February 22, 2025

Coming Very Soon

Hi all,

You will all no doubt be very pleased to learn that I am nearly finished writing a very long, very current, brand new major article.

And when I say ‘nearly finished‘ I mean sometime within the next week.

It would have been ready earlier but I have been devastated by the fact that I have unexpectedly had to have my beloved Benny put down… The header photo is of a very drugged up Ben who I spent the night cuddling in readiness for his final journey the following morning… And which, wouldn’t you know just happened to be, a year to the day that my old Mum died.

Indeed, I am feeling a bit lost without him as this is the first time in 23 years that I haven’t had at least one dog… He was a proper fucking good boy and a great companion, especially over the difficult past few years.

I miss him every day

But enough of that, thank you for your patience over the last couple of years and keep checking back for the new articles release.

Chris x