very gentle with passengers.
I think it is just part of the agenda against the Met, just like the Sarah Everard hoax killing. I know the PTB are intending to bring in robocops, which could be why they are trying to destroy the police, particularly the Met.
Animal Rising is holding a vigil this evening for the dogs (11 May at 8pm – 11 and 8 being important numbers for the PTB). I was heavily involved in animal rights for many years and attended lots and lots of demos. I used to visit my AR friends in prison. However, I am very suspicious of Animal Rebellion (offshoot of Extinction Rebellion) and now Animal Rising. We rarely got mention in the media. These groups get lots of mention, because they are part of the Agenda.
I don’t dare say anything to people in animal rescue that I am sure the dogs’ killing is a hoax, because I will get my head bitten off!
I agree Karen. I much prefer Dogs to humans. That ‘Dog Shooting’ was about as fake as it gets. The love and loyalty you get from your Dogs is pure and genuine. With humans, you never know if they are being real with you or not. I remember something my Dad told me when I was a teenager. He said, ‘If you meet one true and genuine person in all your life, you are lucky. The rest are just ponces, slags, and hangers-on, out to use you and get what they can’.
At the time, I thought my old man was being cynical and jaded………I now realise he was absolutely right.
Hi Boudica. Sending you and your partner much love. Hopefully no dog was injured in the making of the hoax! Since I made that comment, I am even more convinced that it is a hoax.
Thank you Karen, much love to you too. Yes, I have been looking at it again, and I am convinced it is a hoax. As you said, there is something distinctly odd about the way the second Staffie is behaving in such a docile way after seeing the first Staffie get shot. I remember walking my 2 staffies in the park one day (a Male and a Female), and another Dog attacked my female Staffie and my Male Staffie went berserk. He literally threw himself on the Dog that was attacking my Female Staff, and in the event probably saved her life. The other Dog was a big fucker. I think that you are right when you say that all of these stories are designed to get rid of the Met.
Also, I know that brains and intelligence are as rare as rocking horse shite amongst the Met Police, but I really can not believe that even these bozos would have shot dead 2 Dogs knowing that there were witnesses watching them from the flats overlooking the canal where these events allegedly took place. Of course I have no proof, but I am of the belief that there are already Robocops in operation in the Met Police. I also suspect that our Army has also got some of these robotoids ‘serving’ in the forces.
Hi Boudica – Your father was bang on the money!! Ponces, slags and hangers on and not forgetting out and out unadulterated liars who in order to grow, continue and develop their demonic lying, rope in their army of supporters only too happy to oblige them – liars rule by fear and control and imo are on a par with the kiddie peedo destroyers who rape and maim for life – liars are given protected status by their hangers on aka enablers as child raping molesters are afforded the same by the ‘people’ in their army who remain fkn silent. I too prefer animals to humans, always have, always will. Wishing you and your partner courage and wellness – Wishing Chris lighter days and endurance through the ‘all’ of it..xCx
Hi Claire, hope you are well, and thank you for your kind wishes. As you say, these people are ‘protected’ by their flunkeys, who remain silent, when they know that the right thing to do is to blow the whistle on evil when they see it. I remember another thing my old man told me (he was quite the philosopher at times). He said that there are two kinds of evil in this world. There are the people who commit the evil deeds, and then there are those who know that evil is being done but choose to remain silent about it, thus enabling the evil to continue. I asked my dad which person is the most evil, the one who commits theses despicable acts, or the one who, whilst not actually participating in the evil, stands by and does nothing about it. He said that BOTH are equally guilty. Again, I think he was right. It’s never easy to speak up about injustice, but it is nice to be able to look in the mirror and know that you tried to do the right thing, and that your soul is not for sale. Take care mate.
Hi Boudica – I’m not too bad and thanks for asking💖Your father had the middle eye gift of sensing filth at 10 paces and in imparting those pearls of wisdom on you, no matter how unpalatable was providing an invisible barrier of protection around you. What a guy, what a decent human being you had the privilege to know and call your father. Two types of evil is interesting and I absolutely agree, in that both parties bear the same burden of blackened soul responsibility when both make their choices to be active or passive in the crimes they commit. Naked truth has cost me dearly and I have no regrets regarding this fundamental aspect of who I am. It’s black and white to me, truth, lie, no graying or blurring of the edges and those who detest me for it (yes they do lol jealousy of course plays a part too) can fuck right off😂Our souls are never up for sale Boudica, priceless for reasons known only to those of us who reside the 1%r realm😊✊🏻
Sorry to hear of your loss. We learn to live with it in time & cope but it never goes away. I lost my mum, dad & daughter over the last 8 years and it’s bloody tough. Hang on in there.
TV zoologist and crocodile expert Dr Adam Britton based in Darwin but from the u.k.
He’s been in custody for a good while now.
His case is so far beyond disturbing you will question humanity.
You will NEVER be able to comprehend it.
He videod his actions and the footage is out there.
This is all I will say.
Condolences for your losses Chris, especially the loss of your Mum. Both my parents were gone before I was 20, and I never really got over it………..someone once told me that when you lose people you love, you don’t ‘get over’ it, you just get through it somehow. I have found that to be true.
I’m in my 60s and lost my mum 5 years ago to dementia, i stayed with her every single day for her last 2 years until she died in her sleep. Her not knowing who I was for the last few months is the worst experience ever. I’ll never get over her death even though I have a supportive husband & kids. What the hell is the point of this planet. I’m a complete nihilist now.
Marianna Spring, the BBC’s disinformation expert and enemy of Richard D Hall, has been a busy giril building up her empire
Dear Marianna, the World is Laughing at You!!
Wed 8:58 am +01:00, 24 May 2023
posted by danceaway
Aletho News
BBC fights ‘fake news’ with fake Twitter accounts
RT | May 23, 2023
A journalist with the British broadcaster’s new fact-checking spinoff BBC Verify has admitted to deploying multiple fake Twitter accounts to combat “disinformation.”
In a segment broadcast on Saturday, BBC “disinformation correspondent” Marianna Spring warned the audience that “mistruths can cause really serious harm to societies and the people in them.” She then revealed she had set up multiple “undercover accounts” on Twitter for the BBC’s Americast broadcast, each one representing different political views so as to better “interrogate” the viewpoints of the network’s target audience.
While the deception was portrayed as an attempt to “understand polarization online” by observing a cross-section of what kind of content social media platforms are recommending to different demographics, all three “characters” were white women. Emma, a 25-year-old atheist graphic designer with a “live-in partner” based in New York City, hails from the “progressive left.” Britney, a recently-divorced 50-year-old mother of three living in Houston, comes from the “populist right” and works as a school secretary. Gabriela, 44, a married mother of three who moonlights as a nanny, is cast as a “stressed sideliner.”
The graphics surrounding the fake profiles suggested a presence across Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, though the network stopped short of revealing its sock-puppets’ usernames. Twitter explicitly forbids using the platform to “artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience or platform manipulation defenses,” and most other social media platforms have similar policies.
According to the BBC, its Verify division consists of a team of 60 “forensic journalists and expert talent” from within the network, tasked with “fact-checking, verifying video, countering disinformation, analyzing data, and – crucially – explaining complex stories in the pursuit of truth.”
The BBC got a £20 million ($24.13 million) shot in the arm from the UK government earlier this year specifically to “counter disinformation,” with Foreign Secretary James Cleverly hailing the network as “the world’s most trusted international broadcaster.”
However, critics have called out the BBC for putting out what they claim are heavily biased and outright fabricated stories, particularly with regard to the conflict in Ukraine, even while the network continues to portray “disinformation” as the exclusive province of Russian media.
The network has nurtured the careers of ‘Russian bot’ hunters like the Atlantic Council alumnus Ben Nimmo, who has made a livelihood out of reclassifying genuine political dissent as “coordinated inauthentic behavior,” and having its practitioners deplatformed as state operatives. The BBC has also hosted government-controlled journalists tasked with waging information warfare against Russia, while its “charitable” arm, BBC Media Action, engaged in covert operations designed to “weaken the Russian state’s influence” in the Balkans.
Several so-called ‘Truther Sites’ are touting the notion that Putin is ‘one of the good guys’. Apparently, Putin is the only person standing between the satanic elites and the rest of us.
I remain highly sceptical, and until Putin does something that proves BEYOND DOUBT that he really is a genuine person, I will remain convinced that he is ‘one of THEM’. Time and time again, history has shown us that the people we believed to be trustworthy are nothing more than puppets, whose strings are being pulled by those they claim to be working against.
I wonder how many people would have fought in both World Wars if they had known that the same people were bankrolling BOTH sides? Hitler was placed in to power in Germany for one reason and one reason only: To destroy Germany, because Germany was the only country that would not bend the knee to the evil elites. Another one was Churchill, that so-called ‘War Hero’ who was nothing but a fuckin fraud………a satanic monstrosity who should have been charged with war crimes.
Then there’s America, whose ‘President’ is a nonce and can not seem to keep his filthy hands to himself, even when the cameras are on him. Why the fuck would any sane parent allow this vile old piece of crap anywhere near their kids?
As far as Putin is concerned………he is ONE OF THEM………..until he proves otherwise.
When you think of Art, what names and images immediately spring to mind? Van Gogh, Monet, Salvador Dali, or Michaelangelo’s epic work in the Sistine Chapel in Rome (which I have seen and it is awe inspiring).
I have just taken a look at Vigilant Citizen and apparently there is an ‘artist’ named Miriam Cahn whose ‘work’ is being show-cased in a fancy museum in Paris. If you decide to take a look at the work of this filthy old bastard, please be warned: It is absolutely sickening. Basically, it depicts children being bound and sexually assaulted by adult men. Naturally, normal people are horrified that this filth has been given room space in what is an upmarket gallery, and as usual, the perverted, satanic elites are defending Miriam Cahn, who describes herself as a ‘feminist who loves to fight’.
I am wondering what part of feminist ideology states that it acceptable to earn money from painting and selling what amounts to violent and extremely graphic child pornography. It would be nice to think that the people of France will storm the museum and destroy the fuckin lot, and then go looking for Ms. Cahn armed with a piece of hemp to put around her perverted fuckin neck, from there to be dangled from the nearest lamp post. However, I long ago gave up hope on human beings, and I suspect that this perverted cunt will carry on earning a very nice living, selling her filth to the child-raping elites, whilst everyone turns a blind eye. Dirty cunt.
Someone once told me that you know you are getting old when you find yourself thinking “They don’t make films/music like this any more”.
Watching ‘Carlito’s Way’ at 4am this morning, and that is exactly what I was thinking. As always, the final scene had me sobbing for at least an hour.
Here is the latest update from RDH if anyone’s interested:
Just to make you aware of a few things that have happened.
On 24th May I received an email from the Daily Mirror, they asked
Hi Richard, I’m a reporter for the Daily Mirror.
I’m doing an article based on your newsletter sent out on May 9. I’ve copied the contents below.
It’s focusing in on you asking followers for legal recommendations.
If you wish to respond at all or give any update, deadline is 7pm today.
I did not reply. The following day they published this hit piece,
The article states, ” He’s set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds for his legal defence, raising over £15,000 already. ”
Not long after this was published, Gofundme removed my account. I did not lose much money because I was having the money transferred to my account each day.
If you wish to donate, I would prefer a BACS transfer. Details can be found here,
I am so grateful to everyone who has so far donated, it is a massive help. Some of it has already been put to good use in preparing the defence.
I am due to submit my initial written defence within the next few days.
I will update further as things transpire.
Thanks again for your continued support,
(Note : do not reply to this email. Use richard@richplanet.net if you wish
to contact)
Have to smile – how long ago was it that Chris outed Philip Schofield? : )
Chris – Remember your article on the Essex murders. I wish I could see it now. I remember thinking that one of them looked like Dale Vince who runs Ecotricity and is a very suspicious character. I should like him for promoting veganism, but I don’t trust his ‘green’ agenda at all. We are told he is now a multi millionaire, but I believe he is just a front man, like Gates and Musk. I am sure he came on the scene about the time of the Essex murders (just changing roles?) If you can see the resemblance, can you give me the name of the murdered man? Thanks. There is an article in your favourite online publication today about Labour being bankrolled by the super rich. I can’t post the link or the full title as it is saying it is spam.
Can we have an update how Chris is? Cheers
hope you OK Chris? Does anyone else think the submarine is another bs story
I smell BS re this BILLIONAIRE boys and toys club. More than usual off the charts crap running minute by minute commentary for days non-stop!! The predictable link-in to one of the geezers being a descendant of someone who drowned on the ‘actual’😆Titanic an all…well of course..the script writers have to have the bleeding hearts strings properly yanked don’t they. Assuming it’s genuine – which I don’t – the greatest pity in this is that Branson wasn’t one of the famous five sardined in there..Hoping you’re ok Chris, shout out to Boudica & Partner too – 💪🏻👌🏻🌞
I think it is some sort of sacrifice ritual mass event.. most probably a psyop too – but it has millions of people apparently watching them die real-time and it coincides with summer solstice
‘I’m the king of the world’ Titanic movie giant prickster James Cameron blasts hunt for nightmarish charade..charades indeed, least he got that bit right. All perished last Sunday ‘allegedly.’ Fucking clown world – today I’m indentifying as a mug🍺…too hot to be furry😼…😖
Claire I forgot to mention……..today, I am ‘Identifying’ as a Cocker Spaniel. I demand the right to pee against any tree or lamp post that takes my fancy. I demand that everyone on the planet panders to my new identity and treats me accordingly. Those who refuse to see me as anything other than a ‘Cocker Spaniel’ will be labelled ‘Cocker Phobic’. Me and my fellow ‘Cockers’ will go on marches and use physical violence if necessary to ensure that our ‘Cocker Rights’ are respected. Naturally, we do not give a toss about the rights of everyone else.
Hi Claire, thank you for the shout out. We are still here in the land of the living (or should I say the land of the living dead)?
I agree with you about the bullshit story of that tin can that ‘imploded’ whilst in search of the Titanic. A Psy-op if ever I saw one. There are now so many people saying that they ‘turned down’ the offer of going on that ill-fated trip to the bottom of the Ocean that pretty soon it will be hard to find any Z-list ‘celeb’ that WASN’T invited to go on this trip. You know Claire, I am amazed at the levels that people will go to just because they desperately crave attention. My own personal example of this is the fact that THREE women in my own personal circle are claiming to be ‘Terminally Ill’ with cancer (only saying this AFTER they knew about me). One claims that the Doctor diagnosed her over skype has having cancer, another one said that ‘she KNOWS’ that she is dying from a brain tumour, despite the fact that when I asked her if she had been to the Doctor, she said ‘No’ but she just KNOWS that she has a terminal brain tumour, and another one told my partner that she was sitting in her Doctor’s surgery when he told her that she was terminally ill. Now, I know that many of our Doctors here in the UK are useless bastards, but what I do know is this: NEVER, would they tell a patient that they have terminal cancer without first doing every test they can, such as MRI scans, CAT scans, endless blood tests, urine tests, X-Rays, and then, and ONLY then, do they give you the news you don’t want to hear. What is it with these pitiful people Claire? Are they so desperate for attention? And I hate to say it, but it does seem to be something that afflicts Women more than Men. So there you have it Claire………there are actually Women that I know who are ‘in competition’ with me for having a terminal illness. Anyway mate, take care and hope you and yours are well, xx
Hi there Boudica xx and partner – Zombie clown world calling, over📻..Where, WHERE to begin! I had to read your fantastic post 3 times to take-in what you’re saying..When you think you’ve heard it all in this messed up hellish realm guess what, you haven’t. Three absolute idiotic women declaring they’re on the stage 4 road to nowhere having never been through the battery of poking and prodding and worry that’s inflicted on every poor GENUINELY ill person, is proof positive ‘they’ really do walk among us ie zombies…the living, jabbed to the eyeballs dead heads. I can only attribute their sick need to not only align themselves with your plight Boudica, they are one upping you, the competition you sense is real! I feel sick in the knowledge that dealing with what you are, that we have obvious, clear and present, green fucking eyed JEALOUSY in it’s naked repugnant glory. Here’s my 10p assumption – even now – even NOW you are one helluva stunningly attractive woman Boudica..this is what drives these maniacal jealous bitches. You’re different, you have a marvelous mind and a partner who loves you..BOOM – you’re the whole complete package of outer and inner spiritual strength, intelligence and beauty. A recipe to incite all manner of justified malevolent behaviours from the Macbeth witch crew. They of course would never admit or agree with what I’ve said – more than their shallow existences are worth to say they suffer from the usual transparent shit jealousy driver that women like you and me have endured..this IS a female thing – men just don’t get it – no offence to any man reading this, but you don’t. Women ONLY do this to women. It’s bloody insidious. And in the main, people would rather cut their tongues out than acknowledge the truth. They enjoy saying things like this.. ‘I mean why would anyone be jealous of youuuuuuu’😂oh pull the other one, I worked the wankers right out a long time ago – shit it might give you/me a big jumbo sausage sized ego😂can’t have that now can we🤩Whatever you do don’t laugh – will send them apoplectic needing a head doctor who might actually do his job and have them sectioned off in a padded cell..now there’s a result worth paying for👌🏻😆You got their ticket Boudica – rise right above it😇..Here speaking of the tin can, did you see the ‘mother’ and wife of the billionaire guy who ‘perished😏’ giving her interview a few days after end of act one scene one…a blob of a person with very strange moving eyes (mainly upwards LOL) and as calm, collected and SCRIPTED as you can get…go have a gander Boudica, she’s ‘entertaining’ and watch those eyes rolling around🤪..Until the next time, I’m sending you a big huge hug! In my thoughts B, in my thoughts..xCx
Hiya Claire……..THANK YOU for your lovely words, and yes, you are sooooooo right. Men just don’t get it do they? I have actually tried to explain to my partner on so many occasions that the reason these bitches do this is to take HIS attention AWAY from ME. I COULD give out their names (and you would recognise some of them), but frankly I am too nice to do that. What I will say is that one of the ‘witches’ was so jealous of me that she used to put drawings of herself on her FB page with blonde hair and blue eyes (MY natural colouring), even though she is the complete opposite of me in looks and colouring. As for that ‘mother’ talking about the Tin Can incident……..what a load of bollocks that was! And yes, the eye rolls……..fuckin hilarious! Take care mate, and once again, thank you for your kind words, and THANK YOU for believing me about ‘The Coven’. xx
yes I’ve heard a few say sacrifice. but apparently the young lad has no social media presence and only 2 really bad pics of him..no imstagram ect so another bs storyline to distract
Chris – it’s been months since you wrote anything. What’s going on my lovely?
Hi Jac.
I am still deciding whether or not to carry on… Motivation – or lack of it – is my real problem. However, the site will stay online for the immediate future. x
Chris, just to say, you have more than done your bit in your attempt to wake people up, and whether you carry on with this site or not, you can look in the mirror and be proud of who you see…….a Man whose honour and integrity were not for sale. There’s not too many people in this world that can say the same thing. Take care mate and good luck, xx
Be sorry to see you retire disgracefully😜Chris but would understand your decision to throw the towel in on it all. Obviously, from a selfish perspective I’d love you to re-discover your mojo and motivation and give us more of your unique work – you’re still the best out there! bar bloody none of the so-called trooooofers…xCx – shout out to Boudica & partner xx
Shout out to you too Claire, hope you and yours are well,
stay safe mate, xx
Chris – if you don’t have the motivation anymore, that’s understandable. Absolutely agree with Boudica, I just miss your humour : ) could you write a small article about the fun you’re having with your grandkids? Your style of writing is unique, maybe that’s what I’m missing so much : )
I always thought Mr Spivey should have his own youtube/bitchute channel and give his followers a weekly dose of his piss take humour of all things related to the unroyals and the powers that shouldn’t be?
Chris, you have been through such a lot just lately, it’s no wonder you feel like you do. It takes time to heal from trauma so take as long as you need or want. Maybe it’s time to re evaluate you life and ask yourself what you really want to do. I am sure that as long as your web page is up then we will keep checking in to see how you are and hope that we will hear from you. If it disapears in the future then we can only wish you well and thankyou for all you have done. Gillx
Do you recall Sham-ima Begum, stripped of her citizenship?
The key is to let the concept pass with everyone’s silent consent.
I wonder if Anyone who is not complacent – if you follow my drift – might be stripped of their citizenship, and sent on a offshore barge in the far (or near) future?
hey Chris first time commenter long time reader. I left the internet alone for a while as the madness of the last few years revealed to me at least that the whole thing was corrupted irreversibly. I logged back in a few months ago and my whole online world is now reduced to about 10 different sites/blogs/substacks, yours included of course. Lost a lot of friends due to their queuing up to be jabberoonied, too. People I thought were normal turned out to be anything but. Now some are dead, and some are sick and/or look like death warmed up. Others however are in perfect health, oddly enough, which is down to the various batches people are discovering and writing about, I suppose. Or else they’re just lucky. For now.
Rediscovered books again after a 10 year absence– grew up with books and reading, never really got into films or tv, and don’t think I missed much. Reading again has been such a joy. Usually carefully chosen classics or biographies. As Boudicea says, there’s a lot of perverts and perverted shit out there masquerading as writers and literature. Especially in the West.
I live in East Asia now, where the satanic agendas have more difficulty “penetrating”. But they try hard and youth culture is already badly corrupted by these dancing boy band maggots with pink hair and questionable genitalia. I do fear for the young. And glad I’m not anymore.
Anyway just to wish you all the best and to thank you for your work over the years. I bought a few of your books on Amazon a good while ago. When one absorbs that stuff, there’s no going back. There’s barely any Truth left in the world, either. Which is why the perverted scum running things in the west need to destroy traditional religion and belief systems, I guess. Poop Tranny in Rome being a good example. Mortal damage being done by that creep.
I’m sick arguing with morons who justify mass immigration of poverty into our formerly significant countries by saying “we were all immigrants at one stage”. So I don’t anymore, and have made sure to have a plan and a comfy seat to watch from a safe distance as it all goes down. And go down it surely will. Soon. (I’m sure your readers are aware of that.)
Also a final word to Boudicea, whose comments I’ve been reading with great interest. I never thought much about the tranny agenda until someone sent me ages ago proof that– get this– both Tom Cruise and Liam fecking Neeson were bona fide F>M trannified freaks of nature. As our Chris has said a few times: you can’t unsee that kind of shite, 😂. As Boudicea also says: they– all the celebrities– must be of a similar state of wretchedness indeed, and it’s true: as they age, it starts to become very obvious especially in photos of them taken off guard– which is why there aren’t many. Or are scrubbed from the internet quickly after going up. Look carefully at the necks and jawlines. Hips, too. Neeson is in fucking shreds.
One I saw recently really shocked me; that faggot (pardoning my French) George Clooney was snapped with its “wife” somewhere in Italy, and the thing is a fecking man. Stubble plainly visible. Thousands of pounds worth of designer frock on a ghastly creature pretending to be a woman. But then again, it’s with George fecking Clooney after all, I suppose. So go figure. Ponce.
That’s it for my rant. Best to you and Boudicea and stay free!
Hi Dom, I was just wondering what you meant by ‘to watch from a safe distance as it all goes down. And go down it surely will. Soon.’
Sorry Dennis mate, but if you have to ask me that, I’m not the one to tell you. It’s not my blog. But I will say this: start by taking a look at the Deagel Reports country by country, and then find out what’s really happening in eastern Europe right now. Including former ukrainian casualty figures that are being intentionally concealed from you.
I can tell you that governments all over Asia and the global south, many of whom I’ve worked with over the years on various projects– social, agricultural, etc– are preparing for an imminent– repeat: imminent– E.U. and NATO collapse and are insulating themselves as I write.
While most folks IN the EU will tell you the former ukraine is still winning and that NATO is stronger than ever, 😂.
If you think that, read a history book and see what happened to anyone ever foolish enough to threaten the Russian Empire. Let alone what’s going to happen because a silly little man in a tshirt thought he was Churchill and threatened the Russian Federation with a nuclear attack. Aided all along by Britain France Germany and their puppet masters in the US.
Best of luck to yee. Deagel Reports; check em out.
So will we win?
😂; well let’s put it this way mee old bean: if you’re expecting the British Navy to storm Sevastopol while the Army marches triumphantly across the Dnieper in support, I wouldn’t exactly be holding my breath while you wait. And I’d quit reading the Mail Online too if I were you.
The Deagel Reports were a bit much for yee too, obviously. Yeah, I get that, as they are for most people.
70% population reduction across the UK. Try and figure out how to not be one of them.
Good luck to yee.
Hi Dom, thank you for the shout out, hope you are well. Yes, George Clooney, who is himself a female to male monstrosity, and his (her) ‘wife’ Amal.
Did you pick up on the clue there Dom? Amal=A MALE. Also, the ‘wife’ of David Bowie: Iman=I MAN. You see how ‘They’ Love to let the cabbages know what they are doing Dom? I don’t blame you for living in East Asia. Here in the septic Isle, things are getting crazier by the week. We now have Womens sanitary products in some of the Mens toilets can you believe? Since when did a Man need tampons and sanitary towels? I have nothing against people living their lives the way they want to, and if a Man wants to put on a dress and high heels and call himself a Woman, that’s his prerogative, but when the rights of a few delusional people take precedence over the rights of half of the world’s population (Women), I draw the line. Anyway mate, look after yourself and take care, xx
Hi Chris. I know you wrote about this years ago but I heard some interesting info a couple of weeks ago that I found interesting. I also remember you not being too believing when it happened but hey ho.
Anyway, I was talking to one of my colleagues up here in Glasgow and we weren’t talking ‘conspiratorial’ stuff or anything. He told me that the day the Clutha crash happened he was driving towards the pub. He said that as he was approaching the pub he lost ALL functions of his car; basically it just stopped working as he was driving it (he never saw the actual crash). This is the only time I’ve heard about this happening, but, where’s there’s one there’s bound to be more people having experienced the same thing. I think something has been tested in Glasgow (also the bin lorry), some kind of EMP device or something, but who knows. Just a thought.
Would be sad to see you stop man but like others have said you’ve put your heart into it for years and years, along with everything else that has gone on for you. The zombies are asleep and the majority ain’t waking up…Take care big man…
Hi Chris and fellow truthers. Hope you and your families are all well. I’ve had a couple of years break from reading all the information about how we’re being lied to and manipulated as it seriously affected my mental health. However, my sister is now going all guns blazing down the rabbit hole and I spent a while trying to recall all the stuff you all shared. My old laptop died on me so I can’t find what I was looking for to share with my sister – the .pdf of the book Cathy O’Brien (a whistle-blowing survivor of MK Ultra) had made available.
If anyone still has the link to the book, I’d so much appreciate it.
Take care of yourselves and your loved ones.
Max B
hi you can get it on Amazon.
if you haven’t a comp you can go to your local library.
screw Amazon, mate. here you go. you might need a VPN, but if so, Protonmail do a decent free one.
Ah Chris, what an absolute pity you have given up. I guess that’s what the powers that be hoped for. I can only wish you well for the future. Much love and admiration.
Chris, there are very few places like this now online, that I can find anyway, we need people like you mate, don’t give up, I don’t even know you but you’re good at what you do, chin up, sending motivational prayer.
Dear Chris. I can’t imagine that you could even guess at the number of people who you have “woken up” to the monsters that are controlling everything. You are the finest truther that I’ve ever come across (and I do a lot of research!). Sending you love and all best wishes and sincerely hope that one day soon, you feel able to carry on exposing the evil that is in the world xXx
I’ve spent quite a lot of time lately on Tik Tok and there’s loads of really good stuff on there about the illegal immigrant influx and how some people are finally waking up to what’s really going on in the world today (apart from all the shite media flooding us with tales of Lucy Letby!!!). I also wondered if anyone is going to Westmonster on Sunday to show their support for the servicemen and women who have arranged to camp outside the Houses of Paedophiles? I would dearly love to be part of this but my disabilities have taken over my life, so I can only offer words of support for the brave men and women who are taking the fight to the monsters, and spread the word on how the good people of this once great land have had enough and are prepared to fight back!!!
Love and good Karma to you All.
Chris, hope your health is improving?
Can we have an update please…
Hi Chris, this comment I hope, reaches you after several attempts!
I would love an update as to how you are and I am sure many others would too.
I am reading ‘Monsters in the Palace’ at this time and it’s a really interesting book x
hi Chris can we have an update on your health etc x
What an absolute pity this site has died : / all the very best everyone
I hope this site is not finished!
I’m sure Chris would let us know if it was.
I check daily to see if Chris has done an article and I’m disappointed when there isn’t anything.
where are all of the regulars?
let’s encourage Chris to start writing again…..
Chris hasn’t written anything for 9 months. He hasn’t said why other than he has lost enthusiasm- which is fair enough. However, I think he lost enthusiasm when the old site wasn’t sustainable anymore. This site started in 2020, count how many articles in 3 years. And what has happened in the last 3 years. It’s all very well people making comments, swearing as much as possible (personally, I find it unnecessary – an articulate person doesn’t need to swear every other sentence), but what we come here for is to hear what Chris has to say. Sadly, nothing as of the last 9 months – I think the site has died.
Checking in as per in the hope this website as the ONLY one worth looking at is still accessible – delighted it is even in its fragmented state – BEST info, well written, researched and right to the heart of the actual matter stuff by the maestro of the pen himself Chris. Sincerely hoping your health is on a positive turn Chris. Boudica💝 shout out (another ace writer here) read her stuff if you haven’t already!
There’s now such a tsunami of bullshittery it’s impossible to home in on a singular topic. Half baked half witted – jabbed 1/4 brained chemically altered goons, flood the entirety of the so-called truth movement in their droves. Could not give a flying fuck about Brand et al who ‘woke-up’ allegedly in the recent past. Cannot stand the woke-up faux stamp of credibility – oh fuck off, no you’re not. Well where were you when Chris was churning out 5 star articles NONE of you would dare be associated with far less READ! I draw your attention to a total prick masquerading as a truth seeker recounting some of his wakey wakey eureka moments..there’s lots unfortunately🙄Calls itself Richard Vobes with a LUCRATIVE $$$ spinning joojootube set-up. Spews out various gobshite monologues daily and has equally dead brained visitors to his channel spouting old and worn plagiarised information..Like most deceivers he has an appendage, in this case a female (liars always require their army of backups in order to engender and solidify their psychopathic delusions.) He nauseatingly refers to this woman as ‘The lovely Julia’ – that in itself ought to be ringing the what a total arsehole bells. This guy is a trained mime artist – he worked at the BBC at some point and had another channel called bald explorer or some such bollocks. His delivery of mild shilling is presented in a questioning pseudo comedic style – low rent doesn’t come close and he’s as unfunny as Michael McIntyre (considered the world’s funniest comedian..😏) There’s no real moral to my ramble other than this – we’re genuinely fucked😂! 1000’s upon 1000’s line up to support people like this Vobes cretin – sending him ‘blessings’🤧🤢money and ‘support’ by the bucket load. Often wondered why liars thrive on ‘support..’ – could be their basic inability to face the black mirror…So grateful I found this place many years ago and am sorry it may be tapering off but I have all your books Chris, I read and reference when I’m sitting here saying to myself for fucks sake is there NOONE saying a word worth a second listen – no there isn’t but if anyone knows of anyone I’m open to investigate. Enlightenment – xCx
Wow ClaireV, why dont you come out and say what you think. Ha ha.
Chris, total regards to you mate, my life has taken a huge downturn in the last twelve months so I can imagine what you have gone through. Bless you.
just checking in again. Hope you are OK Chris?
I doubt he is still alive. Some close friend or relative keeps up the ruse.
I didn’t even consider this – but you may be right. Please let us know, whoever approves the comments.
I do Jac x
Thank you Chris : ). You know, we all adore you – any chance we could hear from you more? X x x
Hey Chris, please return we are all concerned about your absence and great articles.
Are you missing in silence, the final stages in the construction of the new world order? The future:
Link with details (+links to even more interesting details about the essence of the concept <- chek them… if you want).
Hi everybody!
What do people think of this latest craziness starting up?
Thanks to Chris’ critical thinking and all his previous articles I am fortunately in the position to not instantly believe the stories as they are presented to us on the mainstream media.
Apparently Egypt warned Israel many times of an attack coming, which was ignored.
I don’t believe the hang-glider and motorcycle nonsense as I know how paranoid the Israelis are regarding security.
It all looks to have been contrived.. I’m certain the people of Gaza wouldn’t have agreed to sign their own death warrants and go along with the invasion.. Hamas was and is just like the rest of the terrapin organisations, set up by the powers that be.
James Corbett put out this today, it clearly shows it was all a big orchestrated lie for Bibi to wipe out Gaza… https://www.corbettreport.com/nwnw533/ It’s a shame this site has gone so quiet in these insane times. It could still be very interesting with all the madness going on. Pleased to see Chris alive and responding..
Hi y’all i quite agree with the last poster that the hamas lsraeli war is a contrived event organised by the usual suspects and funded by the evil Rothschild cabal and also the war between Russia and the Ukraine . The logical plan of the Russian military would have been to have had a blitzkrieg and with its vast population and weaponry would have been over fairly rapidly. It reminds me of the way that Hitler attacked Russia and did it on purpose to fail thus allowing his pal and fellow 33 degree freemason and Satanist Joseph Stalin to capture loads of countries. However in this war it seems as if the object is to make it last as long as possible so the bankers and the evil corporations can enrich their coffers while sacrificing the victims to their evil god with a smàll g. Due to people discussing R D Hall I don’t like to criticize people but I worked out a long time ago that he is a double agent, how and why? Because he was incredibly foolish to contact anyone personally over the manchester Ariana Grande concert as Chris also stated. I actually felt quite a mug when I believed he was one of the good guys and how could I have been so gullible to believe that anyone who was a former police intelligence officer would be allowed to have a conspiracy website ho ho ho and ditto the same goes for UK column and that other police intel officer Tony Farrel especially when I worked out that the Hollie Grieg fiasco was a psyop within a psyop of course these occultists think that no-one can see through their hidden in plain site garbage. I worked out that all of their names added up to eleven one of the illuminatis favourite numbers Hollie grieg=11 Melanie Shaw=11 I can’t remember one of the other blokes name but his added up to 11 as well and soon after I revealed all this they all died ho ho I wonder why ? Strangely I met a crazy old woman on a bus who told me she was a police informer who thought her neighbour was the man who murdered Melanie Hall guess how many letters yes 11 again she was found chopped up in 13 black bin bags when I heard that way back in the 90s I thought that most unlikely as the bin bags were there for 13 years yes that number again another fake MI5 psyop. I felt sorry for the old lady informer as her freemason neighbour and the local old bill made her life a misery for some time, mind you that’s what happens when you grass someone up for filthy lucre. Anyways I’ve been through the mill since the plannedemic and I had cancer which spread from my ear but I managed to get rid of it by rubbing 40% CBD oil into the two places it manifested and it went 2 weeks after.Ive been checking the site but only felt well enough recently to comment I wonder what’s happened to Barney I hope you are ok Barney I am sure you are missed , hope your health improves Chris and you come back fighting merry Christmas to you all Jimbo
Seeing as nobody else is posting on this site I thought I’d post a couple of humourous stories the first one concerns several books that an author called Robin Gardiner wrote where he theorised that the Titanic was swapped with the Olympic due to an insurance scam. As most of you probably know 3 of the Olympic class ships were built at the Harland &wolf shipyard, first the Olympic next the Titanic and lastly the Gigantic the latter ship was renamed the Britannic as a lesser grandiose name was thought better because of the sinking of the Titanic. The captain of the Olympic EJSmith was sailing the vessel towards the south heading to the Solent when HMS Hawke a Royal naval warship was coming up behind the Olympic according to the commander of the Hawke his ship was dragged towards the Olympics stern and as the Hawke had a battering ram on its bow crashed into the Olympic damaging it seriously enough to having to cancel the voyage to New York and the passengers had to go on separate white star line ships after being ferried back to Southampton. The Olympic was patched up and a special crew sailed it back to the Harland &wolf shipyard in Belfast. Captain EJ Smith claimed it wasn’t his fault but an inquiry found that as these new big ships were untested and that the accident was caused by captain EJ Smith failing to reverse his propellors and the suction caused the smaller Hawke to be sucked in and causing the accident. Anyways the author robin Gardiner made up the story that the white star line swapped the Titanic for the Olympic. Which is totally ridiculous and to illustrate how pathetic that theory was there was an old man who used to work at the Harland and Wolfe shipyard not in the Titanic era but later on when the yard was manufacturing oil rigs, his grandson came into his house and he said grandad I have bought a book which says that the Titanic was swapped with the Olympic for an insurance scam, his grandad was enjoying a few bottles of beer and he started to laugh hysterically the more his grandson spoke about the book his grandad begged him to stop he said oh stop!! Stop ha ha I haven’t had a good belly laugh since I was in school then he said look could you please tell me how 4 thousand Irishmen could keep a secret like that especially when they were pissed up on a Friday pay day ho ho well that’s my one funny story perhaps I will post the other one another day l8ers j
What is happening Chris? I’ve worried about you a few times over the years as you know and It’s always been fine but now I’m worrying again. Back in the day I had good reason to worry, you were destroying the mainstream narrative, got your windows and doors kicked in by the plod with a baby in the house. Dragged through the courts and gagged from ever again speaking the name of the “Percussion Boy”. I fully understand if you jack it all in, I mean where did it really get us in the end?
Just need to know. x
Just to back up the proof of my last post I think this will explain more of the true story of the Titanic. In the film we see the Titanic leave the dock in Southampton gracefully, well the truth is totally different, the ship was due to leave at noon, the. Steam whistle was blown at 10 minutes to 12 as a sign that there was only ten minutes before it left to allow any passengers or crew to get on board captain EJ Smith had all three engines running, the two outside propellors the right or starboard prop rotating clockwise and the left or port prop rotating left and in the middle a steam turbine turning much faster. The mooring lines were hauled away and the giant ship moved away from the shore, as it moved along it created a very large now wave or wash which was so powerful it caused a smaller ship called the new York to snap it’s steel hawsers and it was sucked towards the propellors at the stern, luckily a red funnel line tug boat came to the rescue and managed to get ropes onto the New York and averted the disaster. Captain Smith had to reverse the Titanic back into its original position as it had travelled a fair way down the dock the wash having disturbed a lot of moored vessels . This incident delayed the Titanic for an hour and it actually left at one o’clock. The red funnel line tugboats then towed the ship towards more open water where no other vessels were moored also the engines were halted until it got into the river Test and was towed to a safer spot. So you see how Captain Smith had made the same mistake as the time of the collision with HMS Hawke. Also he went to bed early at 9-30 pm and left the officers on the bridge in charge with the ship bowling along at 19 and a half knots after getting loads of radio reports of a large ice field ahead. Mind you as I said before these ships were massive and he was aged 62 and probably tired after a stressful day.
Anyways this is the true account of what happened .
this is interesting….
but this is the truth about him
Hi all, this is an old article but something to read.
link to above…
Chris. Many years since I visited your site.. Dogman, Fuck the State, etc, etc, all those old people no longer here. WTF is going on. I am still standing and fighting the filth. What happened to you? You were our champion. What happened? Did it prove too much for you? And please don’t go on about health because 3 years ago I had open heart surgery and I am still here defying these cunts. Yes, it takes balls matey. So how big are yours? So bolster up yer courage and get back into the frame matey. You started this off years ago. Now let’s carry on with it.
knob jockey.
I am afraid of losing this site, Chris had so many followers.
His health worries me so much, was he given something whilst in hosp?
I think people are afraid to visit this site as we are being spied on but if we all got together and supported Chris, maybe he would return.
come on people let’s get Chris back…..It’s are families future we need to focus on.
Yeah, I get spammed everytime I visit here…. Whatever did happen to Chris and Wolfie, Dogman….
Sad. Very sad times we live in. I pray everyone is still alive and kicking – till the bitter end.
Love from a very fucked up land Downunder xx
Hear Hear
I admire your spirit!
Here is a link to the substack of a lady named Miri Ann Finch who is a truther along the same vein as Chris if I’m not mistaken, and it is very refreshing to hear from someone else with a functioning brain!
Her latest article is about a familiar subject on Chris’ website – that of Maddeline McCann..
Thanks for the link. A valuable resource
I tried to leave this comment before but it disappeared. Just thanking everybody for keeping the site going. You all communicate a lot on great info
Give us a clue Chris, are you giving up? Are you even the one moderating the comments? Who was with me when I first met you and where was that?
Hi Rob… No I probably won’t give up but I have to return in my own time. Of course it is me moderating the comments and the first time we met, you had your grandson with you… I hope you had a good Christmas mate. x
I had a great Christmas thanks and I hope you did too. I’d had a few JD’s last night and got a bit gobby. Good to hear that you’re still alive and kicking. x
Hi Chris. So happy to read your post and that you are still fighting on. For you and everyone else out there who’re struggling with health issues, please take a few minutes to look up Barbara O’Neill (she has loads of stuff on Ticky Tok). She is a whiz on natural remedies and most of them are cheap as chips to take :).
Much love and best wishes to you All.
If he is genuine, let’s hope he does not get the same High Court judge as I did. On the other hand, Cliff Richard did very well by this judge.
Richard D. Hall will be appearing at a High Court hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL on Monday 29th January 2024, starting at 2pm, and time allowed is 2 hours and 30 minutes. The hearing will be heard in a court room, although which court room has not yet been decided.
The hearing is for a summary judgment application submitted by the Claimants – who claim they were injured in the Manchester Arena bomb attack. Their application to the court has been made in order to attempt to prevent all of Richard D. Hall’s evidence about the alleged bombing being heard at a future trial. The basis of this, is that they claim that his evidence would have no chance of success at a trial, because they claim that the truth about the Manchester Arena bombing was already established by a public inquiry. He will be opposing the application at the hearing, in order to get his evidence heard. It is expected a decision will be made by the judge at the end of the hearing. The main part of the claim is that the opinions expressed in Richard D. Hall’s book and films about the Manchester Arena incident amount to a harassment of them, and they are seeking damages of £50,000 and an injunction against his published work.
If anyone wants to attend, there are seats, but limited to a certain number, and they are allocated on a first come basis. Please dress well if you are coming to support, please do not speak in the court room and do not try to record the hearing.
Hi Karen, I imagine he will probably get his evidence thrown out, I’m certain he will. Next he will be convicted of harassment and will not be allowed to contact or mention his accusers under threat of a custodial sentence.
The Royals – ?
I invite comments: )
miss this page.
where can I find like minded people like Chris spivey.
he was very talented well is, need more like him. I keep checking for new posts but nothing new.
where has everyone gone?
Richard has uploaded a new video. It’s quite unbelievable what the corrupt state is doing here. RDH needs everyone’s support as this is the thin end of a diabolical wedge:
Hope you’re still alive and well mate (this will be pointless if not) Richard has had his evidence request rejected, no surprises there and I assume he will receive the same justice as your good self. Isn’t there an old Japanese proverb that says “The nail that stick out gets hammered down”. Ten years now since the Woolwich travesty of justice and its getting worse but people like you and Richard stick your necks out and get little thanks for it. In any case we are entering solar maximum in the next year or two and a massive CME in our direction will send us all back to the stone age.
Seems like Old Kate is a bit of novice when it comes to Photoshop. I did have to chuckle to myself.